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Another Way of Doing Things. . . (a KerBinary Mission report) (It's NOT over)


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Before we start, I'd like to thank myself for making the mod I will be using, KerBinary. It's ok and I hope you check it out. Also I am playing on Rescale 2x, with a self-imposed rule of no reverts on actual missions. Enjoy!


CHAPTER 1: Intro and stuff

WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, everything has to start somewhere, and here, like most other KSP games, I started out with a simple sounding rocket, the Safe 'n Sound 1


Isn't she a Beauty?


Unfortunately, the parachute was deployed in flight. Still got 72 whole science points!!!



Since I am using BARIS, i want to do some Testing

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Sigh. . . .  Later.

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CHAPTER 2: Space is the place


We start off with a new rocket, the Safe 'n Sound 2. It's a big upgrade from the first rocket, and cound probably reach orbit with an upper stage.




Beautiful from up here, huh.


Back to Kerba Firma again, after nearly disintegrating. By the way, I had no control over the rocket at all the whole time


All in all, a successful mission. 82 science points, too!


Now for crew


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Say Hello to the SHTICK mk1, the KSP's first crewed vehicle


Uhg. Does it have to look like that?

-Engineer's Comment: No, but we wanted to upset Administration by making it look Horrible.



-Administrators Comment: Those Lazy engineers, always forgetting stuff. Seriously, no control scheme. We should fire them on the spot!!


Sigh . . . . broken rockets and infighting. Will we ever have success?

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CHAPTER 3: Nothing's Working!


We Start off with the first, and probably only flight of this chapter, Horizons 1.


It's the KSP's second attempt at crewed flight, and this time it looks sensible

-Engineers Comment: Well, we had to after Admin threatened our jobs


Ignition! Of the SRB lower stage


Stage separation


Burning hot


Gosh darn it! Stupid part limits


Jeb is sad


The reentry has problems with oscillations. Luckily, nothing came of them


Safe in the water (even the capsule looks sad)


All in all, a sort of failure. Jeb went to space, but not to orbit.

-Administrations comment: Why didn't we build a bigger rocket? Where are the Moar Boosters!

-Rnd's Comment: Not our fault! It was engineering!

-Engineering's Comment: It was the financial dept.!

-Financial Dept.'s Comment: We dont have the money to upgrade our buildings! We spent it all on cheese!

-Everyone's Comment: Then who spent the money!

-Jeb's Comment: :blush: Ummmmmmmm . . . . .





Also, i'm sorry about the shorter chapters, especially compared to other mission reports. The length of the chapter just tends to coincide with the amount of KSP I play a day



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CHAPTER 4: Building, Flying, Dreaming!


Boys, This is gonna be a big one


The Crewed Orbit program is going well, with the introduction of a new rocket, the New Horizons


You know how it goes



<Insert build fly dream music>


All in all, a fully successful mission

Jeb went to space

Science was gained

And I forgot to take screenshots of the time in space.


Now, we do some probe stuff.


Behold, the Horizons 3

I forgot to take screenshots of the launch, as I had no SAS and it was quite hard


Science was got, blah blah blah, cool satellite


I needed money, so decided to take a contract to test an engine. The deployment thing for space is the satellite but without much in it.


The LV is just New Horizons minus boosters





Deploying engine


Now defunct, the empty cargo bay drifts through space


Oh, and I messed around with planes a bit

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All in all, a good day for the KSP.

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Just one mission today, but an important one. The space program has decided, after a long hiatus, to reach farther than LKO, to POL, Kerbins's only moon (yes i am using an indev version of KerBinary)

BEHOLD: The Pol 1


Got some nice shots


Waterfall is amazing


This is giving me Virgin Orbit vibes


Tylo, Kerbol, and Grannus in one picture



Burning for Pol



Pol flyby


Leaving Pol


Mission over, leaving Pol 1 to drift forever among the stars


Mission accomplished!



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Hooh BOY, this is gonna be a big one.


First, we start off with a few changes to the space program. First of all, the Horizons program is being split into 2. The Horizons program is going to become exclusively crewed missions, and the new program, the Dawn program will have the unmanned ones. Also, i installed the state funding mod (using the USK).


This will be the first launch, an unmanned test flight of the new advanced Muun Capsule (the Muun is the mun in Kerbinary, but it's a planet)







Next: we farmed some science



Now for the launch of Telecom 1 - Dawn 5. it will validate the usefulness of communication satellites in orbit. it will be the last of the Cargo Bay Satellites


Ignore the antennae



Mission accomplished!


Now for a Big Deal



To get to Tylo, the New Horizons rocket will be in its most powerful configuration, with 3 stages and 4 boosters. Also, sorry for the lack of pictures. The mission was stressful.



At Tylo, flying by GIlly


Now the fuel is spent and the active part of the mission has ended, the passive part can now happen


All in all, a good day for the KSP







A Report on the New Horizons Launch Vehicle

The New Horizons Launch Vehicle is an incredibly configurable rocket. It has an optional 3rd stage and number of solid rocket side boosters ranging form 0 to 4. It also even has an optional fairing. The naming convention is as follows: New Horizons starts it off. Next is the number of boosters, Then the number of stages, the if it has a fairing, represented as an F or an N.Examples as follows: New Horizons 22F; New Horizons 43N; New Horizons 00F. This Has been a report on the New Horizons Launch Vehicle.



