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Comment connaître les DeltaV aller ET retour


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On connaît tous ce fameux schéma qui ressemble à un plan de métro qui nous dit le delta V requis.
Par contre je ne sais pas où trouver les deltaV en comptant le retour sur Kerbin.
Savez-vous où je peux trouver ça svp ?

We all know this famous diagram that looks like a subway map that tells us the required delta V.
On the other hand, I don't know where to find the deltaVs, counting the return on Kerbin.
Do you know where I can find this please?

Edited by Vanamonde
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Welcome to our forum. :)

The handy thing about the dV charts is that the math ads up the same way no matter which direction you're going, with one difference. Atmospheres slow you down while taking off but help you lose speed when landing. Just keep that adjustment in mind and you can use the same chart no matter the origin and destination. Just add the numbers between the locations to find the total. 

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10 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

no matter the origin and destination.

The problem with the typical subway dv map is that it does not show the dv values going from Duna->Dres, or Tylo->Laythe, or any other combination that does not contain Kerbin.

Not attacking your reply, I quite agree with the reversible property of any vacuum dv trip, i mean my whole website planner tool is built on that premise :D
OP might be struggling with the fact that subway maps don't show the costs between elliptical orbits and low orbits for all planets/moons, it just sums them up into "capture"? (i don't know, this is just speculating at this point)

Edited by Blaarkies
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