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SAS vs MJ Smart A.S.S. with no probe control


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hi, how is possible that MJ Smart A.S.S. continues to work with no probe control?

In the following 2 videos I'm reproducing a situation where a probe progressively lose the signal strength till zero due to ionization blackout.
At this point you can see that stock SAS stops working and the probe loses the retrograde alignment(which is typical),
while MJ Smart A.S.S. never stops working and the probe do not loses its retrograde alignment.
Isn't it looking a bit cheaty?

Is there a setting somewhere that allows Smart A.S.S. stops working without the signal?
Or I have to assume that is the normal behavior, and can't do nothing?

Smart A.S.S.: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5lfrtnheq0qudss/smart ass.mkv?dl=0

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