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Thought SIMPLEX Assembly


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Hi everyone.

I wanted to add a patch that allow construction ability to ALL parts so that you could send craft to say Duna, or the Mun, and have your kerbals build a base that is attached to the ground.  So part by part.

This would give a great use for the construction exoskeleton mod that increases kerbal mass likit on construction 15 fold. (Link below)

In looking into patching all parts that aren't already capable (i.e. larger tanks, 2.5m crewed parts) KSP doesn't allow the patch (1.12.2) using Module Manager if the part has an inventory.  (See below for the link to the MM discussion).  It has to so with parts with inventories not being able to be put into an inventory.  

So... I'm thinking of a SimplexAssembly mod.  The caveat is that the crewed parts would have their inventories removed so that every part would be able to be at least manipulated by the Construction engineers.  It would also mean 2.5+m parts could be manipulated for proper construction in space. Hitchhikers could be attached to surface bases.

This is only a thought at this stage.  OreToParts and Sandcastle would be supported as well. I wonder how people would feel if the hitchhiker and mk1-3 had inventories removed.  Any mod with crewed parts that didnt have the Cargo module would have its inventory scrubbed as well.

It would mean a trip to Duna with the right equipment could then construct a whole base manually.  I realise that EL could do this as well, but this is a more stockish feel.

The big issue is the inventories.  Obviously the cargo containers would continue to have inventories, they become more important as parts to include on a ship.

Module manger patching discussion and example of the patch:

Exoskeleton mod:


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The inventory and cargo construction issue has been resolved apparently through a patch order thing. 

However, in creating parts in say Sandcastle or Ore2parts I'm unsure for the possiblity of crewed parts becaue of the inventory.  I'd like this to be a possibility, so I'm still considering it.

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13 minutes ago, ffx said:

We need a even larger exoskelton to carry all of the 2.5m+ parts

Potentially, I haven't really explored this too much hence the thoughts... 4 kerbals on Kerbin on the launchpad (the orange suits), with the exoskeletons, are collectively are able to manage up to 3.7 ton parts.  This is about 95% of all the stock parts, even the lab (3.5 ton).   I'm not sure what this is like in orbit on on the Mun or Minmus though - if you can lift heavier things, then anything might be possible!

The exoskelton part author said that weird things happen for kerbals able to manipulate 15times their stock ability.  But we could give it a go I guess.  If you try, can you feed back here please?


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In questions asked on the Ore to Parts thread, it may be that crewed parts (inventory also parts) may not be able to be created. 

If that is the case I will remove inventory from crewed parts.

19 minutes ago, ffx said:

i have a image for a exoskeleton exaple design @theJesuit

can you make leg ik for parts?

looks good.  in terms on the cfg look at the exoskelton mod in the OP.

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8 hours ago, theJesuit said:

In questions asked on the Ore to Parts thread, it may be that crewed parts (inventory also parts) may not be able to be created. 

If that is the case I will remove inventory from crewed parts.

Also, these parts require part volume as well.  Which, to be fair, the Part Volume mod is needed to make work.  I'm thinking then that I would need to provide cfgs for all mod parts in that case.   Further contemplation may be required.

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Okay.  I'm looking to release a beta/trial version in the next day or so.

All parts will be able to be manipulated in construction

Inventories will still be in for crewed parts. But this may be temporary.

Additonal cargo containers and increased volume inside them.


What is strange is that the bounding box of LGGs part mod sugggests the the hitchhiker it is a shade under 1500 litres volume.  It also the same size as three stacked large stock cargo containers.  These collectively hold half the volume.  This seems quite odd.  Hence why I'll adjust it cargo container volume. Actually, i may be put be a factor of ten.  I was tired when i looked at it.


To be done will be integration for SandCastle.  I'll be looking to take some crewed parts and remove inventory so that they can be printed insitu.  Maybe cabin parts only, and parts like the hub and fuselage and tanks. All basic parts that look like they would fit within the bounds of a lab and be under 3.5 tons.  Like tanks.


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