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Making smooth models without modifiers

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So I've come across a problem that I suspected, but haven't encountered until now.

I opened some Tantares files in Blender for some reference for a mod I'm working on and, when examining the mesh, I discovered that it somehow looked smooth without modifiers. The only difference I see in it vs. my own is that mine uses Subdivision Surface and Tantares has no modifiers. This makes sense as these modifiers probably dont work in KSP, right?

Here's the comparison, sorry I don't know how to include images in the body of the post.



So here's my main question: how do I model like this? I don't understand how they get it to look so smooth and yet it doesn't use any special shading or subdivision surface.

Also, as a bonus question, how would I add these cutouts without using the Boolean modifier?


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Another thing to add!

So I've begun triangulating my meshes, and making sure my models are using 24 vertices. This is where I'm stumped again!


These two parts have very similar vertices count, why does the big tank look so much smoother than my tank? Also, I tried subdividing my part to see if more vertices would make it smoother, but it didn't. I'm so stumped, can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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In Blender 2.92 if you edit the object, select the faces you want to smooth and then got to Mesh | Shading | Smooth Faces it will look much better - Same thing can be done in older versions of Blender but different route to get there. Once you do this you'll notice some of the corners you want to remain sharp are now smoothed - you can use the "Mark Seam" or you can separate the meshes (ctrl-p I think) and then rejoin them (ctrl-j I think).

Edit: When you import to Blender the faces are all be triangularized (OK - proper word is escaping me at the moment) - I don't know how the pro's do it but I leave the faces as quadsand check the triangularize option when exporting.

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  On 5/23/2021 at 4:14 AM, wasml said:

I know there's an option when exporting to apply modifiers - my config has that set


When you have a modifier on in the modifier tab, you can click the dropdown arrow at the top of the individual modifier's window, and click 'apply'. That makes the changes permanent, though, so you can set it and then when you are ready to export, apply it.

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I always end up going back and tweaking things - the apply on export allows me to change the modifier later if I get a better idea/want to try something different/realize it doesn't look right in game. That and saving backups of the Blender file before a big change.

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