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[1.9.x - 1.12.x] Precursors V1.7.1-- PARALLAX UPDATE INCOMING -- NOW ON GITHUB!


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Version: 1.7.1 - ODYSSEY UPDATE


The discovery of mysterious SSTV signals originating from Duna was a monumental leap in the search for intelligent life. Deciphering these signals revealed The Ignotum System, a previously undiscovered solar system 3 light years from Kerbin. Having recently mastered interstellar travel and hibernation technologies, the Kerbals were quick to launch an expedition to this new system. The trip ran smoothly, but upon arrival...

Alone among the stars, you are the future of the expedition. Rediscover ancient rocketry and flight technologies as you explore a vast, handcrafted solar system. Uncover the secrets behind the SSTV signals and the alien race that created them.

Precursors is a planet pack designed to provide a fresh and exciting experience to players. Stranded on a cold and barren world, traverse highly detailed celestial bodies and never-before-seen environments. Each planet and moon has a distinct challenge and appearance; hike across scalding volcanic mountains, maneuver through massive forests, and battle against relentless gravity on your journey across the Ignotum System.  Collect custom science reports and unearth extensive lore in this continuation of the Kerbal Space Program story.



  • Over 20 highly detailed celestial bodies to explore
  • 1,000+ custom science reports across all bodies
  • Fleshed-out biomes on all celestial bodies
  • Intricate worldbuilding
  • Custom flags, loading screens, and more
  • Easter eggs galore!

Download at https://github.com/WyattPetula/Precursors

Older versions can be found athttps://spacedock.info/mod/2869/Precursors Planet Pack

Trailer (outdated as of V1.6.1)

NOTE: This trailer was exported from Lightworks Free, which has a max resolution of 720p. It's also my first-ever attempt at making a video.

Dependencies and Recommended Mods



  • KSP 1.9.x-1.12.x
  • Niako's Kopernicus Utilities 
  • Kopernicus Stable Branch 1.9.x-1.12.x 


  • Scatterer
  • EVE Redux 


  • Sigma Loading Screens
  • Resource configs supporting Interstellar Fuel Switch
  • Resource configs supporting Community Resource Pack


  • Other system replacers
  • Volumetric EVE

Support and Known Issues



If you want to get support, please include a detailed description of the problem, your KSP logs, a list of your installed mods, and—if applicable—screenshots. If you do not include these requirements, you will not receive good support.


  • Lack of fog when "swimming" on Maar

More Screenshots





System In-Depth Overview (MAJOR SPOILERS)


The Ignotum System (as of Version 1.7.1)

  • Solus (main sequence star)
    • Fracture --> atmospheric
      • Intense (and occasionally uneven) atmosphere heat
      • Hazardous lava
      • Mountainous terrain
      • Intense heat, even heating while in orbit
      • MOONS
      • Char --> Vacuum
        • Very chaotic terrain
        • Low gravity
        • Minor heat from Solus and Fracture
    • Echo --> atmospheric
      • Large, gentle oceans
      • Lots of trees with collisions enabled
      • Tall atmosphere
      • EVE: hypercane, intense aurora
      • MOONS
      • Vista --> vacuum
        • Equatorial ridge
        • Chaotic terrain
      • Maar --> vacuum
        • Has exosphere
        • Lots of craters
        • Craters contain liquid
    • Windswept --> atmospheric
      • Massive canyons
      • Thin atmosphere
      • EVE: wispy polar clouds, aurora
      • MOONS
      • Tension --> vacuum
        • Extremely fast rotation
        • Warped terrain
    • Scourge --> atmospheric
      • Not somewhere you want to swim (oceans will violently suck down and destroy your ship)
      • EVE: volcanic plumes, tendrils
      • MOONS
      • Siren --> vacuum
        • Extremely battered with craters
      • Hydra --> vacuum
        • Massive plateaus and hills
        • Low gravity
      • Cetus --> vacuum
        • Cylindrical shape
    • Frontier --> atmospheric
      • Home world
      • High gravity
      • Shorter but denser atmosphere than Kerbin
      • MOONS
      • Scar
        • Large ridge
    • Rage --> atmospheric
      • Gas giant
      • Bigger than Jool
      • EVE: violent storm bands
      • MOONS
      • Abyss --> atmospheric
        • Significant atmosphere
        • Violent global ocean
        • Only land is extremely mountainous
        • EVE: dense, global cloud deck
      • Icebound --> vacuum
        • Large ice spikes
      • Silence --> atmospheric
        • Significant atmosphere
        • Trees with collision enabled
        • Large, calm oceans
        • EVE: a few clouds, polar low, mild aurora
        • MOONS
          • Easter egg
      • Night --> ?
        • Pitch black
        • Very small/low gravity
        • Not sure if this thing is even a moon
    • Serenity --> atmospheric
      • Extreme gravity
      • Bottomless (?) ocean
      • EVE: swirling cloud bands
      • MOONS
        • Odyssey -- vacuum
          • Massive gravity
          • Massive terrain deformity
          • Massive trauma
          • Do not go here
    • Tranquility --> atmospheric
      • Tall atmosphere
      • EVE: high speed cloud bands


