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[ 1.12.x] Everoth star cluster V1.2 [Currently just the Estrela Dobre system!]


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Hm.. I just realized I need names for.. 21 moons.. maybe a couple more if I add a seventh planet to the Pythros system..
they are..
2 moons of Glacios (theres four but two are already named) - themed after real cold n ice
1 moon of Kataigida - about the size of Ike (the two large asteroid moons are called Skringle and Skrungle)
5 moons of Bink and Bonk (seven moons but two are already names) - one with some liquid on its surface, but the other are different, mostly after collision sounds n stuff
2 asteroid moons of Solis - partially melted captured asteroids that have massive crystals growing out of them.
2 moons of Tumidam - an asteroid moon and a glassed desert (like.. the surface is MOSTLY glass), specifically has two oasises kept alive by terraformers and the rest of the surface is just shiny glass
1 moon of Claudere - a desert moon
2 moons of Solaris - two mini ecuminopolises
1 moon of Audere - a moon that has been nearly shattered by impacts, 
5 moons of Messis (6 moons but one is already named) - the four large moons are farming different crops n stuff.. like.. types of crops.. Habanaro, the closest moon, is a spice moon.. maybe one of the moons could be flooded and farm aquatic stuff.. idk..

Edited by JcoolTheShipbuilder
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On 2/11/2023 at 7:24 AM, Sky Kerman said:

What if the moons of Solaris where called Alveshan and Hubiron? 

good idea!

I will need to figure out how to get instantinator to work to add the solar wind effect back as I had to delete the body that it used due to contracts bugging out and repeatedly telling me to visit it (which is impossible)

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Ok I have decided that for the sake of being able to complete the Everoth cluster, I will have the Mortuus and Anestrammo systems be in their own planet pack. It is easier for me to split stuff up. I realized that the way I was going about developing Everoth would result in it never being fully complete. I have not added either of the systems, so I will not need to split off any configs. 

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  • 1 month later...
15 minutes ago, spacegamer7 said:

epic, but i have an idea: a version that DOESNT replace the kerbol system possibly? just an idea.

That is currently a work in progress
I though am having issues with sunflares not working with flarereplacer properly in the gamedata folder and not my mod folder.

Also the non system-replacer version sets the kerbol system right in the middle of the whole cluster

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

So, anything about PQSCity? Not having some easter eggs would be a bit, let's say... Boring. Maybe it will require some code?

Hey, I'll have a look into the KSP API. If I somehow manage to get a PQSCity working I'll tell you.

Already I noticed some differences between PQSCity and PQSCity2: the former is more for easter eggs and non-interactive stuff, while the latter is more for launch sites.

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Aha! We have this:  GameObject[] PQSCity2.LodObject.objects

So... Let's admit we create a PQSCity2 object, and then we populate its LodObject.objects list with GameObjects. Since GameObjects can be models or whatever, including UI... Wait we (possibly) can add UI to a LodObject? If that's the case then we can make a UI pop up on approaching it. Cool...
(note: I'm unsure this will work. These are just suppositions.)

Hey, I think there definitely is a way to add that atmospheric harvester that's been sleeping on my hard disk for ages.


-- upd. --

So it appears PQSCities have a 'lon' and a 'lat' attributes, whereas (in the cfg file from when I tried a while ago) I put 'longitude' and 'latitude'.

Edited by Nazalassa
typo in typically mathematical exclaim
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For PQSCity animations: the way the comnet stations work is that the DishSupport is rotating around the local Y axis. I don't know what is causing it to rotate but it's probably a piece of code. It may be an animation, although I am not sure.

Also the specific station I'm studying is labeled 'Larkes' and appears to be next to Woomerang launch site. It's got a PQSCity2, not a PQSCity.


-- More investigations --

The parent of DishSupport id Dish, which has a DishController "thing" (the same way the KSC has a PQSCity) which in turn has a 'dishes' field which is DishController+Dish[] (I don't know what this means. If anyone is familiar with  Kerbal Object Inspector, please tell me!)

Edited by Nazalassa
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Interesting. So, regardless of whatever  repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight  is set to, if I set  repositionToSphereSurface = False  then it spawns at the center of the planet, but if I set it to  True  then it spawns at NaN altitude.

But I apparently can't set either lat/lon or altitude.


Regarding the KSC, it has its repositionRadial set to (cos(-120)*cos(0), sin(0), sin(-120)*cos(0)) so I believe we have to do the same thing. So I just tried with (790000, 0, 0).


-- upd. --

So apparently it seems that lat/lon /alt is done with repositionRadial, who knew? I'm 54m under the surface. Gotta check it.

