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KSP Stuck on Black Loading Screen After KSRSS Install

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I just reverted my game to 1.8.1 so I could install KSRSS, and now when I launch the game, it gets hung up on the black loading screen. You know, the one right before the title screen with the spinning planets in the bottom-right corner. The game isn't frozen--the little planets are spinning, the main title music even comes on--but it just never moves past that loading screen. I'm trying to paste my logs, but pastebin won't do it. Any other ideas?

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I just put KSRSS onto my game (and I had to revert to version 1.8.1 to do so), and now the game won't launch. Once the loading bar fills and says, "Expansion Loading Complete!", the game goes to the dark screen with the little spinning planets in the corner, and just stays there indefinitely. The tiny planets just go on revolving the little sun, and the title screen never comes up (unlike before I put the mod on, when it worked just fine). This goes on for at least twenty minutes (at which point I quit and close it) with no sign of change. Anybody know why or what can be done? The game isn't frozen, because it's gotten stuck on the loading screen before and when that happens the little planets are also frozen in place. What's happening now appears to be the computer perpetually loading and loading but never finishing. I don't think it's a hardware problem, since I successfully installed and run RSS and RO just a couple of months ago.

I'm trying to post my game logs (including the crash logs), but I can't figure out how to attach a link to them (pastebin is not working, and anything else I try to use crashes when I inundate it with the sheer volume of text). How do I do that?

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In almost all cases, game freezes/hangs during loading = exception occurred during loading and it will never load. The logs are going to be essential to figure out what exactly went wrong; if you can’t upload the whole thing, try opening it up in a text editor, jumping to the bottom then searching up for ‘exception’ (in Player.log) or just EXC (in KSP.log), then copy and paste the exception message here- it will probably tell you what went wrong and what’s to blame for it.

Check your mods are all compatible and a list of those mods would be helpful to diagnose the issue too. See this thread:


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KSP Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i6am69ocolt33gn/KSP Log.txt?dl=0

Output Log ("Player"): https://www.dropbox.com/s/jvb13gsm2c3im45/KSP Output Log.txt?dl=0

Here are the logs (I utilized Dropbox). Scrolling through them, there are definitely plenty of "exceptions..." maybe you can make sense of them! In both files, I see thousands of instances of

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

And the KSP log also contains

IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

which looks very similar to a line that was found in another post I saw from August 2018 in which the poster was having the exact same issue as I am.

My only mods are:

-Kopernicus (KSRSS dependent) - 1.8.1-28

-KSRSS - 0.6.1

-KSRSS Textures 8K (KSRSS dependent) - 0.6.1

-MechJeb2 -

-Modular Flight Integrator

To the best of my knowledge, these are all compatible with each other.

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I'm seeing an incredible list of NullReferenceExceptions from Kopernicus in your logs. It all seems to start because Kopernicus can't load Ceres' config and throws an exception, then because of that it can't find the Sun and then everything goes off the rails. The game keeps trying to load, but Kopernicus keeps throwing exceptions and it gets stuck in a loop, never going anywhere.

There's also a d3d11 texture error being spammed in there too which in my experience is caused by an out of date graphics driver. You should probably update your graphics drivers, otherwise the graphics can freeze but the rest of the game is still running which is never a good thing.

You've made the rookie mistake of putting mods into a Steam-controlled copy of KSP. Don't do that- Steam tends to interfere and may have corrupted something; instead, copy the entirety of KSP (C:\Users\your_user\ProgramFiles(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program, grab the KSP directory) somewhere outside of Steam's control, like your desktop, and then add mods to it. You should try deleting all your mods from the Steam instance, verifying the game files and making sure everything is OK first, then copying KSP and adding the mods back in.

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Well that makes sense, since I'm certainly a mod rookie... :P

So, if I understand you correctly, I should:

1. Delete all the mod folders that I have inside the steamapps\common\KerbalSpaceProgram\GameData folder

2. Go into Steam library --> Properties --> verify integrity of game files

3. Copy the folder called Kerbal Space Program (the one inside the ...Steam\steamapps\common folder), and move it to somewhere outside the steamapps folder, somewhere like the desktop (should I delete the version inside the steamapps folder to keep from confusing the computer when I launch the game?)

4. Redownload the mods, then copy them from my Downloads folder—or, in my case, the .zip files are still in my Downloads folder, so I could just use those—into the KerbalSpaceProgram\GameData folder, which is now located outside the Steam folder

Is that correct?

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I checked my graphics driver, and the laptop says that I already have the best one. Is there another way to mitigate the effects of that d3d11 texture error? I haven't experienced major graphics errors in the past (excluding during physics warp, but that's for another post...), so might it be all right the way it is if I already have the best driver?

