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The Destroyer

Do you still use mechjeb?  

  1. 1. Do you still use mechjeb?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • HA! I ALWAYS use mechjeb!!!!! why wouldnt i use the amazing power of mechjeb!
    • I like flying manual, and never have used it
    • I do use it, but only for small stuff, like laggy rockets and probes
    • I just use it to colelct data.
    • Goat!

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For some reason, after 0.17, and finding ksp.olex.com, and the chtlulu bug with mechjeb transfer autopilot, i find that i dont use mechjeb anymore. i almost consider it cheating now. I dunno, maybe I just wanna fly manual nao? what about you? since 0.17, have you continued to use mechjeb? i do use it, sometimes, mostly for planes, rly laggy rockets, and probes.

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I dont really use for my smaller craft but when it comes to the lag fests that i seem prone to build.... it's a must.

Especially if i intend on landing those gigantic beasts.

Seriously though, for any kind of base construction or large scale rockets, There's nothing wrong with using it.

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Because I'm forced to play on a laptop with an integrated graphics chip, I have to use one for most take-offs and landings, due to the framerate issues I have. Smaller craft help, but Kerbol help me if I launch a 3-man capsule with the larger fuel tanks.

Before I had this issue, I used mechjeb mainly to learn how to land, and then later for the orbital information, for zero-personnel launches, and for operations that I've already mastered (landing and launches are so easy for me now, it's almost become boring). And when I want to do something very particular (like land a large craft or base on a planet), I may indulge myself with mechjeb after a couple of failed non-mechjeb attempts.

I still believe mechjeb is a great learning tool for newbie kerbonauts. It's not perfect in anything it does, but it'll give you the information you need to perfect your own skills when first learning to play the game.

Besides ... mechjeb is such an awesome name, you almost HAVE to use it in every mission :D

I really wish the stock game had a lot of the info from MechJeb though (true altitude, inclination, etc). I would most likely ditch it if the stock game had that information, except in very rare circumstances.

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SmartASS and all the information make MechJeb useful without having it do all the work for you. I don't use it to do transfer burns or whatever. Automated functions are for testing or if I'm launching a large number of rockets one after the other (which often is the same thing, but, in 0.17, not always the same thing)

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Yeah the Smart ASS operations are extremley useful. They take alot of time consuming maneuvering out of the equation! MJ as taught be a ton about orbital mechanics too. Honestly I don't see why mech jeb limited to smart ASS and orbit/surface/ vessel info hasn't allready been incorperated into the game. It makes it much more playable!!!! I can focus on figuring out how to fire things at other planets and not on my steering error.

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