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Realism Overhaul Engines (A4, RD100) not lifting rocket


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I have recently loaded the mods associated with realism overhaul and have run into an issue while selecting the A4, RD100, or any engine with significant lifting power.  My TWR is well over 2 but the rocket will not lift off.  I allow the engine to spool, can see the thrust indicator go up to 200+ but when released from the clamps the rocket falls and blows up.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a defect in one of the mods?


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Yes, approximately 10 tons but I have made it lighter with the same results.  One thing I just noticed as I was reviewing kerbal engineer is the torque is showing at 0 despite the thrust rating.  Any the engine that work show a value for the torque...

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So you:

  • Fill your fuel tanks with the right type of fuel;
  • Stage the engine;
  • Set full throttle;
  • Wait for the engine to reach full power (this takes 2-3 seconds typically);
  • Release the launch clamps.

And the rocket doesn’t go up? Check that you haven’t clipped your engine too far inside the fuel tank or other parts into the engine as they can block its thrust. Screenshots, or even better a video, would help here.

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I had previously reinstalled RO engines and real fuel but didnt do RO library.  When I did all three I ended up with loading problems.  I did a fresh load of the game and the mods and it seems to have corrected the problem.  I have a feeling the problem was within the RO library but dont have facts to support that feeling.

Thank you both for the support!

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