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Satelites disappear from List

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Hello since 1.10 update and install mods that i wanted. I started to play. Now after 100 days in game.  i have Satelites (Relay and Probs) at lest my space station. is gone. In traking station and when i want to pick them whit KER target switcher.

The newest victim is my space station. And iam sure in traking station all diffrent typs are chossen to show up. And iam shure they dissapired, while in flight mode there orbits are missing to, all off my mun sat network. One Scan sat for kerbin and mun.

And at least my space station. so they are 3 time this happens now in this game. Does someone Know why, or whrere it comes from. I use many mods, never hade this problem whit them befor. My most suspect mods are Startegia and State Funding.

Most while they are not for 1.10, but in 1.7 i had the same.  when i installed them for 1.7 taht they wasent for this version whitout problems. Rest of game goes like it should.

beolw a picture of gamedata for my mods that i use.


Edited by Snoopy39
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  On 9/2/2020 at 9:01 AM, jimmymcgoochie said:

Strategic and State Funding don’t touch in-flight vessels don’t they’re not likely to be the cause. Are you sure all the mods you’re using are compatible with 1.10?


Hello thanx for your answer


Ok i was giong thrue my long list.  I have a liste of all mods down below. the one by ckan should all work whit 1.10.

sure they arent for 1.10 :

Too many orbits for 1.9.1

Tranfers Window Planer  for 1.7.3

Mechjeb for all  for 1.7.3

Universal storage II for 1.9.1

Kerbal allarm for 1.9.1

Full auto strat for 1.8.0

Usi Kolonisation mod  (MKS)  for 1.3.1   ( whit this i hade problems when i installed it. Some parts wasent loaded by game start.

So i deletet the parts who the game was hanging, in game load mode.  Since there no problems. And i hade used this mod in 1.7

game versin to whitout any problems. )   

First 2 pic mod liste ckan

3 pic mod liste hand installed by my





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  On 9/2/2020 at 12:01 PM, Snoopy39 said:

sure they arent for 1.10 :

Too many orbits for 1.9.1

Tranfers Window Planer  for 1.7.3

Mechjeb for all  for 1.7.3

Universal storage II for 1.9.1

Kerbal allarm for 1.9.1

Full auto strat for 1.8.0


It's going to be very hard to diagnose any problems with a modset with multiple versions.   Normalize that first, and see if the issue remains. 

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  On 9/2/2020 at 12:01 PM, Snoopy39 said:

Tranfers Window Planer
Mechjeb for all
Universal storage II
Kerbal allarm


I use these mods in 1.10.1 (in their latest CKAN versions, can't check at the moment) and have not noticed any problems.

A log file of a session where a craft goes missing might be useful.

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  On 9/3/2020 at 1:05 PM, HansAcker said:

I use these mods in 1.10.1 (in their latest CKAN versions, can't check at the moment) and have not noticed any problems.

A log file of a session where a craft goes missing might be useful.


Thank you for this answer. I tried to paly it whit Universal storage out. Now my spacestation dont disappear. insteed my new space station is in a solar orbit out far away from any planets.

I will look for the file you asked. hoppe i will found it.


Datei von filehorst.de laden

a picture of the lines i think are importend:


Edited by Snoopy39
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  On 9/4/2020 at 12:42 PM, Snoopy39 said:

Now my spacestation dont disappear. insteed my new space station is in a solar orbit out far away from any planets.


I had a look at the log with no clear results, I'm afraid. Did the satellites have stable orbits before they were lost? What's the vessel type of the craft that went messing? Did you (or KSP maybe) set it to "debris/Trümmer"? KSP automatically clears up those and there are several sats winking out in the log that could as well be debris cleanup:

[LOG 19:13:01.598] [F: 474612]: Vessel Minmus Recourcen Scan was on-rails at 16.0 kPa pressure and was destroyed.
[LOG 19:13:01.599] [F: 474612]: Vessel Minmus Geo Sat was on-rails at 16.0 kPa pressure and was destroyed.
[LOG 19:24:32.327] [F: 485115]: Vessel Kerbin Geo Polar Commsat was on-rails at 0.0 kPa pressure and was destroyed.

