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Laythe Space Program: A different Outer Planets mission

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Hi all,

After doing a bunch of Laythe exploration missions in (mostly) stock KSP for Project Atlantis, I wanted to see how a Laythe-based save progression would go. But after years of Jool missions, I also wanted to give OPM a shot. This project is the result. The first chapter is a bit of worldbuilding as much as anything else. The save starts canonically 100 years after my previous save, with the first Laythe expedition having slowly paved its way to building a new KSC on Laythe. In the recent past a large solar event took out most of the tech on Kerbin (since Alien Space Programs only has one KSC), so all space missions are to be flown by our plucky crew on Laythe. They have developed some new spacecraft parts along the way though!

Laythe Space Program Chapter 1

Few notes about the save in general:
-I usually don’t play with very many mods (basically information mods and KIS/KAS) so this has been a very fun experience of throwing lots of mods at a save to do exactly what I want with the missions. Currently the world is based of Kopernicus, Alien Space programs, OPM, and OPM Tilt. KAS/KIS are a given, and most of Near Future and Station Expansion are added too. Thought about faster tech but it seems like Near Future is already pretty powerful for fast missions (read: burning delta vee not transit time) in the 1/10th scale stock system. I gotta try JNSQ or RSS after this save…
-No life support but I do try to make things scaled to give the kerbals space-the interplanetary ships in this save all have several very large crew modules.
-Some combination of Kopernicus mods working in conjunction that were not designed as such has left two notable bugs that show up: Craft in Laythe orbit tend to vanish so all ships will park in the Vall-Tylo intermediate space instead. In addition I love OPM Tilt for making Urlum even cooler but the texture rotation doesn’t seem to be working in 1.8.1 so the planet isn’t tilted-but the rings and moons are!
-First time using Near Future, so if anyone has pointers on tech I’m missing let me know!

Thanks for reading! Here are some photos from the first chapter.






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Chapter The Last is up!

This is basically just the crew's return from Urlum. It's been a fun ride exploring the Outer planets and generally running a space program with Laythe as the homeworld, but I'm off to Mesbin and Earth for now!


A few closing shots from the trip back, and a probe mission to Neidon:





Ahh, fresh salty air after 35 Kerbin years...


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