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Stock 0.17 Community Session!


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Some fun facts:

It's possible to get close landings with parachutes; just not close enough.


Launch and landing burns in photo gallery

Kerbals, running at full speed, cover about 2 m/s on high-G planets like Kerbin and Eve. Pretty good speed for little guys like them, a little over 3 mph or 7 km/h.

It would take my crew about an hour and 13 minutes of full-out running to go visit the crew of Planet Hoper II.

Based on geometry of the positions of the two craft, their distance apart, and estimating based on current elevation, Eve has a sea-level radius of about 660 km; pretty close to Kerbin-sized.

Download the updated save file here.

Giggleplex777 is go for launch!

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@ Dark bombers : Sorry to hear about that. Would you like to have the mission you just attempted rescheduled to the end of the list? Actually, I'll give you my day and move myself back by a day if you'd like (I need the time anyhow, since the Makriis Station is proving to be a more annoying thing to launch than I had predicted).

@ khyron42 : Thanks for confabulating..I mean particularizing..I mean participating.

The rules have undergone minor changes again, mostly organization and readability, but I may have accidentally changed something and then forgot about it (something to do with ending missions landed at KSC if they are there when you start your turn I think). I am also thinking of moving the schedule and completed mission list to their own posts and just linking to them from the first post, but I haven't decided yet.

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Never done one of these before but it sounds like fun! Sign me up for one. Please, somebody PM when when it's time, if you can.

I'll put an interplanetary return craft in orbit around Eve, in case anyone wants to try coming home.

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Polar Express

Here are the Pics!*

*There may be some screenshots that are not from the mission, sorry.


^Photo bombed by my decent stage!

Well, I run out of fuel and ended up landing near the North Pole. Also, as you can see in my album, I made many failed attempts to land on land.

Nutt007, You're next!

And here's the .craft file: Duna Rover IV

Edit: Here's the persistence file!

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Nutt007 seems to have missed his deadline, so I'll be taking things from here.

EDIT: Erm, Giggleplex, I'm not seeing a persistence file, I'll be using the previous one until you get one up...

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Nutt007 seems to have missed his deadline, so I'll be taking things from here.

EDIT: Erm, Giggleplex, I'm not seeing a persistence file, I'll be using the previous one until you get one up...

Whoops, I forgot that :D!

Edit: I got it!

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Okay, my KSP install, and computer in general, are going to hell at the moment, and I'm not going to be able to pull this off in time. Here's the save, with my ship.


Maxed-Rockets, it's now your turn!

Additionally, I'd like to be put at the end of the list to try this again with a smaller rocket. Same goal.

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I just can't get the dang thing to transfer to Jool for the life of me. Has plenty of fuel, elliptical orbit close to Jool.

K.A.S.A. you are up next.

Feel free to try and get the thing to Laythe.


Just wait until Jool is about 90 degrees counterclockwise from Kerbin and burn into orbit.

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Welp, development costs for the KS-21r have hit an all time high, and Eve is simply out of the picture due to this (and my non-mechjeb skill level). DarkRocketry has decided to instead focus a set of missions on Minmus, starting with a low-orbit equatorial surveillance satellite. The new mission briefing is as follows:

Ship: Kaidar-IV Rocket

Flight: MOOSE-1 (Minmus Observational Orbiting Satellite)

Destination: Low circular orbit around Minmus's Equator.

Purpose: Scan for a good landing area to start a mining colony on Minmus.

Edited by DArkB0mb3rz22
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Sorry I've disappeared for a few days, hopefully this has worked as I intended that things haven't been broken by my absence. I am reading through and updating things as needed. Right below this you should see the Missions Completed and Missions Scheduled as their own posts because I've decided to make them their own posts linked to from the first post.

I will either edit this post or add another one to reply to people in a half hour or so (I am being massively distracted while making this update, sorry).

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Missions Completed:

[table=width: 100%]









[td]Shepheard 1[/td]

[td]Shepheard 1 (rocket)[/td]

[td]Suborbital hop, ending in the eastern ocean.





