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how to do a mission to jool?

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3 hours ago, Spaceman50 said:

How do i do a mission to Jool

I would watch some videos on youtube and take notes on what you see youtubers do. Then from there launch your first mission, if failed observe possible failure points, take note and reset. It's the Kerbal Standard method but it works

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Let's put this into a simple checklist:

  • Build the "payload". What needs to get to Jool? (If you want to keep it simple, make it a probe with a strong antenna, like the Communotron 88-88). A good probe has a few basics: electricity generation and batteries, a reaction wheel, a probe core and an antenna.
  • Start adding rockets to the payload, in multiple stages. You need lots of "dV". If you are inexperienced, go nuts. 10000 dV should definitely get you there (first part of that is used to get into Kerbin orbit). And if your payload is not too big, then the rocket will not be insane either.
  • Get into Kerbin Orbit. Ideally a circular orbit (Ap and Pe roughly the same), around 100 km altitude.
  • Wait until Kerbin and Jool are in roughly this position (left picture):



  • Then put a maneuver node at the place where it says "ship" in the right picture, and give it lots of prograde acceleration (check in the map view when your Ap gets near the orbit of Jool).
  • Wiggle the maneuver node around a bit and play with the amount of dV until you start seeing the pointers of the "closest approach" (and highlight it so you see just how close, and what happens if you play with the maneuver node - does it get even closer?). After a bunch of trying, you get a Jool Periapsis. Bingo.
  • Then execute the first maneuver node.
  • Once you approach that Jool Periapsis, you burn retrograde to slow down and be captured by Jool.

Of course, this can be massively improved and optimized - you can improve that ship with just enough dV, you can use multiple maneuver nodes, you can choose the best moment to launch, etc. But optimization is a lot more fun once you can celebrate a first success. So, keep it simple the first time.

Jool is a big target, so it is actually pretty hard to miss. :)


Edited by Magzimum
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also if you need your delta v amounts

I assume by jool mission you are just going to jool none of it's moons.

so here is a roughdraft of what you should do (not based on your piloting skills)

3400 - To Kerbin Orbit

1800-2100 - To Jool (depends on your piloting skills)

200-300 - Mid course (optional depending on your piloting skills)

now, I don't know how much it will take depending on what mission you are doing to circulize but I would like to propose something for u

Stock Visual Terrain v2.0 Map View Comparison to Stock KSP v1.2.1This is Tylo:

Tylo is a pretty large object, so large that you can use it to save a lot of delta V.

now all you have to do is do a flyby. What sucks about this method is that you

need to find the right trajectory. It's different almost every single time. And depending on

the mission you might have to do more than one. But I find it to be worth it especially in

colony missions.

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Your question has been moved to the Gameplay Questions subforum, and good luck getting to Jool. :)

Also, please don't give joke answers to people seeking help with the game. It's frustrating and wastes the time of people who are already frustrated. Those have been removed. 

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