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Chapter 7: Business as Usual

Did . . . Something just happen? It feels like a year just passed, yet it also feels like nothing at all. Everyone is in their normal places and nothing seems off, yet I have a sinking feeling that I just missed something important. Yet, regardless, the show must go on. There are still rockets to launch, moons to orbit, and with that, we come to the Horizons 4:


Built with the most powerful Horizons rocket to date, it even has an orbital maneuvering module for advanced rendezvous capabilities. That, in fact, is it's mission. To Rendezvous with another spacecraft in orbit and, well, kinda just say hi. We haven't really figured out how to dock yet.


We begin with a launch in the early morning, which on Kerbin is actually still hours away from sunrise


And we lift off, the 4 boosters burning bright


A clean booster separation


And MECO achieved


The second stage ignites as we witness an orbital sunrise


As the automatic maneuver system was glitching, jeb had to manually get himself into orbit


Second stage cutoff


Capsule detachment as the solar panels cannot generate power from inside the fairing


And a great view of Tylo in the background


Now Pol and Tylo, both Kerbin's celestial companions. Alas, we have to end the mission early after 18 days in orbit as we have run out of provisions early (I was messing around with configuring Snacks! as the longer day of Kerbin in the mod messes with it I think)






And Landed.

------End of the Horizons 4 Mission------

All in all, a successful mission. SCIENCE! was gained, although we didn't get to attempt a rendezvous. However, we did get to test the limits of the endurance of the Horizons spacecraft and our astronauts. That'll be Jeff Kerman, signing off-

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The space program will be properly reformed under the new government of United East Kerbonia's new administration. The Chancellor will be pleased.


Author's Note: Snacks! has some issues with the modified (longer) day meaning a kerbal could survive for 30 times longer than intended as the day is 30 normal days long. I think I have solved this but we will see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 8: Trials and Tribulations

Welp. I guess I'm the new mission documenter.  I don't really know who's actually reading these, but I hope you weren't bored out of your mind by the last guy. Actually, what did happen to the last guy? Nevermind, we have stuff to do. A fishy looking guy named Gene showed up on our doorstep with a very official looking letter saying that The Central Directorate and The Chancellor himself have ordered that more manned missions shall be conducted outside of Low Kerbin Orbit. Specifically, Pol.

To accomplish these lofty goals, the best college dropouts engineers of of the SSP have been ordered to stay up for roughly a week, using extreme amounts of caffeine to devise the Horizons 5 spacecraft:


Jedediah, the only Kerbal as of yet to ever fly into space has been elected to go on this mission. It only took a little bit of knockout gas to get him into the rocket.


The twin SRB's are a new design, meant to stretch the limits of what the base New Horizons rocket is able to do. The capsule and spacecraft are basically just the Horizons 4 spacecraft but with an added fuel tank in the middle.


Wait, something went wrong with the SRB separation. It appears attaching them from the bottom leads to, well, issues. Perhaps also, getting Jeb to fly the rocket while still under the effects of ether might have not been the best idea.


He manages to abort safely, much to the chagrin of mission control, where cries of "JEEEEB!!" can be heard.


When we recovered him, he kind of just flopped out of the capsule. As far as our resident medical expert can say, "Welp. He's probably not awake. I don't know what you're asking me about this for, I just clean the toilets around here"


However, the show must go on. Gene has still been hanging around the offices asking about the status of a Pol mission, and he has a few very serious looking government guys behind him to back up his claim.

Valentina has been chosen to lead this mission, as Jeb is still recovering. It'll be a Pol flyby mission/Extended duration flight mission.


This time, as shown by this amazing graphic, we have shifted the boosters downwards, which should fix the issue of the rocket exploding horribly and failing the mission.


The rocket is the same as last time otherwise


Everyone in mission control is praying that the boosters separate cleanly, save Anthony. We don't like Anthony.


Luckily enough, we get a clean separation. Everything is norminal. Or is it nominal?


And another stage separation. This stage is low-thrust enough that we'll just burn all of the way to orbit


And the third stage, to finish up


The shroud is jettisoned, thus marking the third ever manned orbital flight.

Oqd5duJ.pngValentine begins the Trans-Pol injection burn, right at orbital sunset. Lots of oooh's and aah's from observers.


On the, actually only 3-hour or 1/2 day trip towards Pol, catching a glimpse of Tylo on the way. Sometime, we will return to Tylo, and next time with Kerbals.


Valentina reaches the actual flyby, but unfortunately for everyone waiting for  pretty photos of the surface, we don't get close enough to make any features out. To make things even worse, we go by on the dark side, completely obscuring our view


While leaving Pol, Val catches a shot of the dark side of Pol. Frankly, too dark for me.


Valentine makes an orbital correction burn to bring her Periapsis above the atmosphere. She is going to stay in orbit for 4 more days, much to her incessant groaning about "no leg room" and "the only food to eat is chicken salad." Frankly, I love chicken salad, so I see no issues.


She waves one last goodbye to Pol and Tylo, as mission control reminds her that they can't wave back, as they aren't sentient beings. She has to de-orbit as she has run out of food, and The Central Directorate demands she be brought back with minimal starvation. I guess they don't realize that malnutrition builds character, but whatever


Fuel and power separation


A bit toasty on reentry; one of the engineers remarked that the reentry plasma would be great to grill on


As the navigation computer broke, she ends up landing in the middle of the Kimilayan mountain range. I hope she brought the bear gun.


She manages to get out of the capsule, therefore proving herself better than Jebediah, and becomes the first Kerbal to reach Pol and return



-----END REPORT-----

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