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Real Fuel trouble

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Hi, I got a problem, when i'm in orbit, i lost a part of my fuel every second, and when i warp a lot, my tank is empty. I want to disabled this function, which file could i modify? Real Fuel is "too simulation" for me, i like real solar system etc.. But it's quite complicated with all this parameters...

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1 hour ago, CarlosMagni said:

Hi, I got a problem, when i'm in orbit, i lost a part of my fuel every second, and when i warp a lot, my tank is empty. I want to disabled this function, which file could i modify? Real Fuel is "too simulation" for me, i like real solar system etc.. But it's quite complicated with all this parameters...

Sounds like cryogenics boiling up. Fuels like Hydrogen can't be stored on fueltanks for too much time, they just boil up and leak into space.

Choosing the right fuel for the mission (what limits the engines you can use on the mission) is the reason Real Fuels were made.

Rule of thumb: Cryogenics (chilled kerosene, LOX, etc) are excellent for first and second stages. Once you establish a parking orbit and start to plan the rest of the mission, it's best to rely on non-cryogenics fuels: kerolox, hypergolic, nuclear, ion, etc.

If you really don't want to cope with these details, you can try removing Real Fuels from the system. It will probably screw up any vessels already launched, however - make backups while experimenting things. (I use S.A.V.E to make things automatic).

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Fuels like liquid hydrogen are very cold and must be kept very cold or they’ll boil off and escape into space. There are a few ways to prevent this- insulate your tanks with MLI (I’m not sure which mod adds that, might be RealFuels but might be something else in RO), add active radiators to cool the tanks, or use fuels that don’t need to be kept cold such as hypergolics; the downside to hypergolics is that their ISP is lower and they’re generally heavier than Kerouac, never mind hydrolox. One thing to remember is that liquid oxygen is also cryogenic and will also boil off, though not to the same extent as hydrogen.

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