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[1.8.x-1.12.x]R-T-B's Kopernicus Unified "Bleeding Edge" Branch[REACTIVATED]


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  On 12/3/2020 at 4:29 AM, R-T-B said:

Hello, sorry for the delay.

Your links are giving me "File does not exist" errors.

Sorry, will need to figure that out first.




Thanks for following up. Really appreciate it. Yes, I have removed the files as I have solved the problem successfully with guidance. But now I am facing another problem with having the game loaded. I am thinking of going over to the technical problems section to ask for help.

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  On 12/4/2020 at 1:06 AM, cyberKerb said:

You too eh? I know enough to get the gist of the code and piece together bits knowing about dependencies and inheritance, but yeah - It's lot of change, load game, check result, refer to logs, then repeat ad-nauseum until either it gives up it's secrets and I understand what's going on, or I give up and find another method.


Found it! (the pol 'stalactite'), It was where I should of expected it to be based on the hierarchy in the Kittopia extracts... I just had to learn how to reference it.

It ended up being the 2nd mesh in this list of meshes. PQSLandControl.scatters

baseMesh.name = Cube
It has Vertices:246 Triangles:1260

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Since installing the last update, I have been noticing a small bug.

In the tracking station all of my satellites stay fully charged unless they slip into darkness and all works fine.

However, any vessel I choose to fly has the same problem. The solar panels are retracted and must be extended individually as their action group does not deploy them, but they do deploy the antennas that I generally group with them under action group one. (fresh vehicles that stay loaded for a full mission work fine on action groups, only loading from the tracking station seems affected)

There is a possibility this has existed for an update or two, as most of my missions the last three times I played involved following a single craft from launch to mission complete, and I only noticed this when I started to get KAC reminders that vessels approaching Eve and Duna were near their SOI changes. Since then I checked some of my earliest commsats and a couple of other ongoing long term science missions, all had retracted solar panels.  It does not seem to effect craft until I actually load them. So not critical, just annoying.

Mods folder Screenshot:




Final note: Thank you for all the work you and your team do for us! I bow before our croaking green skinned overlords!

[edit] As I'm a mod abuser (:cool:) I am also very aware it could be a mod conflict. They are all CKAN installations and all (supposedly) updated for the latest version with none on the incompatible list, not that that's a guarantee of compatibility!

Hail to the Green overlords.....

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I've been noticing something similar. I haven't looked into it too much yet nor do I have my log files atm (can get later) but I noticed my sat's all seemed to be staying at maximum charge and even checked one that was in the dark side of my planet to find its charge wasn't decreasing either. 

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  On 12/4/2020 at 10:06 PM, W2C said:

I've been noticing something similar. I haven't looked into it too much yet nor do I have my log files atm (can get later) but I noticed my sat's all seemed to be staying at maximum charge and even checked one that was in the dark side of my planet to find its charge wasn't decreasing either. 


I believe that is stock behavior, no?  Background processing doesn't take place on unloaded vessels unless they are loaded somehow, it just plays catchup later?

Can someone clarify, since I'm when I play, mostly a kerbalism player and thus not very knowledgeable here?

  On 12/4/2020 at 8:13 PM, pslytely psycho said:



Since installing the last update, I have been noticing a small bug.

In the tracking station all of my satellites stay fully charged unless they slip into darkness and all works fine.

However, any vessel I choose to fly has the same problem. The solar panels are retracted and must be extended individually as their action group does not deploy them, but they do deploy the antennas that I generally group with them under action group one. (fresh vehicles that stay loaded for a full mission work fine on action groups, only loading from the tracking station seems affected)

There is a possibility this has existed for an update or two, as most of my missions the last three times I played involved following a single craft from launch to mission complete, and I only noticed this when I started to get KAC reminders that vessels approaching Eve and Duna were near their SOI changes. Since then I checked some of my earliest commsats and a couple of other ongoing long term science missions, all had retracted solar panels.  It does not seem to effect craft until I actually load them. So not critical, just annoying.

Mods folder Screenshot:




Final note: Thank you for all the work you and your team do for us! I bow before our croaking green skinned overlords!

