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Ike Orbiter


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56 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

I feel guilty if I don't let my crews land on something. 

I can understand your feeling, it's right, doesn't have any sense to send kerbals lost in space for years to another planet and do not land.
But I'm following a career game plan that provides to play only Kerbin World-First Record Keeping Society contracts, (except RV and Dock vessels)
and get all the available science, of course where is possible, for example is not possible to collect all the science with 1 launch if a planet has an atmosphere
or also you can't, even in space, on eve cause of that missing biomes aged bug.

usually there are 3 world-first contract types:
- flyby
- orbit
- land

I do flybys with probes, but when I have to orbit I usually go into a polar orbit close to the hi-low space border, in order to collect the science left,
and this includes EVAs and Crew Reports.

The next contract should be like "land on ike, plant a flag or walk on surface, return".
So I take the Ike orbiter vessel, changing its name to "Ike Lander", I'll do some modifies, add some fuel, legs and stairs and I will go landing there.



What I can't understand is why x-science tell me I've done 218 experiments only, while ksp says 493.


Edited by antipro
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