[td]planet hopper II[/td]

[td]planet hopper II (rocket)[/td]

[td]Landed on Eve, possibly with enough fuel to return to orbit. Pictures of flight here.[/td]





[td]ST-2NP (spaceplane)[/td]

[td]Landed on Eve. Mission photo album.[/td]




[td]Circe I[/td]



[td]Landed at Circe Base on Ike.[/td]




[td]Munshot I[/td]

[td]Munshot I[/td]

[td]Vessel landed on Kerbin after trip to the Mun.[/td]




[td]B-Tex (originally Allan's Exodus)[/td]

[td]B-Tex (shuttle)[/td]

[td]In a highly-inclined orbit at 120.55 km. Wilzor "Allan" Kerman on EVA. Engineer (Joemy Kerman) died jumping off of the launch pad after inspection. Full mission log.[/td]




[td]Waltzing Elephant[/td]

[td]Waltzing Elephant I (rocket)[/td]

[td]Landed on Eve, 9.9 km from planet hopper II.[/td]




[td]Polar Express[/td]

[td]Duna Rover IV[/td]

[td]Landed near north pole of Laythe.[/td]






[td]Highly elliptical orbit of Kerbol.[/td]




[td]MOOSE-1 (Minmus Observational Orbiting Satellite)[/td]

[td]Kaidar-IV Rocket[/td]

[td]Splashed down on Kerbin.[/td]









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Missions Scheduled:

[table=width: 100%]










[td]Eye of Fire[/td]


[td]Moho (good luck to you Sir)[/td]

[td]Oct 12 at 11:59 pm[/td]






[td]Mun landing.[/td]

[td]Oct 13 at 11:59 pm[/td]



[td]The Destroyer[/td]

[td]Interplanetary System Aeronautics[/td]

[td]Probe MK3[/td]

[td]In orbit of Duna.[/td]

[td]Oct 14 at 11:59 pm[/td]





[td]IP SSTO 4.5.1[/td]


[td]Oct 15 at 11:59 pm[/td]




[td]Makriis I[/td]

[td]Makriis Station[/td]

[td]LKO (low-Kerbin-orbit)[/td]

[td]Oct 16 at 11:59 pm[/td]










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Update is done, hope I haven't horribly screwed anything. You all should go listen to some Sage Francis, or Mord Fustang, or deadmau5, or Apparat, or Holy ****, or Miike Snow, or one of a million other awesome musical groups/artists/etc..Modeselektor, Moderat, Radiohead, Daft Punk, Dancing Lotus... /random musical awesome

@ Dark Bombers : Flight scheduled for Oct 9. Good luck, and godspeed. And now flight has been re-listed for your new goal.

@ nhnifong : Oct 10 is your day.

@ Giggleplex777 : Thank you for confabulating.

@ Wernher : Hey buddy, Oct 11.

@ Nutt007 : Uh oh.

@ Exovian : So you added your design to the file but didn't get anything done? You have been re-added with the date of Oct 12.

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Yeah, that covers what I did. I may have to redesign the rocket from scratch; turns out a ~375 part rocket is a great way to melt my rig.

On a positive note, I've just about pinpointed two possible landing sites to minimize heat damage.

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Sorry for my absence, but to my defense, this thing is supposed to be able to handle itself without me. Seems like a bunch of us at once just lost it. Last weekend was a bit **** for me, and then this week so far.

@ K.A.S.A : If you're still around, you'll be scheduled on Oct 13 now, yes?

@ Exovian : Well good luck, remember that you are scheduled for today (due in approx 21 hours).

@ Dark Bombers : Thanks for flying...even though the rest of us didn't. Sorry again.

@ The Destroyer : I will schedule you for Oct 14, hopefully after this period of inactivity we can get back into it with you.

@ Maxed-Rockets : Your turn will be Oct 15 then.

And I am rescheduling my previous flight for Oct 16.

SO! To combat the inactivity, any suggestions?

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