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[1.12.x] Space Dust - Atmospheric and Exospheric Harvesting (9/10/2024)


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Release 0.5.0

  • Updated bundled MM to latest version
  • UI now generally displays in t/m3 and t/s. This is to facilitiate comparisons between resources
  • Improved the Resource Overlay
    • When a Resource is toggled on, mousing over a distribution in the map view will show a tooltip that describes the resource
    • Resources that are identified will show a max concentration, unidentified will show unknown
  • Improved the Toolbar panel
    • Discovered bands are now always shown even if the overlay for that Resource is not enabled
    • Icon for bands that show if they're Exoatmospheric or Atmospheric
    • General improvements to scaling, pinning and lists
    • Behaves better with UI scaling
  • Fixed a null reference that broke the UI when focused on something that wasn't a CB or a vessel (e.g a maneuver node)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi i am new to forum, made a account so i could post a issue with Space Dust mod

Something broke argon gas capture in the last 3 updates, 0.4.4 version argon gas extraction was still working.

Now when you try to capture argon gas using any kind of atmospheric extractor including both that come with space dust mod, it dose not get any argon gas captured what so ever now , even tho when u go to the tracking station and check the space dust GUI it clearly shows argon gas present in atmosphere, same problem on duna as well.

If u could look into this issue please that would be awesome thanks.

Correction , sorry it turns out the Atmospheric particle scoops from Umbra Space Industries and the PK-ATMO 'hoover' Atmospheric ramscoop dose capture argon still but the Sift-O-Tron 125 and 250 do not capture argon gas any longer when they once did before in ver 0.4.4 any idea what happened ?

Edited by General G
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On 8/25/2024 at 7:19 PM, General G said:

Hi i am new to forum, made a account so i could post a issue with Space Dust mod

Something broke argon gas capture in the last 3 updates, 0.4.4 version argon gas extraction was still working.

Now when you try to capture argon gas using any kind of atmospheric extractor including both that come with space dust mod, it dose not get any argon gas captured what so ever now , even tho when u go to the tracking station and check the space dust GUI it clearly shows argon gas present in atmosphere, same problem on duna as well.

If u could look into this issue please that would be awesome thanks.

Correction , sorry it turns out the Atmospheric particle scoops from Umbra Space Industries and the PK-ATMO 'hoover' Atmospheric ramscoop dose capture argon still but the Sift-O-Tron 125 and 250 do not capture argon gas any longer when they once did before in ver 0.4.4 any idea what happened ?

No idea, but some logs and an issue on git would help the investigation. 

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2 hours ago, General G said:

How do i obtain logs to send ? , sry i have never done bug tracking before.

During/after every play session, the game saves a file called KSP.log to the main directory (where GameData, Saves, Screenshots, and all the other main ones are). Play the game, encounter the bug, and then save that KSP.log file when you're done. The file's pretty big, so you shouldn't try to paste the whole text; you'll have to upload it to Google Drive to post it here, or use the "Attach files" option when submitting it to Github.

Edited by arbsoup
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Release 0.5.3

  • Fixed verbose logging being on by default
  • Hid more various debug messages behind logging flags to
  • Fixed an issue with the Argon patch for the built-in harvesters that would cause harvesting to not work in low but valid concentration environments
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  • 1 month later...

(I need to get this out before the FFT update but you won't see all the benefits until I get that out)

SpaceDust 0.5.4

  • Rebalanced Antimatter distributions
    • Generally things collect much faster everywhere
    • Lower Kerbin band should now net a gram of antimatter in about 2y of scoping
    • Upper Kerbin band is much more variable per save seed, you may get very lucky!
    • Low Jool band is the best place to scoop things
    • Add a Laythe shell which has high variability but good potentials
  • Rebalanced Exo Hydrogen distributions
    • Rates generally increased
    • Added a low Jool orbit band up to 600 km above the atmosphere with good scooping potential
  • Fixed most Antimatter bands being defined as Atmosphere for the UI
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  • 1 month later...
On 10/12/2024 at 3:43 AM, Neebel said:

This mod and its parts won't do anything by default if I use it alongside the Beyond Home planet pack, right? (Other than looking good :)

Unless someone has specifically written support, probably not.

Space Dust 0.5.5

  • Fixed an issue where multiple SPACEDUST_RESOURCE entries with the same body and resource overwrote previous entries rather than concatenating them
  • Added the missing debug switches to the config file



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  • 3 weeks later...
12.10.2024 в 18:43 Нибель сказал:

Этот мод и его части по умолчанию ничего не сделают, если я использую его вместе с пакетом планет Beyond Home, верно? (Кроме того, что хорошо выглядит:)

Та же проблема в RSS

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I had a new set of errors pop up in my KSP log yesterday which looks like they're coming from Spacedust. I have not added or modified any Spacedust configs recently, but I did move a probe with a gas scanner on it to a new body.  The move was from a moon of Kerbin added by the Outer Kerbin mod called Phybi to it's moon, Iszmi (from a moon of Kerbin to that moon's moon). The scanner appeared to be working correctly. I don't think I checked the overlays at the time.