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3 hours ago, Nazalassa said:

Aha! We have this:  GameObject[] PQSCity2.LodObject.objects

So... Let's admit we create a PQSCity2 object, and then we populate its LodObject.objects list with GameObjects. Since GameObjects can be models or whatever, including UI... Wait we (possibly) can add UI to a LodObject? If that's the case then we can make a UI pop up on approaching it. Cool...
(note: I'm unsure this will work. These are just suppositions.)

Hey, I think there definitely is a way to add that atmospheric harvester that's been sleeping on my hard disk for ages.


-- upd. --

So it appears PQSCities have a 'lon' and a 'lat' attributes, whereas (in the cfg file from when I tried a while ago) I put 'longitude' and 'latitude'.

ooo awesome!

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3 minutes ago, JcoolTheShipbuilder said:

ooo awesome!

I'm currently making tests with Temporalis' config file, to try to find out how to set latitude and longitude, and also altitude. Kerbal Object Inspector is very handy. (see previous updated post)

btw: The absolute path in Unity hierarchy for any PQSCity thing is   /localspace/<planet>/<planet>/<obj_name>

Like, the commnet antenna is at   /localspace/Kerbin/Kerbin/Larkes

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14 hours ago, Nazalassa said:


  • The transform is there
  • The object is there
  • But the mesh isn't there.

Possible solution:

The GameObject is just empty; Kopernicus just hasn't given it a mesh. So we have to find how to specify a mesh.

Ah... that is interesting... I havent touched that kind of scatter/pqscity in months..

I am also trying to move around the files to reduce ram usage, it currently uses around 17GB of ram. I did bring it down from around 18.5GB. Due to how KSP is coded, ksp itself will never load anything that is in a folder named "PluginData", Kopernicus (or a relevant mod) will call to files in that folder (This reduces the RAM usage). I have put the textures and the normals into there, I will need to do the same with the heightmaps tomorrow to see if there is even more change.

the 17GB is with JUST the main EverothCluster mod (Estrela Dobre, Excelsior, Pythros, and Arcturus). the other three mods (DiniSystem, CorrSystem, EverothNoRealUp) with the combined six more systems barely use 1.5GB of ram mainly due to the lack of planets there.

I have made some changes, I removed a dwarf planet from Pythros as 1. it just had too many bodies orbiting one star directly, and 2. theres basically no other dwarf planets, why have both in one system?
Moved one of the moons of Solis to another planet.

I did setup the intensitycurves of the stars with Ohiobob's calculator, with Estrela Dobre, it resulted in excessive brightness, changing the sunlight color to be 25% dimmer fixed the issue.

I also have decided that Aestus (the brown dwarf) will have just two planets instead of three, and Adventus (eccentric wandering gas giant in the Mortuus system) will have four large moons instead of six or eight.



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I figured since it's Kopernicus that loads the files then in the sources there must be all the options we can possibly put.
So, without further ado...


From Kopernicus sources, file /src/Kopernicus/Configuration/ModLoader/City.cs:

public class LodRangeLoader : IPatchable, ITypeParser<PQSCity.LODRange>
	public MuParser Model {...}
[ParserTargetCollection("LOD", AllowMerge = true)]

From Kopernicus sources, file /src/Kopernicus/Configuration/ModLoader/City2.cs:

public class LodRangeLoader : IPatchable, ITypeParser<PQSCity2.LodObject>
[ParserTargetCollection("LOD", AllowMerge = true)]

Sooo... It looks like a PQSCity2 is better. Or at least, more usable.

Trying atm, results soon...

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Here's the code for parsing "model"

// The mesh for the mod
public MuParser Model
    	GameObject obj = null;
    	if (Value.objects.Length > 1)
      		obj = new GameObject();
      		obj.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
      		foreach (GameObject subobj in Value.objects)
        		UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(subobj).transform.parent = obj.transform;
    	else if (Value.objects.Length == 1)
      		obj = Value.objects[0];
   	 	return new MuParser(obj);
  	set { Value.objects = new[] { value.Value }; }

If anyone understands it...

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/12/2023 at 3:06 AM, Nazalassa said:

Here's the code for parsing "model"

// The mesh for the mod
public MuParser Model
    	GameObject obj = null;
    	if (Value.objects.Length > 1)
      		obj = new GameObject();
      		obj.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
      		foreach (GameObject subobj in Value.objects)
        		UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(subobj).transform.parent = obj.transform;
    	else if (Value.objects.Length == 1)
      		obj = Value.objects[0];
   	 	return new MuParser(obj);
  	set { Value.objects = new[] { value.Value }; }

If anyone understands it...

I... dont understand it...


I am thinking of perhaps... toning down Solaris a bit?
I am also doing the long process of slowly switching all the .png files to .dds and switching to use onDemand to reduce ram usage.

I am thinking of making Solaris be just... cities on continents, denser than Earth, but not outright ecuminopolis... or maybe doing a sort of compromise to make it far less complex like making it just top layer. Though in that case, there will still be terrain features poking up out of the cityscape like the peaks.

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