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How the Mün was formed


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From these images, we can see a lot of things. Note: all of these are theories.

Around the time Kerbin was formed, an asteroid the size of Duna impacted Kerbin. Causing Kerbin to have an iron core and a stable magnetic field. Part of the debris from the impact forge to form the mün.

Around some million years after that, several giant asteroids impacted the Mün's equator causing debris to collect on the Mün's north and south poles. The mün's crust has not fully solidified that time.

When the mun's crust solifies, smaller asteroids bombarded the mün's surface. One big impact occurred on the mün's north pole. Soon, magma starts to leak out from the mantle, forming the many canyons that are seen.

In 2012, Munoliths and Mün archs start to appear for a reason that could be explained geographically.:rolleyes:

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From these images, we can see a lot of things. Note: all of these are theories.

Around the time Kerbin was formed, an asteroid the size of Duna impacted Kerbin. Causing Kerbin to have an iron core and a stable magnetic field. Part of the debris from the impact forge to form the mün.

Around some million years after that, several giant asteroids impacted the Mün's equator causing debris to collect on the Mün's north and south poles. The mün's crust has not fully solidified that time.

When the mun's crust solifies, smaller asteroids bombarded the mün's surface. One big impact occurred on the mün's north pole. Soon, magma starts to leak out from the mantle, forming the many canyons that are seen.

In 2012, Munoliths and Mün archs start to appear for a reason that could be explained geographically.:rolleyes:

What about Minmus?

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Exact same process.

Except with an Ike sized object.

That would have affected Kerbin's gravity and thus the Mun's trajectory. All life on Kerbin, including the Kerbal Space Administration's workers, would have been killed by the impact. Obviously, no such thing occurred when 0.15 released, so we can conclude that it was not the same thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
That would have affected Kerbin's gravity and thus the Mun's trajectory. All life on Kerbin, including the Kerbal Space Administration's workers, would have been killed by the impact. Obviously, no such thing occurred when 0.15 released, so we can conclude that it was not the same thing.

It didn't happen when the Mun was released either.

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