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[1.12] (Kopernicus) Janet's Minor Planets [1.3.4]

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15 hours ago, Interplanet Janet said:

Bennu's already taken care of with Doppler, and like I said, I don't want to overdo it with these planets.

I mean... if you wanna make your own planets, you can definitely try it out some yourself. It's pretty good to, actually, and this was basically just a test pack.

Asteroids are pretty darn easy.

ok thx 

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Very impressed with the stability of the Jool trojans/greeks!


Tested for long-term (5000 years) stability with Principia. I have implemented some minor tilts to the bodies here:



Edited by Iodyne
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On 3/9/2023 at 1:37 PM, M - Kerbonaut said:

Which bodys are based on real astroids? Is there a full list?


Let's just say there isn't as much direct analogs as there are inspirations.

Doppler isn't 1:1 with Bennu, for instance, and we have no idea what Eurybates and Patroclus look like as references for the trojans, so...

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2 hours ago, jebmothman said:

Do you plan on continuing this ever? Its very well made and I think more would be great, though I understand if you wouldn't want to work on it anymore.

On 4/22/2024 at 12:56 PM, Iapetus7342 said:

Any future plans for this mod?

I do have other bodies in the works, but since I've been swamped with college this has fallen to the wayside. I'm still satisfied with many of these bodies, but others I feel might need a super overhaul before anything interesting happens with them.

For the time being I do expect to release at least 3 new bodies, just gotta make them interesting for a beta version of 1.4 or something.

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