At the moment I'm just looking for advice on whether this is something I need to trouble shoot with the Spacedust config for the body or if this is an internal error I should put in an issue report for.


[ERR 12:42:41.291] Exception handling event OnMapFocusChange in class MapOverlay:System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
  at SpaceDust.FieldCollision.CreateCollision (SpaceDust.ResourceBand band, UnityEngine.Transform parent) [0x0007e] in <4258eaadb1df4e0b910cd13847f31a48>:0 
  at SpaceDust.ParticleField.CreateField (SpaceDust.ResourceBand band, System.String resourceName, System.Boolean discovered, System.Boolean identified, UnityEngine.Vector3 scaledSpacePosition) [0x000a5] in <4258eaadb1df4e0b910cd13847f31a48>:0 
  at SpaceDust.MapOverlay.GenerateBodyField (System.String resourceName, CelestialBody body) [0x00184] in <4258eaadb1df4e0b910cd13847f31a48>:0 
  at SpaceDust.MapOverlay.RegenerateBodyFields (CelestialBody targetObject) [0x0002e] in <4258eaadb1df4e0b910cd13847f31a48>:0 
  at SpaceDust.MapOverlay.OnMapFocusChange (MapObject mapObject) [0x0004a] in <4258eaadb1df4e0b910cd13847f31a48>:0 
  at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0 

[EXC 12:42:41.291] InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
	SpaceDust.FieldCollision.CreateCollision (SpaceDust.ResourceBand band, UnityEngine.Transform parent) (at <4258eaadb1df4e0b910cd13847f31a48>:0)
	SpaceDust.ParticleField.CreateField (SpaceDust.ResourceBand band, System.String resourceName, System.Boolean discovered, System.Boolean identified, UnityEngine.Vector3 scaledSpacePosition) (at <4258eaadb1df4e0b910cd13847f31a48>:0)
	SpaceDust.MapOverlay.GenerateBodyField (System.String resourceName, CelestialBody body) (at <4258eaadb1df4e0b910cd13847f31a48>:0)
	SpaceDust.MapOverlay.RegenerateBodyFields (CelestialBody targetObject) (at <4258eaadb1df4e0b910cd13847f31a48>:0)
	SpaceDust.MapOverlay.OnMapFocusChange (MapObject mapObject) (at <4258eaadb1df4e0b910cd13847f31a48>:0)
	EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	KSPe.Util.Log.UnityLogDecorator:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	KSP.UI.Screens.SpaceTracking:SetVessel(Vessel, Boolean)
	HighLogic:SetLoadSceneEventsAndFlags(GameScenes, Boolean)
	FlightDriver:StartAndFocusVessel(String, Int32)


Config file:


// Defines LqdHydrogen definitions for Outer Kerbin bodies

  resourceName = LqdHydrogen
  body = Phybi

    name = phybiExo
    title = #LOC_SpaceDust_Band_Exosphere

    // Maximum and minimum abundances (variation is by game seed)
    // In t/m^3
    minAbundance = 1.11E-11
    maxAbundance = 4.03E-12

    bandType = Exosphere
    // Discoverability Data
    // --------------
    alwaysDiscovered = false
    alwaysIdentified = false
    allowRemoteDiscovery = true
    allowRemoteIdentification = true

    // Scale abundances by air density
    useAirDensity = False
    // Distribution model to use, can be Uniform or Spherical
    distributionType = Uniform

  resourceName = LqdHydrogen
  body = Iszmi

    name = iszmiExo
    title = #LOC_SpaceDust_Band_Exosphere

    // Maximum and minimum abundances (variation is by game seed)
    // In t/m^3
    minAbundance = 1.11E-11
    maxAbundance = 4.03E-12

    bandType = Exosphere
    // Discoverability Data
    // --------------
    alwaysDiscovered = false
    alwaysIdentified = false
    allowRemoteDiscovery = true
    allowRemoteIdentification = true

    // Scale abundances by air density
    useAirDensity = False
    // Distribution model to use, can be Uniform or Spherical
    distributionType = Uniform


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On 12/8/2024 at 9:21 AM, Professor K said:

I had a new set of errors pop up in my KSP log yesterday which looks like they're coming from Spacedust. I have not added or modified any Spacedust configs recently, but I did move a probe with a gas scanner on it to a new body.  The move was from a moon of Kerbin added by the Outer Kerbin mod called Phybi to it's moon, Iszmi (from a moon of Kerbin to that moon's moon). The scanner appeared to be working correctly. I don't think I checked the overlays at the time.

