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lights and service bay

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hi, this post is just to report a "bug" I have encountered with lights and the service bay.
as you can see in the following video
https://www.dropbox.com/s/fga71rl9diwv7ni/lights and service bay.mkv?dl=0

I have 3 sets of lights attached on the ship, each set has a different light part (Navigation Light MK1, Domelight MK1 and Spotlight MK1).
When more than 2 sets are ON, the service bay "side portions" light up differently, strangely.
But as soon as I turn OFF one of these 3 sets,
doesn't matter which one,
the service bay is no longer oddly illuminated.

I'll try some other tests.

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18 minutes ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

Check the setting for ‘pixel light count’, if that’s too low then the game won’t calculate the light sources properly and you’ll get weird lighting effects.

I had it set to 8, as soon as I changed it to 16 the issue has been solved. Also the overall illumination on the ground around the ship has improved.

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