This is the odd one:

[WRN 19:31:00.490] [F: 491355]: Vessel Kerbin Geo Commsat 2 crashed through terrain on Kerbin.

Among the more usual chuff of mod exceptions, there are lots of "dt is NaN!" messages coming out of KER. That's not a good sign itself but I couldn't see a sure reason for it in the log.

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Hello sorry for the delay. Iam appriciate your effort.

To your questions:  First iam sure they was set as relay (or probes), so when, it was the game who set it to debis, second the tag "Geo" in name i set for geostationary. so iam sure they was in a satble orbit. at 2863.75 km  in orbit of kerbin.

The Minums Recource scan was around 100km obove of minmus. And i am sure it was a stable orbit to. As i said i have some 100 houres played Ksp. so i know waht iam doing. and if aim not sure about this i whould right it or go back in game and check it. about this one: Vessel Minmus Geo Sat was on-rails at 16.0 kPa pressure and was destroyed.  waht means on-rails?  and from where should come by minmus this pressure from?

Third: All may sat have the vesseltype: SCAN and scince mission probes, Communication sats Relays.  And the space station iam sure it was set as Station.

all this three typs i have satelites or station  they disappeard.

And the last waht means: "dt is NaN!"  from KER ? i will try gameing whitout it. but it will be hard. i really like the info in the hubs ker gives you.

again thx for the time you was spending

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  • 2 weeks later...

So again its me. I played a little whit some mods taken out. to see if the bug goes away. 

i took out Ker. Universal storage and Auto strats. And now it did happend again. To my new Geo minmus relay  whit 4 sats. 2 of them now dissapierd again.

so i was looking in the log again, Luckly i find out theres a exented, version in the menu you can chosse.

So i was k^looking on it and fund these:

[LOG 23:30:38.073] [Trajectories] Saving settings
[LOG 23:30:39.388] 9/21/2020 11:30:39 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Destroying the KerbalAlarmClock-KACFlight
[LOG 23:30:39.388] 9/21/2020 11:30:39 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,API Cleaned up
[LOG 23:30:39.388] KbApp.OnDestroy Planet Parameters
[LOG 23:30:39.389] 9/21/2020 11:30:39 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Destroying the TransferWindowPlanner (TWP)
[LOG 23:30:39.389] Winch remote controller destroyed
[LOG 23:30:39.389] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: OnVesselDestroy(4764699c-0a36-4459-b9d9-ea45f15e6eb9, Duna Science scanner)
[LOG 23:30:39.389] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: UnregisterProto(4764699c-0a36-4459-b9d9-ea45f15e6eb9)
[LOG 23:30:39.389] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: OnUnregister(VesselSatellite(Duna Science scanner, 4764699c-0a36-4459-b9d9-ea45f15e6eb9))
[LOG 23:30:39.389] [RemoteTech] NetworkManager: SatelliteUnregister(VesselSatellite(Duna Science scanner, 4764699c-0a36-4459-b9d9-ea45f15e6eb9))

[LOG 22:57:59.759] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: OnVesselDestroy(8ddcdfa3-e074-4bcc-a26b-a006b305d209, Raumstation)
[LOG 22:57:59.759] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: UnregisterProto(8ddcdfa3-e074-4bcc-a26b-a006b305d209)
[LOG 22:57:59.759] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: OnUnregister(VesselSatellite(Raumstation, 8ddcdfa3-e074-4bcc-a26b-a006b305d209))
[LOG 22:57:59.760] [RemoteTech] NetworkManager: SatelliteUnregister(VesselSatellite(Raumstation, 8ddcdfa3-e074-4bcc-a26b-a006b305d209))

