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Stuck on loading screen after updating to 1.12

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After updating to 1.12, i'm stuck in the loading screen and it said " Loading Part Upgrades". the game load for a very long time (never load, i mean).

This is all mods i have:

AlphaMensae's Modular Launch Pads



I have tried to delete all mods but it's not started to load. why?

Edited by JB182
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16 hours ago, Lisias said:

Rename the settings.cfg to settings cfg.bak and launch the game again.

It's a wild guess, but this saved my sorry SAS once.

it's still stuck on loading screen. but thx for trying to help.

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4 minutes ago, JB182 said:

it's still stuck on loading screen. but thx for trying to help.

How much memory do you have?

I just get my SAS mercilessly bashed by a Unity bug related to the Garbage Collector, and perhaps this could be related - if  you have less than 8G of RAM, the pressure over the memory would be greater and then the GC would be triggered a lot, exactly the situation that made me sleep belly down.

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Just now, Lisias said:

How much memory do you have?

I just get my SAS mercilessly bashed by a Unity bug related to the Garbage Collector, and perhaps this could be related - if  you have less than 8G of RAM, the pressure over the memory would be greater and then the GC would be triggered a lot, exactly the situation that made me sleep belly down.

i have 13.7 GB

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32 minutes ago, JB182 said:

i have 13.7 GB

Well, this rules out the problem I'm fighting right now. :(

Just for the peace of mind, please publish the KSP.log of an attempt. Fire KSP, let it run until it locks, wait about 15 minutes and then close the game (kill it if needed).

Then publish the KSP.log and the Player.log. With luck, we can find something that could help diagnosing the issue.

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1 hour ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

If your game isn't loading, we need logs to have any hope of saying why, especially when mods are involved.

Did you by any chance put mods into your Steam copy of KSP, which then updated and broke everything?

i don't have any copies of ksp.

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