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[1.12.x] Space Dust - Atmospheric and Exospheric Harvesting (30/08/2024)


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I am somewhat confused by the readouts on the Spectral Telescope.

I've done a pass of the Mun with some local (300-500km scanners) and found nothing, but when pointed at the Mun the Spectral Telescope shows this:


Can you explain how this should be interpreted please?

EDIT: I see, that's a discovery rate, not a resource composition / percentage. I should really spend more time reading back a few pages before I ask questions...

Edited by Kielm
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On 1/28/2021 at 2:05 PM, Nertea said:

There are a lot of errors in your log but nothing really related to Space Dust.

What are you aiming at? From where? This functionality seems to work fine on my end. 


On 1/28/2021 at 3:26 PM, Krakatoa said:

For what it's worth, in the screen shots you sent, you didn't have any bodies targeted. If you did, you would be able to hit the target button on your SAS and it wouldn't be greyed out.

nvm it worked :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I have a bit of a technical question... I totally understand if you don't have time to answer, I get it that support for this kind of odd things isn't and shouldn't be a priority.

Basically is it possible to write config files for various planet packs? 

I went back to GPP recently and I'm having a blast. I was trying to look for antimatter around the home world, Gael. I was thinking, the included config file should at least work for Gael because as far as the game is concerned it is actually named Kerbin (and every config file bundled with GPP, like CRP resource defs, scatterer configs etc, uses the name Kerbin).

However, I tried mounting a gamma ray detector on a test probe in a test sandbox save, and when I cheat myself into orbit at 600 000m, well, nothing, 0u/m3. I must say, I'm not entirely sure that this is not normal, and if the detector is supposed to read that value just disregard all the rest.

(Btw, when I look at the comments in the Space Dust config file it says altitudes are in km from sea level. I'm assuming you actually meant meters and not kilometers because Kerbin's SOI is actually smaller than 600 000 km, and 600 000km sounds absurdly high for a van allen belt analog.)

What seems kind of weird though, is that I found this in my save file 


        name = SpaceDustScenario
        scene = 5, 7, 8, 6
            resourceName = Antimatter
            bodyName = Kerbin
            bandName = kerbRing
            discovered = True
            identified = False
            discoveryPercent = 100
            identifyPercent = 0
            resourceName = ArgonGas
            bodyName = Kerbin
            bandName = kerbinAtmo
            discovered = True
            identified = True
            discoveryPercent = 100
            identifyPercent = 100

So does that mean that the configs for kerbin are loading successfully? 

In the off chance that it would work, I copy-pasted the config for Kerbin in a separate .cfg file, changed the Body value to Gael changed the name and title for both bands, and restarted the game. Unsurprisingly, It doesn't seem to work, I'm still finding 0u/m3 with my gamma ray probe. I left it there for quite a while and it doesn't seem to change at all.

As I said, I totally get it if you don't have time for this but any clue on how to get it working would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by lBoBl
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15 hours ago, lBoBl said:

Basically is it possible to write config files for various planet packs? 

It's definitely possible, and has been done for OPM and JNSQ but not (to my knowledge) GPP, yet. Check out SpaceDustBunnies for those examples.

Unfortunately the example that you offer is kind of an unusual case...  I believe the homeworld in GPP is still referred to internally as "Kerbin" but displayed as Gael (I think this is due to engine limitations). I'm not familiar enough with GPP to know what, if any, issues this may cause in mods expecting a stock installation, as SpaceDust does. 

At game start the homeworld is supposed to look like this image from the release album. (Spoiler alert: the "?" resource pictured at high altitude there is the discovered-but-unidentified antimatter in the Van Allen belt.) If it doesn't, then there's not native compatibility with GPP for the homeworld. And since GPP uses different bodies with different names from stock for the rest of the system, you'd definitely need custom configs for those as well.

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OK so I found the problem and got it working but the situation is still far from ideal at this point.

Looking at my KSP.log I found this :


[ERR 17:54:35.365] [SpaceDust][SpaceDust] Critical error loading SpaceDustResource from configNode SPACEDUST_RESOURCE
    resourceName = LqdDeuterium
    body = Jool

I thought, well, maybe this critical error on one resource prevents all other resources from loading correctly.

And sure enough, when I delete the configs for all bodies that are not present in GPP (basically all except Kerbin), it works and I see the appropriate resources around Gael/Kerbin.