Delta-V Map by u/Lithium-7 (missing Odyssey)


Celestial Body Size Comparison Infographic (outdated)




Precursors Planet Pack is licensed under All Rights Reserved. That means you cannot...

  • Copy my work
  • Create derivatives of my work 
  • Use my work in other projects

You cannot replicate or create derivatives of my work inside KSP 2. The license for Precursors applies to KSP 2 in addition to KSP 1.

If you have a question regarding the license, please message me through the forums. Thanks!

Proper credit has been given to mods and textures not created by me. These mods are exempt from Precursors’ All Rights Reserved license.

Thank you everyone for your continued support!

Author's Note

Hi there! I'm Wpetula. Over the past four years, I've had a wonderful time learning how to engineer custom celestial bodies with the help of the awesome Kerbal Space Program community, especially the Kopernicus Discord group. Thank you everyone for your support! This has been a one-man project, and Precursors would not be what it is today without you.

Edited by wpetula
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Looks Really Good, but i have 3 critiques. 1: the scatterer configs are in a separate folder, when most mods have the configs inside the mod folder, separate from the scatter folder  and 2: the outer system looks pretty empty. it just terminates a bit outside the Habitable zone it would seem, and 3: a lot of planets and moons have shinier surfaces than would really make sense.

Edited by TRAPPIST-1E
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59 minutes ago, TRAPPIST-1E said:

Looks Really Good, but i have 3 critiques. 1: the scatterer configs are in a separate folder, when most mods have the configs inside the mod folder, separate from the scatter folder  and 2: the outer system looks pretty empty. it just terminates a bit outside the Habitable zone it would seem, and 3: a lot of planets and moons have shinier surfaces than would really make sense.

Thanks for the feedback! The Scatterer folders and celestial body surfaces will be fixed early this week. As for the outer solar system, I plan on adding more bodies in future updates.

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What mods / other planet packs do you have installed? I’ll take a look at the issue when I get home. I’m guessing it has to do with incompatibility. 

Has anyone else had this problem?

Edited by wpetula
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19 hours ago, Fletch4 said:


I was able to reproduce this problem. It appears to be a problem solely located on Frontier. While I am working to fix this, a quick solution is to load a craft on another planet or moon and then return to the space center. The 1.0.2 version release will likely be tomorrow, fixing this and any problems mentioned in the comments above.

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I have noticed that neither Maar or Fracture have ocean scatterer configs and are both blue.


The heightmaps also could use some work as it feels kinda blocky on  and the poles on planets are not very good and it feels like this mod is half done, and considering you left the SCATTERER CONFIGTOOL in I think that might be the case. overall this mod has a lot of potential and just needs some polish  7/10 will change review if updates change anything significantly.

Just to clarify I am NOT hating on your mod, Im just expressing some problems I noticed, I couldn't have done better myself.

Ps Why does Fracture have an underground ocean that is nowhere on the surface?

Edited by bobjonesisthebest:D
Wanted to clarify and add PS
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11 hours ago, bobjonesisthebest:D said:

I have noticed that neither Maar or Fracture have ocean scatterer configs and are both blue.

The lack of a Scatterer config on these worlds is intentional to avoid creating some interesting effects (lava "water" and vacuum muck waves).

11 hours ago, bobjonesisthebest:D said:

The heightmaps also could use some work as it feels kinda blocky on  and the poles on planets are not very good and it feels like this mod is half done

You are correct, the mod is somewhat incomplete. I did my best to polish it before releasing it to the public, but obviously there are still be many problems (especially since this is my first planet pack and mod). The height maps and poles will be improved after some of the more game-breaking bugs are fixed. 

11 hours ago, bobjonesisthebest:D said:

Ps Why does Fracture have an underground ocean that is nowhere on the surface?

That's odd. Fracture's lava should not be hidden underground. Places that appear to have lava from space should have lava on the surface. Can you send me a series of screenshots / a video detailing the problem?

Thanks for the feedback! The 1.0.2 update will be released tonight (last night was busier than expected, sorry).

Edited by wpetula
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