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Is there a Mod to control EVA from an IVA camera


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Is there a mod that does something like this?

What I'm hoping to find is something that lets the player have the camera in an IVA view of a cockpit, and then switch to an EVA Kerbal, but not have the camera switch to the external view.

I swear I've seen a KSP YouTuber do something like this when they had a Kerbal walk past a cockpit window. However, I'm either not be remembering correctly or they setup that via the EVA follower mod. The end result I'm looking for would be controlling a Kerbal that you can see though the cockpit window that is actively controlled.

Mods I've checked already:
 - I'm aware of the "EVA Follower" mod, but that would be programming movement and the switching to EVA to watch. I'm looking for something that gives you active control.
 - "Kerbcam" doesn't like being in IVA camera
 - Haven't tried CameraTools as yet, but I've assumed that is for manipulating the cameras position of the active craft.


Edit - Thought of another way to ask the same question:
Is there a mod that 'locks' the camera in IVA and stays there even when EVAing the kerbal. (QuickIVA mod switches to IVA on launch, but doesn't keep it there for EVA.)


Edited by cyberKerb
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You could keep a spare kerbal on the inside to look out the window.

Another option would be to use hullcamVDS cameras clipped inside a pod.

Also jsi advanced transparent mods to make some mods show the iva while you are outside.  Doesn't work for everything though.


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Thanks for the suggestions. The transparent pods option is probably the closest, but the camera would be fixed on the  IVA prod and only good for static shots. As soon as  you moved the EVA Kerbal, the moving camera would cause you to lose the fixed perspective of looking from the IVA position.

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@linuxgurugamer adopted? a mod that had a tracking light, a spotlight that followed a targeted craft. 


I asked if there could be something similar added to hullcamVDS but it was out of scope for both mods I think.  I reckon it would be marvellous as it could follow your EVA kerbal around and may be the solution you are looking for?

In saying that, yes the IVA set camera will always be static.  I guess what you could do as well is MM patch the camera position as that it sits outside and away from the part.


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