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Take Two and the handling of modders...


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There are countless mods at this moment that, more or less, make ksp1 look like (according to our current knowledge) ksp2. Graphic enhancements, parts, solar systems, different mechanics etc. Problem is, it's still KSP1 underneath, with all its limitations, and so far, no mod was able to fix it.

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On 12/14/2021 at 2:09 AM, Kerbart said:

Totally different case:

  1. T2 reissues old games but has them refreshed and upgraded
  2. T2 totally botches this release
  3. Modders roll out their own upgrade basically saying "DoN't BuY tHaT CrAp RelEaSe GeT OuRs InStEaD."

While all of the modders points might be true — It's not inconceivable the newly released game is riddled with bugs, and that the modders did reverse the source code without reusing IP — it's also clear that this undercuts T2 sales. Not just "even if all of the above is true" but especially if the above is true. A lawsuit might be bad publicity, allowing people to pick the free mod over the (probably indeed horrible) commercial release will certainly kill it. From a business point of view that makes the lawsuit pretty much a no-brainer. And yes, had they released a quality product that wouldn't have happened.

This is some pretty disgusting misinformation... That's not what happened, these mods were in works and were being showcased long before the official remakes were even announced.

On 12/14/2021 at 7:37 AM, J.Random said:

I'd say there may be a plausible reason to block KSP1 mods which could make it look or play similarly to (or better than) KSP2.

This. Things like scatterer/EVE/parallax, kopernicus and planet packs. There are lots of places where the axe could fall.

Edited by m4ti140
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3 hours ago, m4ti140 said:

There are lots of places where the axe could fall.

If their "Bean counters" can't actually count and realize that the IP they bought for scraps it's not actually as big as GTA.

Let's face it, if you remove or ban mods from GTA nothing happens, as demonstrated by the fact that nothing happened when they blocked the fanmade remasters to publish their crappy mobile port (all the backslash was from the remasters being terrible), do the same for KSP and you can as well cancel the game, the IP wouldn't survive. 

I know that, on PC, GTA modding is bigger than the whole KSP community, but yet GTA modding is less than a rounding error for the kind of money the IP moves around overall, even if we include the whole PC player base for GTA (as demonstrated by the fact that Rockstar things always comes late and with crappy ports on PC).

And, again, let's remember that moddability has been one of the main focuses of every piece of marketing and every interview they gave, the first big marketing event organized by the publisher being inviting a bunch of modders to the studio.

Edited by Master39
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On 12/14/2021 at 2:16 AM, K^2 said:

So in any case, I don't think there is any incentive to block mods because of multiplayer. The only reason T2 might create pressure to crack down on modding of KSP2 is if mods start cutting into DLC sales. Which isn't impossible, but I don't think it's high risk right now.

No need to crack down such mods - an update introducing… "incompatibilities" does the same job without the fuss.

It worked very well on KSP1.

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