[edit] As I'm a mod abuser (:cool:) I am also very aware it could be a mod conflict. They are all CKAN installations and all (supposedly) updated for the latest version with none on the incompatible list, not that that's a guarantee of compatibility!

Hail to the Green overlords.....


This one could be a bug.  So you are saying action groups don't extend panels?  They must be manually deployed?  Interesting.  I will look into this as soon as comet work is done.



only loading from the tracking station seems affected)


That could be the origin.  I'm still unsure how background processing in KSP works, but it's always been a weird animal that doesn't really work like you think.  The mod Kerbalism aims to address some of those oddities (I play with it), but it has a lot of other baggage with it you may/may not like.

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Ah that could be. I'm still a pretty new player so not 100% certain. I remember from the previous bug that I was watching unloaded vessels charge decrease and just assumed that was supposed to happen except the bug prevented solar panels from collecting to offset it. Anyway, ignore me then but like the other poster said thanks for all your hard work! :D

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Actually I love Kerbalism. Especially the radiation bands  .Just waiting for the update. As I recall, it doesn't play nice with Remote Tech, and that will be resolved in the 4.0 update. I believe there is a workaround for background resources and I also use Near future electrical and the Kerbalism replacements for the reactors are Overpowered and don't include heat. I can live with that though, but not without RT.

I do wish there was a config file for it to disable the different modules, but I understand that is quite a tall order and may not be feasible at all.

Have a great weekend Frog Priest!



"This one could be a bug.  So you are saying action groups don't extend panels?  They must be manually deployed?  Interesting.  "

Yeah, but only on ships loaded from the tracking station, Solar panels seem to come disconnected from the action group they were assigned to, however antennas and other equipment still functions by action group. It is not a problem with a new vehicle that you stay with the entire mission, and I just realized I have not tried to reload any of my recent finished missions to see if the problem occurs with them or just my older saved vessels. I'll try that next time I play.


I use background processing, I do see variations in charge and connection status in the tracking station.  (Don't know now if I'm being helpful or rambling.....)

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You are being helpful, just wish I knew more about how stock background processing is supposed to behave...  heh.  Details never hurt.

On another subject, how is the heating behavior in the latest builds?  Does it seem sensible in build 50?  Anyone getting weird overheats they would like to report?

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  On 12/5/2020 at 9:00 AM, pslytely psycho said:

Actually I love Kerbalism. Especially the radiation bands  .Just waiting for the update. As I recall, it doesn't play nice with Remote Tech, and that will be resolved in the 4.0 update. I believe there is a workaround for background resources and I also use Near future electrical and the Kerbalism replacements for the reactors are Overpowered and don't include heat. I can live with that though, but not without RT.


So I have been playing with Kerbalism for over a year now... hard to go back from it... but given its own treatment of antennas.. what in remote tech are you missing? If you want signal delay there is a stand alone mod that induces delay based on distance... there is also a Kerbalism antenna calculator showing you the speed of data given different antenna and range.


Also there is a standalone radiation mod I've tried that is similar to Kerbalism radiation, but with more options if you don't play Kerbalism .  I just  like that Kerbalism is a full package of 'advanced mode' changes to the game in one mod.

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So I have been playing with Kerbalism for over a year now... hard to go back from it... but given its own treatment of antennas.. what in remote tech are you missing? If you want signal delay there is a stand alone mod that induces delay based on distance... there is also a Kerbalism antenna calculator showing you the speed of data given different antenna and range.



Wow, I don't recall, I do recall some antenna glitches, and lost a couple of craft but no specifics as it has been a couple of months. The lost craft prompted me to go to the forums in search of others with the same problem and then reading that Kerbalism had a conflict with RT.  At the time I recall I had a couple of other mods listed but they have been fixed over time, and I don't use the other few that remain incompatible.  However I've used RT literally for years , so it won over Kerbalism. RT is supposed to become compatible in version 4.0, so I patiently wait and check.

[EDIT] Yes, I love the way Kerbalism treats data downloads!



Also there is a standalone radiation mod I've tried that is similar to Kerbalism radiation, but with more options if you don't play Kerbalism .  I just  like that Kerbalism is a full package of 'advanced mode' changes to the game in one mod.



