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Can't Look Behind Me in IVA?

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quick q: i'm trying to fly IVA but ran into an exceedingly annoying issue, I can't look behind me in IVA. In fact I'm only able to look left and right about 90 degrees (180 degrees total). 

Anyone else run into this? These kerbal need to learn how to turn their shoulders.

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This isn't a bug. In the stock game you cant turn to look behind you. If you want to look behind you to fly IVA only put 2 mk1 inline cockpits in front of each other facing different directions and offset them into each other and put a kerbal in each and switch in between the 2 IVAs with the V key and you can have a full 360 degrees of vision.

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1 hour ago, Delta dart said:

This isn't a bug. In the stock game you cant turn to look behind you. If you want to look behind you to fly IVA only put 2 mk1 inline cockpits in front of each other facing different directions and offset them into each other and put a kerbal in each and switch in between the 2 IVAs with the V key and you can have a full 360 degrees of vision.

that is quite the workaround. however the added weight and, to be honest, aesthetic unappeal disqualifies that most of the time for me.

i've never noticed that being unable to loo around IVA is a "feature". I have several IVA enhancement mods that allow full missions from IVA by using RPM addon, and there are some buttons and screens on your periphery that you can't get to. it's quite annoying.

Does anyone know of a mod that fixes this problem?


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13 minutes ago, dresoccer4 said:

Does anyone know of a mod that fixes this problem?

Actually, you *might* be able to fix this with some simple config edits.

You can try a couple things. Copied from the ASET ALCOR IVA (I KNOW you can look behind you in that IVA), you can add this to whatever IVA config, and adjust the fov number:

		name = JSISetInternalCameraFOV
		fov = 50

Also, theres another thing to try.

		name = InternalSeat
		seatTransformName = Seat1
		allowCrewHelmet = false
		hideKerbal = head
		maxRot = 130
		minPitch = -80

Just add the last two lines (or three, if you want to hide the inside of your own head :P ), to whatever InternalSeat modules there are in your IVA, and tweak those values to your liking.
the InternalSeat is a stock module, so hopefully the edit will work with ANY IVA...

Please tag me if you reply, so I know if I'm giving bad info or not. :P

Edited by Stone Blue
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On 10/19/2020 at 11:06 PM, Stone Blue said:

Actually, you *might* be able to fix this with some simple config edits.

If you‘re doing something like a community challenge, this might be considered as cheating.

Edit: Sorry, I failed to read the other post properly

Edited by s_gamer101
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10 hours ago, s_gamer101 said:

If you‘re doing something like a community challenge, this might be considered as cheating.

Edit: Sorry, I failed to read the other post properly

Maybe it goes without saying but is still a valid point.  For 'regular' KSP is up to each player to decide how to enjoy the game,  challenges on the other hand have rules that everyone need to follow.  

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On 10/19/2020 at 2:54 PM, dresoccer4 said:

I have several IVA enhancement mods that allow full missions from IVA by using RPM addon, and there are some buttons and screens on your periphery that you can't get to. it's quite annoying.

So a mod installs buttons in the cockpit in places that's impossible to reach, and that's KSP's fault...

Have you tried the config workaround?

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2 minutes ago, Corona688 said:

So a mod installs buttons in the cockpit in places that's impossible to reach, and that's KSP's fault...

There is enough blame for sharing:

KSP fault those corners that exist in stock game are inaccessible.

Mod fault to not check  if the buttons would fall into one of those corners.


..let me got out here before someone figure out what was my fault. 

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1 minute ago, Corona688 said:

So no, you did not try the config mod.

Could you try the config mod?


Well, I could try the config, however I'm not the one experiencing the issue. :wink:

But I assume the OP did, and it worked for him (since he didn't reply after the option was presented)

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On 10/19/2020 at 5:06 PM, Stone Blue said:

Actually, you *might* be able to fix this with some simple config edits.

You can try a couple things. Copied from the ASET ALCOR IVA (I KNOW you can look behind you in that IVA), you can add this to whatever IVA config, and adjust the fov number:

		name = JSISetInternalCameraFOV
		fov = 50

Also, theres another thing to try.

		name = InternalSeat
		seatTransformName = Seat1
		allowCrewHelmet = false
		hideKerbal = head
		maxRot = 130
		minPitch = -80

Just add the last two lines (or three, if you want to hide the inside of your own head :P ), to whatever InternalSeat modules there are in your IVA, and tweak those values to your liking.
the InternalSeat is a stock module, so hopefully the edit will work with ANY IVA...

Please tag me if you reply, so I know if I'm giving bad info or not. :P

OK, so I'm not very familiar with cfg but I tried to follow along.  

For example I added a cool IVA with ASET props for the Mk1 Lander Can located at \GameData\ASET\Mk1_Lander_Can_IVA_Replacement_by_ASET and there are two cfg files called internal.cfg and LanderCabinSmall_ASETinternal-patch.cfg.


In the internal.cfg I added:

    name = LanderCabinSmall_ASETinternal
        name = JSISetInternalCameraFOV
        fov = 120




I loaded it up but didn't seem to have an effect. I'm confused which cfg is the correct one and where to add the code...?

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@dresoccer4 so i spent wayy too much time playing with this today, but here's a solution...mostly...

So as an example, in the ASET MK1 Landercan IVA... (**NOTE: These two part modules require Raster Prop Monitor to be installed)

you want the internal.cfg file. Its the one with INTERNAL { (usually) at the very top. You can use that pretty much to determine the proper cfg to edit for any IVA.

Here's what you want to copy/paste into the file:

		name = InternalCameraTargetHelper
		name = JSISetInternalCameraFOV
		fov = 60
		name = InternalSeat
		seatTransformName = pilot
		portraitCameraName = camera_pilot
		hideKerbal = head
		maxRot = 120
		minPitch = -90

You want to add it in  between the model = and  the InternalCameraSwitch modules (DONT CHANGE THOSE, just wahst in between : (just copy over the InternalSeat module, as I've included those same lines, just to mae the copy/paste easier)

	name = LanderCabinSmall_ASETinternal
	allowCrewHelmet = false
		model = Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/model
		name = InternalCameraTargetHelper
		name = JSISetInternalCameraFOV
		fov = 60
		name = InternalSeat
		seatTransformName = pilot
		portraitCameraName = camera_pilot
		hideKerbal = head
		maxRot = 120
		minPitch = -90
		name = InternalCameraSwitch
		colliderTransformName = collider_window_upper
		cameraTransformName = transform_window_upper

you can change the fov, maxRot, minPitch, hideKerbal, and allowCrewHelmet to your tastes.

Now, why i say this *mostly* works, is because, for some reason, the allowCrewHelmet = false line is not woring for me... ie the helmet is ALWAYS on... it worked *once*, the very first time I started up with the new edit... then any game restart after, it never worked for me... vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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  • 4 years later...

I just figured out why these config changes were not working for me, so maybe it will be the same reason for anyone reading this.

Having MAS installed was making the JSISetInternalCameraFOV and InternalCameraTargetHelper modules non-functional for my DE_IVA Extension IVAs.

Uninstalling MAS fixed the problem, as I didn't need it anyway. If you are using something that requires MAS, then I don't think this config change will work.

Hope this helps someone.


p.s. There's an open issue on the MAS Github to add support for the mentioned classes above: https://github.com/MOARdV/AvionicsSystems/issues/353

Hopefully that gets added at some point


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