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Everything posted by dave1904

  1. If you use BDB then go all in an use 2.5 rescale. It's actually not really any harder than stock because the engines are considerably more powerful. BDB is the best mod I've ever played in any game. The attention to detail is something else. Loading times can be a pain in the ass but it's worth it.
  2. I have to check the model put again. I've looked everywhere. Even vangaurd because it would be based on it. Wait. Did the original S-IV hotstage? I hotstage them too using smart parts. Since I'm playing carrer with 3.5 rescale I hat to edit the smart parts mass and price however. It makes it easy however. It starts the aj10 when the 1st stage has 1% fuel and again when it has 0%.
  3. And how do you think able dealt with that? The AJ10-37 for example? Able doesnt have any ullage trusters and the engine doesnt have cold gas exhaust right? Sorry for being such a pain in the black haha
  4. It's the earliest version I'm wondering about. I play with engine ignitor and live recreating rockets as realistic as possible in order to learn how they worked. I cannot find anything about the Thor and Vangaurd second stages. If they are pressure fed ullage would not be an issue right? If so I can just disable ullage and keep the ignition to 1? I'm not entirely sure how it works. If I remember correctly the shuttle used rcs before it fired its aj10s but it might have been to protect the engine.
  5. Ablestar could but not Able. It had 1 ignition. I'd be surprised if it were hotstaged because it has no exhaust vents
  6. They do for Bluedog and some of the minor parts they have. I noticed it on separation motors for the Gemini capsule.
  7. Would it be possible to add axial tilt to kerbin?
  8. Max capacity. Ive tryed if it was a rounding error. Once its set below 0.9 there is no resource in the tanks. 1.1 etc all works. The game recognises it has the resouce in the vab. It will say solid fuel 0/0. When I right click the part there is no resource however.
  9. Sorry. I did not mean patch. The mod in general doesn't work with parts that have resource levels below 0.9. Just edit any config of a part and set the resource to 0.5. You will see when you launch the game that the part will not have any resource at all.
  10. In case anyone is still using this in 2024 then KopernicusSolarPanels needs to be changed to KopernicusSolarPanel REQUIREMENT:NEEDS[Kopernicus] { name = PartModuleUnlocked type = PartModuleUnlocked partModule = KopernicusSolarPanel } Something was changed in Kopernicus.
  11. Parts that have less than 1 decimal resources end up having no resource at all after this patch is applied. I was having trouble with a small Solid rocket Motor from bluedog not having fuel. It had 0.1 in the cfg. I tested it by editiing other solid rockets and putting their resources to 0.1. Once in game they have no resource. Once I set resource to 1 they have fuel again. Am i making sence?
  12. what avionics unit is supposed to be used on the Minutemann III? Its metioned and even pictured in the wiki but I cannot find it.
  13. An abomination, Inefficient, expensive and a political scandal! ! Gets 40tons 5m wide payloads into a 3.5 rescale orbit however :))
  14. Did not work unfortunately. Ive posted it in the MPE Topic. Thanks anyway! While im here. One some planets I get a stutter when Im 100m from landing. Its loading assets I think. I think I asked you this once before and you knew the issue. I forgot
  15. When I am on Soden and some other planets the performance is awful. Timewarp basically freezes the game. Ervo has the same issue. Have not tested other planets. It starts to stutter the lower I get in orbit and once im on the ground and time warp it basiclly crashes. No other mods installed. I tested it with KSPCF but it made no difference either. Am I missing some dependency?
  16. Minor Planets expansion. My descripion of the issue was bad. Soden and Ervo. Probably other planets. If you teleport there the performance is ok. Once you timewarp the problems start. It would seem like a loading issue. Its probably MPE. The reason why I am asking here is because noone has seemed to have reported the issue there and Its not like its hard to miss. Its unplayable. Was wondering if it was a new version of kopernicus.
  17. Not sure if its MPE or Kopernicus. When I have MPE installed and am on the surface of some bodies the game stutters like crazy. No other mods installed.
  18. If anyone is experiencing Phantom acceleration and exploding it's because you need the latest FreeIva version.
  19. The Konstellation Program Mod has a model for a compact RS68 but it still sticks out of the SLS Engine housing (image below). Any chance of making an even compacter model without the engine mounts and just the insulation?
  20. It's because the decoupler is the same part as the engine. Ideally the engines should be a separate part. If it really bothers you. You can remove the decoupler module from the part cfg. Then add a 1.25 decoupler and use the offset tool to get things lined up and working. The game will then do the proper calculationas. That or just keep the 450 m/s in mind.
  21. Are we ever going to have a game mode with funds too? I'm not exactly up to date to be fair but working with a budget is something that's imersive. Launch cost is a really important part of a space program. There are alot of things that could be done with systems like that. The more you use certain parts the cheaper they become. Sure there are more important issues that need fixing ATM and science career. I hope there is room for hard-core game modes in the future.
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