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Protractor - Rendezvous Plugin - Under New Management!


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I have taken it off of my install and zipped it and put it on my drive. you can download it here.

Click link and then go file download, and it will download it for you. This is by no means an official mirror, just putting it up for people who need it.

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Seeing as people are having difficulty getting this nice mod, I've put up a release on my github with my change(s). Right now, the only difference is it handles Kerbin time. It's likely I will pick up this mod so it doesn't die. For now, consider it somewhat unofficial. I've updated the version number to v2.4.52 to avoid version confusion.

You can find the release on my github here: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor/releases/tag/v2.4.52

The source is available here: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor

If I do pick it up, which seems likely, I will make a new thread with the name "Protractor Continued".

Things I'd like to do include: Fixing handling of new engines, and adding support for the Toolbar.

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  Doc19 said:
I'm not sure if this is the best place to mentioned this, but I have found a small bug in this mod, which relates to the use of ModuleEnginesFX. It is this bug giflo that means that protractor indicates TMR 0 with FTmN nuclear rockets or if you have "Hot Rockets" installed byNazeri1382 (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65754-HotRockets!-Particle-FX-Replacement-Tutorial). To fix the problem, you need to edit the "tmr()" subroutine in the protractor - partmodule.cs file, and change the line "else if (p.Modules.Contains("ModuleEnginesFx"))" to "else if (p.Modules.Contains("ModuleEnginesFX"))" (note the capital FX). You also need to rem out the "if (!me.flameout)" line, although I'm not sure what flameout relates to, since as far as I know that only occurs on jet engines and you don't use them for planetary transfers (although there maybe other engines that have this property).

Anyway I hope this helps everybody, especially mrenigma03, who created an excellent mod. I know without it I would find it almost impossible to do planetary transfers.

Thank you *very* much for that bug report. It should now be fixed in v2.4.6 of Protractor Continued. The flameout can still occur if you run out of Oxidizer, even with rocket engines. But the wrong thing was being checked. Your bug report was very useful.

This also includes the fix for Kerbin time.

The license is GPL3. You can find the release here: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor/releases/tag/v2.4.6

And of course, the source code is here: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor

Thanks again to mrenigma03. If you come back, let me know and we can transition it back to you.

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I've managed to add support for blizzy78's Toolbar. Note that it is optional, thanks to blizzy78's ToolbarWrapper. Sorry to make two releases in the same day, but hopefully it will be enjoyed.

So here is the new 2.4.7 release: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor/releases/tag/v2.4.7

As always, the source code is here: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor

I've also added some licensing information to the repository and the binary distribution that seemed to be lacking. IANAL, but hopefully I got it right.

I will make a new thread for this as soon as I have more time. If you have any issues, please let me know.

License information:

All code (except ToolbarWrapper) released under GNU GPL license 3. Source is here: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor.

ToolbarWrapper is Copyright Maik Shreiber, released under the BSD 2-Clause License.

Models courtesy of Shanakin over at the SA forums, released under MIT license

Thanks to Eryxias over at the SA forums for the minimize icons.

Thanks to r4m0n and The_Duck for code for thrust/mass and delta-v spent

Thanks to adammada for line rendering code

Thanks to three03 from SA for the color scheme

Special thanks to the goons in #KSPOfficial and the KSP thread at SA for all their testing, suggestions and patience.

And obviously, thanks to the original author, mrenigma03, for writing this nice program.

Edited by Addle
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  • 4 weeks later...
  mrenigma03 said:
Protractor lives.

Addle has been kind enough to resume development/care taking of Protractor since I have been unable to do so. New thread:


Thanks! Could you edit the first post with the link? I've been checking back periodically but totally missed your reply.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is the now defunct version. Follow the link in the OP to the current version and try using that to see if your problems are gone. If you are still having problems with the download from the current version, post your issues in that thread.

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  • 9 months later...

Hello, i like the idea of this plugin, but it seems unreliable. The days it shows is not accurate. If you go to the tracking station and wait the amount of days protactor shows, then they arent the same. A protractor day is shorter than an in-game day for some reason.

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  abowl said:
Hello, i like the idea of this plugin, but it seems unreliable. The days it shows is not accurate. If you go to the tracking station and wait the amount of days protactor shows, then they arent the same. A protractor day is shorter than an in-game day for some reason.

That's because you're using an incredibly ancient version before I took up maintenance. The proper thread is here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83173-1-0-x-Protractor-Continued-Rendezvous-Plugin-v2-5-1-%28May-15th-2015%29

That bug was fixed ages ago, as the version you must have pre-dates the introduction of Kerbin time. So it's assuming 24 hour days and so on.

EDIT: Just realized the issue you're seeing is something else. It's because Protractor assumes circular orbits and estimates based on that. Which means elliptical orbits throw off the time estimates. When things reach zero, it's still time to burn, but the time/date estimate can be off leading up to that. Let's say Moho is on the long leg of its path, then it is going slower and it will take longer than the prediction, and vice-versa. Yes, I'm looking at fixing that, though not 100% sure what the best way is.

Edited by Addle
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