Kerbal Space Program Tribute In Kerbal Space Program 2 Poll
Would you want a tribute to KSP1 in KSP2? You may comment down below why. You may only pick one answer.
45 members have voted
1. Would you want a tribute to KSP1 in KSP2? You may comment down below why. You may only pick one answer.
2. How would you want a tribute to KSP1 in KSP2? This question is a multiple choice question.
As an Easter Egg on Kerbin like the 0.24 space center (or the Inland Space Center).21
At the new Kerbal Space Center like the old MK1 Memeorial.17
Pictures of the KSP Devs but in a Kerbal form somewhere in the new KSC.15
An Easter Egg of all KSP1 items, ships, and etc. all over the solar system (or the Kerbol System).14
The KSC Monolith making a reappearance in KSP2.17
Ruins of the old KSC with a few rusted parts from KSP1 lying around at the KSP1 KSC's location, similar to the island airfield.20
Bring the Mun arches back!!!20
Parts and textures of KSP1 scattered around the solar system and Kerbin8
Other (you may comment what other ideas you have).3
Kerbal Space Program 2 is a tribute to Kerbal Space Program.7
In the code there should be names of the developers of KSP2 and KSP1.3
In the texture of the parts images of the dev's user and the official KSP1 logo be hiding in the texture.3
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