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Commnet Ground Station Locations?

Superfluous J

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Does anybody have - or know where I can tease out of the game files - a list of all the commnet ground stations? I'm talking Harvester's Massiff, North Station One, etc, the ones that give you comms when you enable them, so you have comms (most of the time) even when KSC is below the horizon.

Ideally Lat/Lon and altitude, though Lat/Lon is really all I need. Even a map with all the dots would be better than what I have now :)

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44 minutes ago, Superfluous J said:

Even a map with all the dots would be better than what I have now



Baikerbanour: 20° 40' 45'' N 146° 30' 4'' W
Crater Rim: 9° 27' 0'' N 172° 6' 37'' W
Nye Island: 5° 21' 49'' N 108° 32' 53'' E
Harvester Massif: 11° 57' 0'' S 33° 44' 25' E
North Station: 63° 5' 42'' N 90° 4' 47'' W
Mesa South: 59° 35' 23'' S 25° 51' 42'' W

Edited by antipro
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1 hour ago, UmbralRaptor said:

Added the lat/long numbers

well done, could you also add a column for Decimal Degrees (DD) format, since the ksp "Set Position Tool" doesn't accept the Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS) format?

Coordinates [Decimal Degrees (DD)]:

Baikerbanour: 20.679167 / -146.501111
Crater Rim: 9.45 / -172.110278
Nye Island: 5.363611 / 108.548056
Harvester Massif: -11.95 / 33.740278
North Station: 63.095 / -90.079722
Mesa South: -59.589722 / -25.861667

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25 minutes ago, Superfluous J said:

And if you're curious why I'm doing this, a preview...

yes I am but you don't explain nothing, what are you doing?
I can't even recognize that place, it seems to be the North Station with a KSC nearby..

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27 minutes ago, antipro said:

yes I am but you don't explain nothing, what are you doing?
I can't even recognize that place, it seems to be the North Station with a KSC nearby..

Yes, that is exactly what that is.

I don't have good nearby positions for the other 5 locations.


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