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help me with installing decq saturn v please

Bort kerman

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Welcome to the forum @Bort kerman, your question has been moved from gameplay questions to add-on discussions as this is more about a mod.

To manually install it you just need to put the SV STOCK folder into your gamedata folder, wherever KSP is installed on your computer. Unfortunately, Saturn V by DECQ was last updated  in 2015 and there have been a great amount of changes to the underlying game software since the so I'm not sure if it would work. 

Maybe the membership could suggest some current Saturn V part mods?

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I would reccomend Bluedog Design Buerau, it is one of the biggest (500+ parts) and beutifulest mods, and it has Not only Saturn V parts, but also for Saturn I, IB and the Eyes turned skywards IC and multibody variants. And it has most rockets of Nasa like atlas, titan, etc.

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