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Couple Of Issues, One Directly Relates To MechJeb

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As I indicated in my last post, I try to search for answers first.  And now I've got 2 problems that the answers I found don't solve.

1.  When engaging the Autopilot feature in MJ, no matter the altitude I set, as soon as I click Altitude Hold, the craft wobbles up and down.  Flies straight as an arrow without this turned on, but it's wobbling uncontrollably when turned on.  I found an answer to turn on "Use Stock SAS" in Attitude Adjustment, but I can't find that option there.

2.  When reentering Kerbin's atmosphere, the fire effect is now missing.  The parts on craft start to glow, but the actual fire effect is gone.  I found ananswer indicating to turn this back on in graphic settings, but u can't find that option.

This all started happening this morning.  I had Advanced Tweakables turned on, but I never used any of them, so I turned it off.  Anybod know what is happening here, or how to correct it?

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1 minute ago, Scarecrow71 said:

1.  When engaging the Autopilot feature in MJ, no matter the altitude I set, as soon as I click Altitude Hold, the craft wobbles up and down.  Flies straight as an arrow without this turned on, but it's wobbling uncontrollably when turned on.  I found an answer to turn on "Use Stock SAS" in Attitude Adjustment, but I can't find that option there.

I've never had great success using MJ for atmospheric flight.   It's great if you're trying to hop vertically in atmo, or land from entry, but piloting a plane, it's kinda meh.   It works, but not great.   There are other mods out there that do atmospheric flight better.  (I forget their names, sorry).

3 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

2.  When reentering Kerbin's atmosphere, the fire effect is now missing.  The parts on craft start to glow, but the actual fire effect is gone.  I found ananswer indicating to turn this back on in graphic settings, but u can't find that option.

Well, it's under graphics, as you mentioned.   I think it's called Re-entry effects.  At the lowest settings, they won't show up unless you zoom way in I think. 


5 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

  I had Advanced Tweakables turned on, but I never used any of them, so I turned it off.

Leave that on.   You've probably used them and not realized it, as they are a lot of the options that show up in the VAB.  You'll go to adjust a part you just added to your ship, and the setting you want won't be there.  Really not sure why this is even an option, as a lot of "Advanced" stuff is pretty much "Every Vessel this setting gets changed" for me. 

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  1. MechJeb’s plane autopilot is very prone to overcorrecting itself, try using something like Atmospheric Autopilot which can iron out the twitches and wobbles.
  2. It’s under graphics > aerodynamic FX, increase the setting to increase the visible effects (but I think increasing it decreases the performance a bit as those effects have to be calculated for each part). There’s also the Reentry Particle Effect mod which adds sparks and a plasma trail during re-entry (and sometimes to launches or even planes if you go really fast in the atmosphere).
  3. Advanced tweakables are definitely worth keeping on- autostruts alone will justify it.
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On 2/21/2021 at 12:58 AM, jimmymcgoochie said:

It’s under graphics > aerodynamic FX, increase the setting to increase the visible effects (but I think increasing it decreases the performance a bit as those effects have to be calculated for each part). There’s also the Reentry Particle Effect mod which adds sparks and a plasma trail during re-entry (and sometimes to launches or even planes if you go really fast in the atmosphere).

So, when checking the graphics settings, I've already got Aerodynamic FX Quality set to Normal, and there is no other setting for FX that I can see in the settings.  My guess is that something else is amiss here, and I'm hoping the reinstall I did this morning corrects it.  If not...I'll have to go out and get the mod that adds plasma trails.  I may be in the minority, but I like the fire effects.

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