But of course, deleting stuff straight from the SpaceDust folder is dirty and poses a couple of problems. Namely, if I ever update SpaceDust my changes will get overwritten and I also can't share my patches with the GPP community in a clean and easy to use manner.

So I tried using an external MM patch with this 




This doesn't seem to do the trick though. I'm no ModuleManager expert, I don't know if deleting an entire config node like that is possible but if it is I must have got the syntax wrong. Looking at the MM patch logs, it looks like it doesn't even register at all.

So for the moment I'm back to editing the config files inside the SpaceDust folder manually but I'd greatly appreciate if someone can point me towards a way of doing is more cleanly.

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10 minutes ago, lBoBl said:


  Hide contents




Try adding curly brackets at the end of each line:


Once you get that working, you can start writing configs for GPP's other bodies as desired. I'd recommend ensuring compatibility with SpaceDustBunnies as well, since that adds more resources to more planets/scanners/harvesters.

Edited by PocketBrotector
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12 minutes ago, PocketBrotector said:

Try adding curly brackets at the end of each line:


Once you get that working, you can start writing configs for GPP's other bodies as desired. I'd recommend ensuring compatibility with SpaceDustBunnies as well, since that adds more resources to more planets/scanners/harvesters.

It worked thank you so much!

Proceeding to write new config files for GPP :) (And yeah I'm going to add SpaceDustBunnies resources too!)

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Got several NullReferenceExceptions in the KSP.log related to this mod (first time as far as I know). Haven't tampered with the install or anything, no idea what can be causing this:


[LOG 23:56:45.552] [SpaceDust][ToolbarUI] Changed focus to Mun
[LOG 23:56:45.552] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay] Changed focus to Mun
[LOG 23:56:45.552] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay]: Removing body fields
[LOG 23:56:45.552] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 23:56:45.552] [SpaceDust][ToolbarUI] Changed focus to Kerbin
[ERR 23:56:45.554] Exception handling event OnMapFocusChange in class ToolbarUI:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at SpaceDust.ToolbarUI.RefreshResources (CelestialBody body) [0x00074] in <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0 
  at SpaceDust.ToolbarUI.OnMapFocusChange (MapObject mapObject) [0x00041] in <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0 
  at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0 

[EXC 23:56:45.724] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    SpaceDust.ToolbarUI.RefreshResources (CelestialBody body) (at <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0)
    SpaceDust.ToolbarUI.OnMapFocusChange (MapObject mapObject) (at <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0)
    EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

[LOG 23:56:45.724] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay] Changed focus to Kerbin


[LOG 00:48:20.438] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Duna
[LOG 00:48:20.439] [SpaceDust][ToolbarUI] Changed focus to Duna
[LOG 00:48:20.440] [SpaceDust][ToolbarPanel]: Adding a new resource element for ArgonGas
[ERR 00:48:20.440] Exception handling event OnMapFocusChange in class ToolbarUI:System.NullReferenceException
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject(UnityEngine.Component)
  at SpaceDust.ToolbarPanel.AddResourceEntry (CelestialBody body, System.String resourceName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] bands, System.Boolean shown) [0x00017] in <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0 
  at SpaceDust.ToolbarUI.RefreshResources (CelestialBody body) [0x00074] in <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0 
  at SpaceDust.ToolbarUI.OnMapFocusChange (MapObject mapObject) [0x00041] in <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0 
  at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0 

[EXC 00:48:20.441] NullReferenceException
    SpaceDust.ToolbarPanel.AddResourceEntry (CelestialBody body, System.String resourceName, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] bands, System.Boolean shown) (at <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0)
    SpaceDust.ToolbarUI.RefreshResources (CelestialBody body) (at <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0)
    SpaceDust.ToolbarUI.OnMapFocusChange (MapObject mapObject) (at <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0)
    EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

KSP 1.11.1, latest version of SpaceDust, Windows 10. Kopernicus and OPM present on this install, don't think that's related though

Here's the .log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g8Q1Qz31ZVFxLmdrPtYcT0feXlJdr6cR/view?usp=sharing

Edited by Apelsin
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Reporting very similar problem to @Apelsin, on a heavily modded install with stuff like GU, OPM, SpaceDustBunnies, EVE, scatterer, tons of part mods... a big heap of mods, some causing other exceptions too (althougb not a huge number... I think...):