[LOG 22:55:11.394] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: OnVesselDestroy(25ca913c-6cc9-4ba3-a0fa-b99bf550bcba, Mun Lander Sonde-Trümmer)
[LOG 22:55:11.394] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: UnregisterProto(25ca913c-6cc9-4ba3-a0fa-b99bf550bcba)
[LOG 22:55:11.395] GameEvent.VesselDestroyTrigger
[LOG 22:55:11.397] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: OnVesselDestroy(03eb7a32-730f-44e3-a8e0-06d8993a26ef, Mun Lander Sonde-Trümmer)
[LOG 22:55:11.397] [RemoteTech] SatelliteManager: UnregisterProto(03eb7a32-730f-44e3-a8e0-06d8993a26ef)
[LOG 22:55:11.398] GameEvent.VesselDestroyTrigger



So Can it be that Remote tech did it?

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  On 9/22/2020 at 11:40 AM, Snoopy39 said:

So Can it be that Remote tech did it?


I think these are just normal debug messages that appear on scene changes and the like and refer to the lifecycle of vessel objects in game memory.

To be honest, I have no real clue why your satellites drop out of orbit. It could be some mod interaction or an infection with the NaN Kraken. Maybe post a save file for download but I'm not sure if there would be some obvious clue in there.

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ok thanks. i know it will be a try and error thing to find the problem.

i startet a new game without remote tech mod.  i was thinking i have it and all is good.

but now it startet again.


The log say this:

[LOG 22:56:54.320] [OD] --> ScaledSpaceDemand.LoadTextures loading OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_normal.dds
[LOG 22:57:04.689] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_color.dds and OPM/OPM_Textures/PluginData/Eeloo_normal.dds
[LOG 22:59:29.112] [OrbitDriver]: On-Rails SOI Transition from Minmus to Sun.
 Transition UT Range: 2383234.277 - 2383234.297.
 Transition UT: 2383234.277. Iterations: 24.
[WRN 22:59:29.113] [F: 1345747]: Vessel Scanner Minmus crashed through terrain on Sun.
[LOG 22:59:29.116] [Vessel Scanner Minmus]: Vessel was destroyed.
[LOG 22:59:29.131] GameEvent.VesselDestroyTrigger


WRN 22:40:18.280] [F: 1278417]: Vessel Mun Commsat 1 crashed through terrain on Sun.
[LOG 22:40:18.284] [Vessel Mun Commsat 1]: Vessel was destroyed.
[LOG 22:40:18.290] [OrbitDriver]: On-Rails SOI Transition from Mun to Sun.
 Transition UT Range: 2382095.877 - 2382095.897.
 Transition UT: 2382095.897. Iterations: 24.
[WRN 22:40:18.291] [F: 1278417]: Vessel Mun Commsat 2 crashed through terrain on Sun.
[LOG 22:40:18.294] [Vessel Mun Commsat 2]: Vessel was destroyed.
[LOG 22:40:18.309] GameEvent.VesselDestroyTrigger
[LOG 22:40:18.314] GameEvent.VesselDestroyTrigger
[LOG 22:40:18.317] [CommNet Constellation] CommNetVessel cache - 9 entries deleted
[LOG 22:40:18.317] [CommNet Constellation] CommNetVessel cache - 7 entries added
[LOG 22:41:50.549] [OrbitDriver]: On-Rails SOI Transition from Kerbin to Sun.
 Transition UT Range: 2382186.997 - 2382187.017.
 Transition UT: 2382186.997. Iterations: 24.
[LOG 22:41:51.567] [OrbitDriver]: On-Rails SOI Transition from Sun to Kerbin.
 Transition UT Range: 2382188.017 - 2382188.037.
 Transition UT: 2382188.037. Iterations: 24.


How in the hell comes my Mun and minmus satellites in a sun orbit to crash?  And waht is the [OrbitDriver] come from (Mod) 

or do in the game?

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Hell guys i have good news i think i have fund the problem.

I was the outer planet mod pack. But i guess it was one of the depencies, that i dont installed right or the wrong version of it.

So  until now all is fine and my sat stay where they are.  So i have to wait until the mod pack will be updatet. to play whit the outer planets. But i seems a fair price.

Many thanks for your support and the help.

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