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Antenna and probe issues

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I'm trying to get a probe into deep space. I have a Communtotron HG-55 antenna . I have a Probodyne HECS.  I have battery power.  Why is it going dead on me?  I cannot control anything.  It worked at first when I decoupled it and then after a short timewarp, nothing.  It is currently in a Kerbol orbit not far from Kerbin itself.


I stacked 4 of these in one launch with the idea I would send them out all over the place.  This has been a very frustrating day, as i started this project after the fail of another...



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1 hour ago, Klapaucius said:

I'm trying to get a probe into deep space. I have a Communtotron HG-55 antenna . I have a Probodyne HECS.  I have battery power.  Why is it going dead on me?  I cannot control anything.

Just to be clear: you are fully out of time warp when trying to control the probe? I am asking because in this screenshot, you are still in time warp.

The second thing that immediately comes to mind is: did you check whether the probe is set to hybernate automatically through time warp (this is default)? And if so, whether it successfully came out of hybernation again after the time warp?

Lastly: how long has your play session been so far? Especially relevant if you're playing on 1.10 or later. I find that beyond at most an hour or two, especially if doing many scene changes or reloads, the game just starts to randomly malfunction in unpredictable ways. Just the other night, while iterating on a plane I was working on, it randomly decided that my plane had no functional brakes anymore, after about a bit over an hour's play. On a pure stock game. I had to close the game and restart to get my brakes back. :huh:

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I don't know why you've no control, all I can say is that, in a recent mission, I had an incomprehensible relay-vessel link behavior, as if the relay didn't work at all.
This would not have compromised the mission, but I could not continue playing knowing that there was something that was not working properly.
So I reloaded the save and/or restarted the game until the relay-vessel link started working again.

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