[LOG 15:38:39.356] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Mun
[WRN 15:38:39.371] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience
[WRN 15:38:39.371] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience
[WRN 15:38:39.371] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience
[WRN 15:38:39.371] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience
[WRN 15:38:39.371] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience
[WRN 15:38:39.371] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience
[WRN 15:38:39.375] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience
[WRN 15:38:39.375] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience
[WRN 15:38:39.375] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience
[LOG 15:38:39.382] [2/18/2021 3:38:39 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Surface Sample
[LOG 15:38:39.505] [2/18/2021 3:38:39 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - EVA Report
[LOG 15:38:39.702] [2/18/2021 3:38:39 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - EVA Science Experiment
[LOG 15:38:39.774] [2/18/2021 3:38:39 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Crew Report
[LOG 15:38:40.061] [2/18/2021 3:38:40 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Atmosphere Analysis
[LOG 15:38:40.232] [2/18/2021 3:38:40 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Seismic Scan
[LOG 15:38:40.321] [2/18/2021 3:38:40 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Atmospheric Pressure Scan
[LOG 15:38:40.499] [2/18/2021 3:38:40 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Gravity Scan
[LOG 15:38:40.813] [2/18/2021 3:38:40 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Temperature Scan
[LOG 15:38:41.027] [2/18/2021 3:38:41 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Particle Detector Measurement
[LOG 15:38:41.188] [2/18/2021 3:38:41 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Biome Research
[LOG 15:38:41.301] [2/18/2021 3:38:41 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Materials Study
[LOG 15:38:41.463] [2/18/2021 3:38:41 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Plant Growth Study
[LOG 15:38:41.577] [2/18/2021 3:38:41 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Plant Growth Experiment
[LOG 15:38:41.626] [2/18/2021 3:38:41 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Mystery Goo™ Observation
[LOG 15:38:41.804] [2/18/2021 3:38:41 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Infrared Telescope
[LOG 15:38:41.819] [2/18/2021 3:38:41 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Slot available for an experiment
[LOG 15:38:41.948] [2/18/2021 3:38:41 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Magnetometer Report
[LOG 15:38:41.978] [2/18/2021 3:38:41 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Visual Observation
[LOG 15:38:42.125] [2/18/2021 3:38:42 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceContext) - Aquatic Species Observation
[LOG 15:38:42.178] [SpaceDust][ToolbarUI] Changed focus to Mun
[ERR 15:38:42.179] Exception handling event OnMapFocusChange in class ToolbarUI:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at SpaceDust.ToolbarUI.RefreshResources (CelestialBody body) [0x00074] in <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0
  at SpaceDust.ToolbarUI.OnMapFocusChange (MapObject mapObject) [0x00041] in <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0
  at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0

[EXC 15:38:42.180] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    SpaceDust.ToolbarUI.RefreshResources (CelestialBody body) (at <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0)
    SpaceDust.ToolbarUI.OnMapFocusChange (MapObject mapObject) (at <615ba7278d0f49be9d8fc70ec6d1b287>:0)
    EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
[LOG 15:38:42.180] [SpaceDust][MapOverlay] Changed focus to Mun

Log is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fhgmw6npi7omlpu/KSPLog_SpaceDust2020-02-18.log?dl=0

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Been trying to track down a mysterious problem with decoupling (separating one craft from another w/ decoupler or separator doesn't really 'separate' them; switching in flight using [ or ] to the newly-decoupled craft causes phantom forces in both, and accelerating the 'mothership' craft also accelerates the decoupled craft which remains frozen in space, moving along relative to the mothership).

Only seems to happen with some subassemblies, sometimes, maybe if the subassemblies have the same name as a craft... I don't know, it's all very mysterious. Sometimes reverting to the editor (after a flight) reverts to a subassembly rather than the whole craft too. Ugh.

Anyway, I have no idea what's causing that (KJR? but it doesn't do it all the time on all installations of KSP...?), but I did notice some exceptions from SpaceDust again in the log. The two things are almost certainly unrelated, but posting the log here just in case if helps track down whatever is causing the SpaceDust exceptions:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, @Nertea .
Big fan of your mods.
I just started testing Far Future Tech mod in my career game, and noticed that SpaceDust lacks russian localization yet.
So, here it is: https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/SpaceDust/pull/39

Quick question: while telescope is scanning a distant world, it shows some data rate in "Mit/s" format. What does that mean? Does probe with telescope should have antenna to transmit data back to KSC in order to actually discover resource bands?
I also noticed, that message #LOC_SpaceDust_ModuleSpaceDustTelescope_Field_Instrument_Progress from localization files ("Surveying: <<1>>%") is not used in SpaceDust code (yet?).

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