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Everything posted by dave1904

  1. no, ive not uploaded my cofigs anywhere because they are end user patched and would probably cause conflicts with other installs. Ive also changed alot of things to it but if you want to you can have them. That being said I only changed 1 line in the exploration config. Forgot why. You can link me your modlist and I can try it out.
  2. I have the same issue. I could have sworn that it used to work.
  3. I'm aware that I would be more rigid. My point is that the increased dry mass with a monocoque tank and more powerful engine might have made the S-V pointless because the volume of fuel is no larger than Centaur-D. It might have been able to carry a heavier payload but not have had the energy to do much with it.
  4. That makes me wonder if the S-V would have any purpose whatsoever. Isn't the high energy of centaur the only reason it exists. Centaur-V is still more centaur than most other rocket stages that carry the names of their successors. It is after all an evolution unlike Delta-IV or Atlas-III that are fundamentally different rockets.
  5. AH, so S-V is a centaur but not a centaur haha. Makes sense. I wonder how much of a performance hit they would have taken with a monocoque. If Delta IV is Delta then SLS is Delta V
  6. Can you clarify that? Was there a difference between the proposed S-V and Cenatur-D? What you mean by NON visual?
  7. I'm pretty good at using module manager but warnings are something that I almost never encounter. Errors all the time. Typos for the most part. It was a contract pack that is giving me a warning. I changed something and forgot what but its working. I dont care enough about contracts to fix it for now.
  8. Cheers. BTW. What is the difference between a module manager error and a warning?
  9. How do I find where the module manager warnings are in the log. I was working on something last month and forgot where I was and now I don't know what patch file it is :))) Warning and not Errors.
  10. You will need to edit the exploration science defs in the skyhawk kerbalism cfgs. I'm exhausted today but if you need help I can look at it. I've fixed 99% of the science issues here but have forgotten what I've done etc. I love skyhawk kerbalism but I can understand why its not maintained. It burns you out with all the compatability patches.
  11. I thought so because in old versions of Tweak scale it was the the case. Maybe there is some conflicting mod. Ive over 200. I will look into it and tell you if I find it.
  12. Would it be possible for costs to be scaled up for science parts? If I want a smaller and lighter science jr for example it should come at a higher price tag.
  13. When they first delayed it by 2 years after they announced it being 6 months from being released I knew that they had people making calls that had no idea what they wanted. People are excellent at lying to themselves. So many people wanted it so much that they ignored the obvious red flags.
  14. I found out after 6000 hours that you can attach a part radially, remove it's parents part and in it's ghosted form reroot the radial part so I can attach it directly. That makes life soooo much easier
  15. My guess is that its weather driven solar panels. Incompatible with kerbalism · Issue #1 · Aebestach/WeatherDrivenSolarPanel · GitHub
  16. Agree! Disney should take the helm!
  17. Do you all still use Kronometer
  18. The only thing that doesnt work for rescaled system is that stock kerbin is required for the geostationary contract. I've edited for myself and simply put in the SMA of my 3.5 rescale system. Had to figure that one out manually.
  19. Excellent work. Works great with scaled systems and the delta v requirement is a really nice addition.
  20. To be clear. T2 is to blame for this. It's their IP and they had the say about everything. That doesn't mean that the developers are not responsible for their mistakes. Even the guys at the "bottom" are still responsible for working for a company that was run like because they all knew it. That makes them responsible. I have not once personally attacked anyone. I just said they were incompetent and stand by that point. Just stop defending the developers. They are not your friends. We payed them for a product and they did not deliver. KSP2 is done mate. I'd let go if I were you. I've accepted that in 2020. Most of us have.
  21. I know why they failed. Incompetence. It's pretty simple. Both T2 and IG or whatever they called themselves in the past made mistakes that are unacceptable. It doesn't matter what industry you work in. You start a project with a goal and you work towards that. If you own a bakery and your goal is to make a pie. Only an idiot decides to change the goal to a cake halfway through. Same goes to everything without exception. Just like the current goalless moon missions. They have no idea what the plan is. You're expirence doesn't make your argument any stronger because so far you've been clearly wrong over the years. You make up your own version without any evidence to support your claims. I have evidence. The game itself. After 7 years thats all we have? Sorry but chimps could do it better. We knew in 2020 that it was looking bad. So did you. You can make excuses for them then and try to understand why. The awnser is simple. T2 hired a studio that had no idea what they were doing. Plain and simple. AsI said. I can forgive that. It's human nature. I cannot forgive lies.He said they were playing KSP2 multilayer in 2020 and having great fun. The fact is they were playing KSP1 with mods. You can say that t2 forced him to say it. We know it's nonsense. Even if they did he didn't have the integrity to just keep silent. So forgive me for being the bad guy here but I'm not going to feel sorry for someone that gets what was coming for him.
  22. I was not attacking anyone. I'm just sick of people defending the developers all the time no matter what they do. I think it's a absurd that players that are calling the developers out on those issues are always the bad guys. T2 is responsible for this mess because they gave the game to people that were incompetent period. The is no discussion there. They reaped what they sowed. Simple as that. Now they have to deal with it. Boo hoo. I'm not looking any sleep over it On second thought I don't want to get into this discussion anyway. Nothing good comes from it. I end up say things I regret
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