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How to show more than 2 Crew Portraits?

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So, in older versions of KSP, I had no problems showing 3 crew portraits in the bottom right corner of the screen (as seen in the several-years-old screenshot below). If I recall correctly, it showed 3 slots automatically (and maybe  4? I could be wrong about that).


But nowadays, I only seem to be able to show 2 crew portraits, as seen below. I can't add more portraits, as the "Add Slot" button is dark-grayed out and unclickable when 2 portraits are already displayed.


I tried scaling down the crew portraits so there would be more room on the screen, and maybe the game would let me add more...but no such luck. If anyone knows how to add more slots, or if anyone knows of a mod that would accomplish this, I'd love to hear. It just bums me out to have the command pod with 3 seats but I can only see 2 Kerbals...!

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14 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

At a guess, I would say that your UI scale is too large to allow a third portrait, as this would leave the nag ball with nowhere to go. Reduce the UI scale (or increase your screen resolution) and you should be able to add more portraits.

Oh, my UI scale is usually much smaller, I just scaled it up so the grayed-out button would be more visible. In any case, I can scale it down as small as possible and I still can't add more slots.


17 hours ago, antipro said:

in fact your "Add Slot" button looks darker.
it never happened to me.


Darn, that's weird. I'll keep messing with settings...



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18 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

Are you sure that you actually have 3 Kerbals on that ship?

Fair question! This should convince you: I have the interior overlay enabled.

In the first pic, you can see that I have one slot shown, and when I mouse-over the "Add Slot" button, the text appears as expected.


When clicked, the next slot appears. When I mouse-over the "Add Slot" button now, the "Add Slot" text no longer shows up to the left of the button.


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Alright, I believe I've figured it out. It seems to depend on the resolution of the screen, which is set in the settings menu accessed from the main menu of the game.

When the resolution is set to 1280x720, like so:


then I can only see 2 Crew Portraits, like so:


However....when I increase my resolution to 1600x900, like so:


then I can add up to 4 Crew Portraits before the game prevents me from adding more! Like this:


And when I max it out to 1920x1080...


then I can see up to 5 Crew Portraits :)



So....yes, @jimmymcgoochie was right when they said to increase the screen resolution, I just glossed over that bit and only read the part about changing the UI scale. Guess that's a lesson in reading comprehension for me :/

Edited by Desdenova
Crediting @jimmymcgoochie
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