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Everything posted by dave1904

  1. Did not work unfortunately. Ive posted it in the MPE Topic. Thanks anyway! While im here. One some planets I get a stutter when Im 100m from landing. Its loading assets I think. I think I asked you this once before and you knew the issue. I forgot
  2. When I am on Soden and some other planets the performance is awful. Timewarp basically freezes the game. Ervo has the same issue. Have not tested other planets. It starts to stutter the lower I get in orbit and once im on the ground and time warp it basiclly crashes. No other mods installed. I tested it with KSPCF but it made no difference either. Am I missing some dependency?
  3. Minor Planets expansion. My descripion of the issue was bad. Soden and Ervo. Probably other planets. If you teleport there the performance is ok. Once you timewarp the problems start. It would seem like a loading issue. Its probably MPE. The reason why I am asking here is because noone has seemed to have reported the issue there and Its not like its hard to miss. Its unplayable. Was wondering if it was a new version of kopernicus.
  4. Not sure if its MPE or Kopernicus. When I have MPE installed and am on the surface of some bodies the game stutters like crazy. No other mods installed.
  5. If anyone is experiencing Phantom acceleration and exploding it's because you need the latest FreeIva version.
  6. The Konstellation Program Mod has a model for a compact RS68 but it still sticks out of the SLS Engine housing (image below). Any chance of making an even compacter model without the engine mounts and just the insulation?
  7. It's because the decoupler is the same part as the engine. Ideally the engines should be a separate part. If it really bothers you. You can remove the decoupler module from the part cfg. Then add a 1.25 decoupler and use the offset tool to get things lined up and working. The game will then do the proper calculationas. That or just keep the 450 m/s in mind.
  8. Are we ever going to have a game mode with funds too? I'm not exactly up to date to be fair but working with a budget is something that's imersive. Launch cost is a really important part of a space program. There are alot of things that could be done with systems like that. The more you use certain parts the cheaper they become. Sure there are more important issues that need fixing ATM and science career. I hope there is room for hard-core game modes in the future.
  9. Its not working with sigma dimensions because it comes after it in the loading order. I got around it in a very lazy way for now.... By renaming the Folder name and the texture file paths
  10. Hmm, its not compatable with sigma dimensions and rescale for some reason.
  11. Once KSP2 is in a playable/enjoyable state then you can build a pc. Don't do it now. Its a waste of money. In the meantime the hardware you listed will get cheaper and you can save money.
  12. Oh nice. I didnt even know about RMM and had to google it. Cheer!
  13. Considering this mod is made by the same author as the shuttle. Why are the RS25s a different scale? They seem to large for the shuttle. I'm using the rs25s from restock for the shuttle and the rs25s from this mod for the sls but I'm just curious I suppose. It works fine and all just wondering.
  14. Why should I pay for a product and then do their job by reporting bugs? BTW. You don't need to report bugs. The game is basically unplayable and the devs are fully aware of them. I supported them by buying it and honestly. I probably shouldn't have. There is probably big issues behind the scenes. They'll probably start sacking people.
  15. You need a widescreen monitor to judge. https://rog.asus.com/monitors/32-to-34-inches/rog-swift-pg349q-model/ I use that. Even if you could scale the UI... The navbal in KSP2 is a waste of pixels. I am really surprised so many people like it. I do not. I like simple UIs.
  16. Bugs aside. The UI is a disaster. Below are 3 images. Stock KSP1, modded KSP1 and Stock KSP2. If you look at how much of the display is taken up by information the KSP2 is simply wasting it. The whole point of a UI is to give you as much information as possible, as clearly as possible and not take up the entire hud. On first glance it seems like KSP2 is showing us way more information. In reality the only thing its showing me that KSP1 stock UI doesn't is my AP and PE. Why the hell is 30% of the screen taken up? and I cannot even see how much hydrogen is in the tank anyway. There is no other reason to click on a tank other to know how much is in it. There is no reason for it to be in the parts manger. Sorry this is simply bad UI design and other than looking fancy it doesn't actually tell me anything more. The Irony is that you give us the weight of fuel in the current stage. That is not even relevant. Useless information. Not always but thats why you should toggle information like that. Navbal doesnt work for me if its not in the center. The navbal is all I look at launching. Look at how massive it is, yet its useless. The Trust bar doesn't need to be that size. The Vertical speed indicator is massive yet you still don't know the exact speed. It is better than KSP1s because in KSP1 it was useless. The atmosphere bar is simply useless. Was in KSP1 to be fair aswell. It would be way better if we simply had a pressure number. As if an unexpirenced player knew what the hell that bar is showing and what that actually means. Whats the 3 different colors of blue tell me anyway? The light one is 1atm the black one is 0 atm but whats that mean on eve or duna? Nothing...... The orbital speed and altitude can be numbers. There is no reason to have the big fat bar along with them. Its a waste of space and looks crap. That navbal needs a redesign. Ideally just delete it and paste in KSP1 for now. Smaller and tells me what I need. The Little ship in the middle to show me where my ship is pointing is a total waste of space and doesn't help anyone. Again its useless because new players do not actually know what those vectors mean. They know what they mean when they use that maneuver tool so having a toy ship is unnecessary. Ill admit that I forgot to add an engine so staging is not in this image but I think you get the point. Its clean. In the Modded KSP2 I have wayyy more information on screen and can still see things. I have everything I need on screen in way more detail. Sure it doesn't look all fancy but it gets the job done and I dont feel overwhelmed even though its showing me far more information. (The craft in this image is not really a craft. Its just for scale) Even if I sound negative I see alot of potential in KSP2. Its fluid and fast in ways ksp1 is not. I like how snappy the UI is and the sounds of the clicks in the VAB. If done correctly KSP2 can be a far far better game than KSP1. I still say if I dont like something. Im critical haha
  17. I wouldn't upgrade your gpu yet. Wait until the performance is better and you'll be able to make an informed decision on what kind of card you need.
  18. I decided to go to dres before any other object.
  19. Yeah I couldn't stage with spacebar at first and needed to restart. Its a pain in the ass because you don't know if its a bug or if you're doing something wrong
  20. I don't want to be part of the free giveaway. There are many other people here that need it more.. Im hoping the game will end up in a stable shape. Surprisingly I'm actually more optimistic now after the demo. Letting YouTubers talk about bugs and letting them make honest reviews is something I respect alot. Even the high requirements were very brave on your part. Warning players in this way was very honest of you and definitely hurt sales. It was the right thing to do and I'll buy it this week solely because of that honesty. Ill be doing benchmarks and uploading results here for players to look at
  21. The tutorial is designed for a very young audience. Its light hearted by intention. I actually think thats one of the very few good things. Its important to make it sound light hearted because it is a difficult game. You don't want to overwhelm anyone. Grown ups will always go to YouTube for deeper tutorials.
  22. There is a delta i believe. This guy said it took a while to get into space. https://youtu.be/TFC4ul2uCCg
  23. Thats actually not true at all. When it comes to games sequels are more often than not better. Red dead 2 Mass effect 2 Arkham city Halo 2 Call of duty 2 Many many more Certain parts of originals can be better but when it comes to games sequels are better in most cases. Sequels often have a larger budget and are built on existing mechanics. Not like movies.
  24. 3080 and 12900k. I wouldn't really be bothered by specs right now. By the looks of things ksp 2 won't be in a playable state for a while. Im actually really surprised they allowed the YouTubers to release that footage ahead of release. Its honest and not giving players the wrong impression. Id keep my hands of it if you don't have the specs to brute force it. Honestly I doubt the minimum Specs will perform well either.
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