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manuever planner broke

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If you fly by a planet, and the trajectory goes onward, and then you place a new manuever node, you will see your ascending and descending nodes in the new orbit. You'll see close approaches after the last manuever node. Indeed, up until two days ago that's what happened for me.

No more. Now placing future manuever will show the nodes before the manuever, and there's no way to see them after.

This is the initial situation. The asccending node is clearly shown as referring to the purple orbit, i.e. the one that will be taken after the eve flyby


but as i place a new manuever node there (you can see from the time tag, it is in the right place)


suddenly i get a new ascending node. This one clearly referring to my current orbit.


And manipulating the manuever node (here you can see i'm trying a 400 m/s normal burn just to show the lack of effect) won't have any effect on ascending node


I am trying to set up the first gravity assist so that I can get a second gravity assist a few orbits later, but if I can't see inclination and close approach (another thing that disappeared) then I have no hope.

I did not touch anything in the settings and I had no updates or new mods. I tried closing and restarting the game, didn't work.

what the hell happened and how can I revert it?


EDIT: after I passed Eve, everything went back to normal. But I alredy planned multiple gravity assists before, just a few days ago, and everything worked fine. now that i see it, i never had the same planet i was using for the flyby set as the target. perhaps that's what caused the system to behave oddly

Edited by king of nowhere
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