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KSP forum and recent Firefox 85.0 update (HTTPS-Only Mode)

Stone Blue

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SO, a couple days ago, Firefox shoved a major unexpected update on me.

FF seems to added some new HTTPS-Only Mode.
I have been running the HTTPS Everywhere extension for years. .. This seems to pretty much be *that*, but theres no customization options in FF. Its either always ON. or always OFF. NO per-site options to change.

Anyway, enabling it, *every* time I load up the forum now, I get this page, and its kinda annoying.

EDIT: Based on this thread I just saw, Here, I tried to grab various downloads from the KSP Store. Nothing happens when I click ANY of the download links. If I open a link in a new tab, its just blank. not even any pageloading err message, like above, that i get for the forums.

In looking into the HTTPS Everywhere extension settings, I found a link to the HTTPS Everywhere Atlas, and looking at Kerbalspaceprogram.com, this is what it reports:


	Nonfunctional hosts in *kerbalspaceprogram.com:

		- forum *

	* Refused

	Insecure cookies are set for these hosts:

		- kerbalspaceprogram.com
		- www.kerbalspaceprogram.com

--><ruleset name="Kerbal Space Program.com (partial)">

	<!--	Direct rewrites:
  <target host="kerbalspaceprogram.com"/>
  <target host="www.kerbalspaceprogram.com"/>

	<!--	Not secured by server:
	<!--securecookie host="^(www\.)?kerbalspaceprogram\.com$" name="^(_pk_uid|PHPSESSID)$" /-->

	<securecookie host="^(?:www\.)?kerbalspaceprogram\.com$" name=".+"/>

  <rule from="^http:" to="https:"/>

I have no idea what that all means, and I cant tell if its blocking something on *my* end, or what? vOv

Just wondering if others are seeing this, and if its an easy fix on the forum side.
It *looks* like the forums *already* are setup for HTTPS-only? vOv

Anyway, thanks for looking

Edited by Stone Blue
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I'm using Firefox v85.0 with HTTPS Everywhere and I don't have such problems yet.

I've just enabled the HTTPS-only mode from FF itself to write this post. No problem so far. The feature was apparently introduced since v83.


There's a chance that it might be the connection itself. Perhaps your ISP was somewhat naughty, and that was what FF caught as the problem. The mobile ISP here is somewhat naughty though I haven't had any problems since a year ago (then again I've been barely using it for the past year, with being stuck at home and whatnot).

Edited by YNM
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On 2/3/2021 at 10:43 PM, Gargamel said:

For contrast, I’m running the latest FF with a couple privacy plugins, and have had no issues.  

Idk... I also run HTTPS Everywhere, and turning it on/off doesnt seem to make any difference.
The only other extensions I have enabled are NoScript and Stylus... I guess I should test with *those* disabled? vOv

So i tested with *every* single one of my extensions disabled, and all my FF privacy settings, set to basically totally open, to restrict *nothing*, and allow *everything*... Even disabling HTTPS Only Mode... even doing this, I still see the same exact behaviour on both the forums, AND the KSP Store...
I'm at a total loss, and certainly dont want to have to install one of those, *OTHER*, browsers, simply to be able to download from the KSP Store... :cry


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/4/2021 at 3:24 PM, Stone Blue said:

So i tested with *every* single one of my extensions disabled, and all my FF privacy settings, set to basically totally open, to restrict *nothing*, and allow *everything*... Even disabling HTTPS Only Mode... even doing this, I still see the same exact behaviour on both the forums, AND the KSP Store...

Another possible source of issues:

Do you have some form of anti-virus or malware software installed? Some of those intercept and redirect web traffic through a 'localhost' port to implement their protections. Some browsers get confused by this and interpret it as your web traffic being intercepted - which of course it is, but for good reasons.

Check whether you still get this weird behaviour when you temporarily disable your anti-virus/malware software.

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