I've narrowed this down to using the Uniform distributionType. When using Uniform I get the errors above and the overlays do not appear on the map view or in the tracking station for those bodies. When I switch the config to use the Spherical distributionType with the altUpperBound set to the body's SOI minus it's Radius, everything works as expected.


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  • 2 months later...
3 hours ago, JD_ said:

Does this mod work with RSS? and furthermore; does the LqdHe3 resource from FFT work with RSS? (asking here because I'm not entirely sure its native to FFT)

It will work if the rss devs have made a config for it, but you would have to ask in their thread

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I see. Also, both RationalResources and SpaceDust have atmospheric and exospheric versions of H2, CO2, Ammonia, Antimatter, LqdHe3, and a whole litany of other resources. Are there conflicts between the two when it comes to these resources? will one override the other? will SD scanners fail to see RR resources and vice versa? I'm generally confused as to how these mods interact.

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7 hours ago, JD_ said:

I see. Also, both RationalResources and SpaceDust have atmospheric and exospheric versions of H2, CO2, Ammonia, Antimatter, LqdHe3, and a whole litany of other resources. Are there conflicts between the two when it comes to these resources? will one override the other? will SD scanners fail to see RR resources and vice versa? I'm generally confused as to how these mods interact.

RationalResources has in the past created issues with my mods. I don't know what it does competely to be honest, but it would be something best discussed with that mod's owner. "Rational" as a term implies that it has a specific conceptual agenda, which may be different than mine :) .

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2 hours ago, Nertea said:
10 hours ago, JD_ said:

I see. Also, both RationalResources and SpaceDust have atmospheric and exospheric versions of H2, CO2, Ammonia, Antimatter, LqdHe3, and a whole litany of other resources. Are there conflicts between the two when it comes to these resources? will one override the other? will SD scanners fail to see RR resources and vice versa? I'm generally confused as to how these mods interact.

RationalResources has in the past created issues with my mods. I don't know what it does competely to be honest, but it would be something best discussed with that mod's owner. "Rational" as a term implies that it has a specific conceptual agenda, which may be different than mine :) 

RationalResources (to my knowledge) attempts to implement more realistic resource distributions. Among other things, the abundance of the abstract 'Ore' resource from stock KSP is drastically reduced. It then adds implements resources from CRP to make up for what ore did (eg, hydrolox can be made from water), and these resources are (to the best of our ability) implemented in places where they realistically would turn up, in realistic concentrations. 

This is the basic gist that I know of, but JadeOfMarr probably can expand on it if need be.

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10 hours ago, DareMightyThingsJPL said:

RationalResources (to my knowledge) attempts to implement more realistic resource distributions. Among other things, the abundance of the abstract 'Ore' resource from stock KSP is drastically reduced. It then adds implements resources from CRP to make up for what ore did (eg, hydrolox can be made from water), and these resources are (to the best of our ability) implemented in places where they realistically would turn up, in realistic concentrations. 

This is the basic gist that I know of, but JadeOfMarr probably can expand on it if need be.

I talked to Jade and according to him, RR resource distributions are programmed to override all other mods and provide 2 things, certain templates for biomes (to allow for polar ice abundance, etc.), and also configs that create resource distributions based on what the composition of a given body is supposed to be (so Duna has extra CO2 for instance.).

As I said before, RR is supposed to override all other mods, including spacedust, but when I open spacedust from my toolbar, it shows banded resources for the atmosphere and exosphere a la spacedust configs.

So my main point of confusion is: is one mod overriding the other? or are they overlapping resources? and how do the scanners between mods interact with one another? I see that they are now programmed to have multiple resource scans, which fit into CRP off of which both mods are based, but I'm not sure if these scanners only work with resources configs from their native mods or not (which could yield various results if one mod is overriding the other or if they are overlapping).

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33 minutes ago, JD_ said:

including spacedust

Unless I very badly mis-stated something, this is not the case. I've clearly said that RR has no involvement with Space Dust. If there's any involement it's unintentional and would depend on Space Dust behaviors that I'm not aware of. The two mods use overlapping (but non-conflicting) mechanisms to place resources. RR uses the stock mechanism. Space Dust provides its own.

38 minutes ago, JD_ said:

RR is supposed to override all other mods

The great majority of mods that place resources only deal with the stock mechanism for placing resources. This is where the override applies.

44 minutes ago, JD_ said:

So my main point of confusion is: is one mod overriding the other? or are they overlapping resources? and how do the scanners between mods interact with one another? I see that they are now programmed to have multiple resource scans, which fit into CRP off of which both mods are based, but I'm not sure if these scanners only work with resources configs from their native mods or not (which could yield various results if one mod is overriding the other or if they are overlapping).

Resource placements may overlap somewhere, but the parts and techniques for detecting and harvesting them differ. I expect Space Dust to keep to itself and not intentionally enhance the stock parts (as it has its own parts) or stock mechanisms in any way.

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