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  On 2/10/2021 at 10:58 PM, bwest31415 said:

So, if I understand you correctly, I should:


Yes, and you can make your life even a bit more easier:

1. As you said, and you need to leave GameData\Squad and GameData\SquadExpansion alone.

2. Yes

3.  Copy said KSP folder to a not-special-Windows folder, e.g. C:\KSP
Leave the Steam downloaded KSP untouched (you'll need Steam being aware that you have KSP there if you later want to install an upcoming update). 
From here on, only use the C:\KSP folder.

4. Get yourself CKAN! (see here https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki/User-guide). Install the mods you want. Mods not available you'll have to install manually like you did earlier.

5. If everything works fine now, don't forget to make backups regularly.

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Okay, so I did all that, but I Ctrl+Xed my KerbalSpaceProgram folder instead of Ctrl+Cing it. I just put it back exactly where it was (...steamapps\common); am I still okay?

I do have CKAN, and I like it for its auto-installation, but I find it pretty limited the number of mods it offers. It doesn't have KSRSS or any of its dependencies, so I had to get those from GitHub and manually install them (which took a few tries to get right).

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  On 2/11/2021 at 12:27 AM, bwest31415 said:

am I still okay?


Do a Steam verify and you should be good (if that doesn't work as it should, Ctrl-C the folder back) :)

  On 2/11/2021 at 12:27 AM, bwest31415 said:

but I find it pretty limited the number of mods it offers


Hmm... did you check and, as per your needs, change the compatibility settings? Many mods are not listed (yet) for the latest version but actually do work fine. And for mods not available via CKAN:

  On 2/11/2021 at 12:15 AM, VoidSquid said:

Mods not available you'll have to install manually like you did earlier.



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I'm not sure what you mean by change compatibility settings; what's that have to do with CKAN?

I ran the Steam check and it said "1 file could not be verified and will be reacquired." Then nothing else appears to happen; is Steam reacquiring that file automatically when I launch the game next or something?


Okay. Good news: the game loads and I can actually play. Bad news: it's still just the stock solar system. My latest logs look quite different from last time...

I'm trying to figure out how to post them on here, which I did last time with DropBox, but suddenly I can't figure out how to do it...hopefully these .pdf links will work.



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  On 2/11/2021 at 12:54 AM, bwest31415 said:

what's that have to do with CKAN?




  On 2/11/2021 at 12:54 AM, bwest31415 said:

is Steam reacquiring that file automatically when I launch the game next or something?


Afaik only if you trigger it manually, but I might be wrong here, I'm not using Steam that often.

  On 2/11/2021 at 12:54 AM, bwest31415 said:

Good news: the game loads and I can actually play


Don't laugh, but you are starting KSP from the C:\KSP folder, not the Steam folder? And CKAN knows that your current instance is C:\KSP too?

  On 2/11/2021 at 12:54 AM, bwest31415 said:

hopefully these .pdf links will work.


Unfortunately not, they are pointing to your local hard drive. You can upload the logs to any file sharing website, e.g. dropbox.

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  On 2/11/2021 at 1:02 AM, VoidSquid said:

Unfortunately not, they are pointing to your local hard drive. You can upload the logs to any file sharing website, e.g. dropbox.


I used Dropbox with total success last night to create a link to my files, but now I can't figure it out. The files I uploaded last night appear as .txt files on my home page, and there's a "Share" button I can hit, which then gives me the option to "Copy link." But the ones I'm uploading now don't appear on my home screen. I go to All Files, and they're there, but the "Share" button is nowhere to be found, so I can't get the link. Also, they're uploading as .log files instead of .txt, even though the files themselves are originally .txt.

  On 2/11/2021 at 1:02 AM, VoidSquid said:

Don't laugh, but you are starting KSP from the C:\KSP folder, not the Steam folder? And CKAN knows that your current instance is C:\KSP too?


Yeah, I'm starting from the KSP folder now on my desktop. How to I check to see what CKAN thinks is my current instance? Does it even matter, since I don't have any CKAN mods on there?


See if you can access these:



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  On 2/11/2021 at 1:08 AM, bwest31415 said:

I go to All Files, and they're there, but the "Share" button is nowhere to be found, so I can't get the link


I'm not using dropbox myself, there are various other free sites, e.g. https://filebin.net/ 

  On 2/11/2021 at 1:08 AM, bwest31415 said:

How to I check to see what CKAN thinks is my current instance



  On 2/11/2021 at 1:08 AM, bwest31415 said:

since I don't have any CKAN mods on there?


I thought you wanted to install several mods?

From what I read here 

(not using KSRSS myself), you'll need KSP 1.8.1, not any newer version. And yes, it doesn't seem to available via CKAN, if I'm not mistaken.

  On 2/11/2021 at 1:08 AM, bwest31415 said:

Hey thanks for your help by the way,


You're welcome :) 

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As per the log files, Kopernikus as well as KSRSS are both loaded.

Now we're going into mod specific areas, I'd suggest, if there are further issues, you post your question(s) in the respective mod threads. I'm afraid, but I can't help you any further with those specific mods as I'm not using them myself.


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