Thanks for the info, I may try that in the interim but yeah, Kerbalism replaces a great many mods in one comprehensive package. I just love the radiation visual in the tracking station and the deep gameplay mechanics that it adds to the game. I have used it since nearly it's release and miss it a lot. But RT is one of my oldest mods and I found Commnet (? or whatever the stock Scansat is called) far inferior to RT and Scansat. Looking forward to 4.0!


An off topic side note: I purchased the game in version 0.13 for $17 USD. An incredible bargain as between Steam and the time before it came on Steam I have well over 2000 hours! I bought it because I played the Demo at the time for over 100 hours. I have games I paid full price for that never achieved nearly 100 hours! And found the modding community here to be the best and smartest I ever dealt with.  A total package win! Ok except for the 2013 forum crash that wiped out my 7 month old account...:cool:



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My grammar sucks........
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Brushing the dust off this account to say I have noticed an issue during my playthrough, Loaded Kopernicus by it's self and still got the same issue.

It seems that when I approach the ground my GPU drops to an idle state. My core clock goes from my usual 2000 mhz clock to it's idle clock of 1600 mhz as well as my GPU load drops to 10-20%.

https://imgur.com/a/b4CqAaY - Screenshot of my perf overlay. You can see the low GPU clock and usage, the low power draw (Right of clock) and the limitation reason "No Load". You can also see my CPU is not a bottleneck and I have 32gb of ram so that is not the issue.

https://pastebin.com/c4unYGRC - This is the log from KSP, Though I went through and nothing jumped out at me.


I was going to do more research with ground scatter and textures etc. But I don't have that kind of time sorry.

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When I try to download the 1.10.1 edition it pops up with a virus threat from the windows antivirus, but if I download the mod maker edition or the 1.9.1 edition its fine anyone know why this might be

Edited by Moe_roNs
clarifications to previous edition
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  On 12/16/2020 at 4:32 AM, Moe_roNs said:

When I try to download the 1.10.1 edition it pops up with a virus threat from the windows antivirus, but if I download the mod maker edition or the 1.9.1 edition its fine anyone know why this might be


Same! Didn't have it before though, github may have been hacked...

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  On 12/16/2020 at 3:23 PM, Mangu said:

Same! Didn't have it before though, github may have been hacked...


This is indeed really weird.  Virustotal is claiming it has a  virus, but simply repacking the zip fixes it so there is suddenly no virus.  Maybe our file is somehow sharing a known hash with a virus? (in which case, wow, the odds on that are like... really really low).

EDIT:  It seems it's some kind of binary pattern matching Windows Defender does, and we just happened to make it.  Repackaging will fix in next release.  A similar case:


At any rate, it's not a virus.  Because it would confuse CKAN, I'm going to leave this alone until next release, which will happen sometime tonight/tomorrow.


About the next release.  We are NOT going to have 1.10.1 stable before 1.11's release (that's tonight sometime).  So that remains our top priority (chiefly, comets).  I will however make an extremely beta 1.11 release ASAP, but you should be advised it will be largely untested and may be in a far worse state than the normal bleeding edge state.  It is mainly for testing.  It is likely to remain that way until 1.10.1 is stable.

That concludes this update for now.  Will post again when the next release is out.


  On 12/16/2020 at 12:39 AM, Quontex said:

I was going to do more research with ground scatter and textures etc. But I don't have that kind of time sorry.


Issue is pretty well known.  Ground scatters are CPU bound right now.  Work has been done on them, but they are still really painful and I can only advise adjusting culling distance in Kopernicus_Config.cfg to a lower value if they are still slowing you down badly.

  On 12/15/2020 at 5:48 AM, Jorge Aerospace said:

Hey, I'm trying to get this to work with the Parralax mod. It keeps giving me the issue "was not able to load the planetery system due to and error in the loading screen". Is there any fix for this?


It may be windows removing what it thinks is a virus right now (false positive).  Try again at next release.  It won't be long.

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This is not the 1.11 beta release.  That may take a day or two.  But it does add French language, and fix the Windows Defender errors:

@R-T-B R-T-B released this 4 minutes ago

This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's mainline Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here.

This is release 51. It contains the following changes:

1.) Added French Localization (thanks @vinix38).

