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rover assembly building


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I hope there is a rover building with some new symetry options for example. 2 on each side so that you can make all wheels on the rovers on the same level, would also fit with a test track for rovers outside of the building so that you can test rovers in different types of terrain.

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Never had a problem building rovers in the SPH. Just a little patience and using the snap and offset tools you can get everything lined up right. But a dedicated area for testing rovers would be nice to see.

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13 minutes ago, shdwlrd said:

Never had a problem building rovers in the SPH. Just a little patience and using the snap and offset tools you can get everything lined up right. But a dedicated area for testing rovers would be nice to see.

This is a good idea, like a small area with different terrain like a simple obstacle course to test your rover on different surfaces

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Additional symmetry modes would be nifty, but I don't think we need a new building for it. They can just be added to rotation in the plane hangar, same as you can cycle through multiple radial symmetries in VAB.

Personally, I think a two-fold mirror symmetry would address most cases with rovers. But there are other options that can be useful. E.g., being able to mirror position, but not orientation of parts.

For matching vertical height of wheels, rather than having a symmetry option, I think what we need are snap-to-planes that we can either place manually or have them generate automatically from similar parts. This is pretty common in many visual editors these days. If you've recently used something like PowerPoint or Google Presentations, you might have noticed how elements snap to line up various edges or center lines. It won't solve all the problems, and sometimes things might get too crowded for it to be helpful at all, but it'd be a great step in the right direction.

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A rover test track would be rad but I also don't think they'd need a whole new building. I'm quite keen to see all the improvements to construction that they're doing, the little things we've seen so far are tantalising...

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While one is at it, then, a ship dock.  The number of times I've run a ship across the grass to launch it in the water to do the most basic of failed test...  :(

Of course, I eventually just installed VesselMover, but it would be nice to have a wharf to deploy from as well as use for Operations.

Downvote more, specialized buildings though.  And snap-shift does well enough for aligning things front and back.

What I really want much more, however, is configurable, deployable airports.  Time to "nationalize" Kerbal Konstructs because: sorry, I have never gotten it to work.


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2 hours ago, Hotel26 said:

While one is at it, then, a ship dock.

This I can get behind. Even as a specialized construction building. Mostly because building a ship in a hangar far away from water would be a little silly. But in terms of layout, it can be a complete copy of SPH, and simply launch ships from water rather than runway. And hey, maybe it'd be a good place to build planes with floats too.

On that note, a few specialized hulls for watercraft would be amazing to have. It's not strictly necessary, and yes, there will be mods, I'm sure, but it'd be nice to have some stock parts for watercraft. DLC would be perfectly fine. Come to think of it, delivering a ship yard, dock, and watercraft parts as DLC some time after release would make the most sense.

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On 12/31/2020 at 8:18 AM, shdwlrd said:

Never had a problem building rovers in the SPH. Just a little patience and using the snap and offset tools you can get everything lined up right. But a dedicated area for testing rovers would be nice to see.

Found that the access way works nice for this with the pad as an hard mode for destructive testing. 
Now one issue is lack of drag on low gravity worlds. 
Here I think KSP1 is a bit overboard, yes its an issue for small rovers but an massive base should have ground pressure however it will have more momentum. 

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5 hours ago, magnemoe said:

Found that the access way works nice for this with the pad as an hard mode for destructive testing. 
Now one issue is lack of drag on low gravity worlds. 
Here I think KSP1 is a bit overboard, yes its an issue for small rovers but an massive base should have ground pressure however it will have more momentum. 

Yeah, the crawler way is a good spot to test, but it a good distance from the launch point on the runway. But if you want to do testing on more "natural" terrain, you have to drive a couple kilometers to get out of the flats around the KSC

If there will be different friction settings for the different terrain types, then drag will come into play. But as it is now, there's no reason worry about that since there seems to be no difference in friction settings for the different terrain.

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