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Everything posted by dave1904

  1. The contracts work fine but since 1.1 I can't find the contact.cfg. The devs must have changed it All I want is to have 30 contracts to chose from since I have loads of mods
  2. The phase angles are totally wrong. I currently only have kerbal engineer and kerbal alarm clock installed. As you can see the current phase angle is 57 but its showing 13.74 http://prntscr.com/az8lf2
  3. Anyone have any idea where I can increase the amount of contracts after fully upgrading the mission control building. it used to work with the contracts.cfg in Gamedata/Sqaud/Contracts but its not there anymore. All I did was change it for 10 to 20
  4. that rebuild version is working for me, the folder just does not extract properly. put the kerbal joint reinforcement folder into gamedata and let it merge with the second one in the gamedata folder
  5. I assumed most expired player use both hands. I've never used the docking controls since and can't even remember the key layout. The docking mod or whatever its called from navyfish and the docking last 20secounds.
  6. To bad about the docking ports I always loved the J docking port. The IVA in the J cockpit is the nicest I've seen! Can't wait to see the complete version. Please don't forget the funny sticky notes.
  7. Just watch videos to learn and there is no better teacher than scott and trial and error in KSP. Don't watch mechjeb dock 100 times unless you want to waste your life because mechjeb takes forever. Its also a game and you do things yourself instead of a mod doing it for you. Just press F5 and when you love up F9 until you can dock like a pro. Download this mod and watch tutorials and in a week you can dock as good as anyone else. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/40423-10x-docking-port-alignment-indicator-version-62-updated-05042015/
  8. Same here with the nose cone. Its weird that such a simple part causes lag like this on my system.............
  9. forget about it, after reading your post again I realized I just confirmed what you said, I'm sorry had a krakenty day and am exhausted.
  10. Ok after messing around I found that if I press the 1 key to activate an AG I have a 22m delay but If I activate/deactivate/toggle it with your RT Screen with clicking it works with an additional 40m delay.
  11. If my periapsis of a plantet is in low space were I do not have a line of sight I will use action groups with a manual delay so that it does the experiments at periapsis when I have no connection to get "in space low science". The same goes for probes that enter an atmosphere, I need them to fold their antennas on atmospheric entry and because I have no connection I need them to have a manual delay on unfolding their antennas. AGE has a signal delay but I would love the signal delay + manual delay.
  12. Great mod, I would love to see it work a bit better with remotetechs flight computer to include signal delay so that I can activate action groups at an exact position.
  13. Could you change the keo from 2868000 to the proper 2863331. I know its not a big deal but it drives me crazy when my satellites are not 100% stationary. According to the wikia its 2863331 with an orbital period of 6hours but its actually 5h 59m 9.4s.
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