2.) A Windows Defender virus false positive for 1.10.1 version 50 has been fixed.

Known Bugs:

1.) None known right now, but given the beta state of this release, don't be afraid to report any you find! There probably are a few!

Please download the right output zip for your version. "191" zips are for 1.9.1, "1101" for 1.10.1, etc.

Thanks and as always, report bugs!



  On 12/17/2020 at 5:16 AM, TheJewelOfJool said:

Talking about 1.11, should the 1.10 version still work fine, or is that something we don't know yet?


It's version locked and built against a particular version by nature so no, it won't work out of the box.

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NOTE THAT THOUGH THIS LOADS AND SUPPORTS 1.11, the 1.11 build is a bug testing build!  Be careful with it as it may have rough edges!

@R-T-B R-T-B released this now

This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's mainline Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here.

This is release 52. It contains the following changes:

1.) KSP 1.11 support (alpha). Not on CKAN yet, need ModuleManager metadata to be ready first.

Known Bugs:

1.) None known right now, but given the beta state of this release, don't be afraid to report any you find! There probably are a few!

Please download the right output zip for your version. "191" zips are for 1.9.1, "1101" for 1.10.1, etc.

Thanks and as always, report bugs!


NOTE THAT THOUGH THIS LOADS AND SUPPORTS 1.11, the 1.11 build is a bug testing build!  Be careful with it as it may have rough edges!

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  On 12/17/2020 at 6:27 PM, R-T-B said:
NOTE THAT THOUGH THIS LOADS AND SUPPORTS 1.11, the 1.11 build is a bug testing build!  Be careful with it as it may have rough edges!

@R-T-B R-T-B released this now

This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's mainline Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here.

This is release 52. It contains the following changes:

1.) KSP 1.11 support (alpha). Not on CKAN yet, need ModularFlightIntegrator and CKAN to be ready first.

Known Bugs:

1.) None known right now, but given the beta state of this release, don't be afraid to report any you find! There probably are a few!

Please download the right output zip for your version. "191" zips are for 1.9.1, "1101" for 1.10.1, etc.

Thanks and as always, report bugs!


NOTE THAT THOUGH THIS LOADS AND SUPPORTS 1.11, the 1.11 build is a bug testing build!  Be careful with it as it may have rough edges!


My ksp still says incompatible mods detected (kopernicus) and the nyan cat is all over my screen. kerbin looks wierd too. help?

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  On 12/17/2020 at 8:02 PM, TheDicko said:

foolish me, downloaded the wrong one. 1.11 users, download the 111 release!


lol yeah, the naming can be a bit hard to tell.  _111_ is 1.11.

The main bug I am aware of right now is Orbit Lines not being fixed as Squad said they were (due to our old workarounds interfering).  A bugfix is already in the works.

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  On 12/17/2020 at 9:08 PM, BigFatStupidHead said:

That is a fast release. Thank you, R-T-B!


I've been prepping for it since before I even had access to the release.  Our build system is pretty flexible, and as far as mod-breaking releases go, for us 1.11 isn't too bad.

That's not to say there aren't bugs, but it doesn't look awful yet.

Also, we are up on CKAN now, but dependencies like ModuleManager aren't listed as compatible yet (though it does seem to work), so it may be a bit before it autoinstalls anything without manual help.

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Yet another small bugfix:

This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's mainline Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here.

This is release 54. It contains the following changes:

1.) KSP 1.11 specific fixes to sun flickering at extreme distances (intersellar range).

Known Bugs:

1.) None known right now, but given the beta state of this release, don't be afraid to report any you find! There probably are a few!

Please download the right output zip for your version. "191" zips are for 1.9.1, "111" for 1.11, 1101 for 1.10.1, etc.

Thanks and as always, report bugs!


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This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's mainline Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here.

This is release 55. It contains the following changes:

1.) General fixes to extreme distance range (interstellar) travel, mainly with heating. Keep in mind this is still under testing, especially in 1.11.

Known Bugs:

1.) None known right now, but given the beta state of this release, don't be afraid to report any you find! There probably are a few!

Please download the right output zip for your version. "191" zips are for 1.9.1, "111" for 1.11, 1101 for 1.10.1, etc.

Thanks and as always, report bugs!


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