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Adventures with WildBlueIndustries - Blueshift and Kerbal Flying Saucers

Ooglak Kerman

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"Wutcha say Mr. Warp?  Howsbout we go have ourselfs a gander at that raht purdy purple stripey one thas way outcheer"
::That would be very nice Angelo.  Warp capacity 100%::

5 Minutes Later



"Huh..  mmm... Mr. Warp, didn't we all run into ol Val and Thomus outcheer?  Its raht purdy tho"
:: Indeed we did Angelo.  You were rather immersed in your own thoughts at the time ::
"Ayupp...  weeell...  ya figger we autta be a-gittin on back to the barn?"
:: It might be best.  But as your brother intimated.. have you considered the how of how we will return to your manse?  ::
"Huhhhh... we'll figger it out, eh?  Whutcha say we stop in at Vall though."
:: I would like to sing with the Lost One.  It cannot be heard from outside the Jool system now.  Those there.. relay.. but it is not the same ::

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Jeb's Used Parts Emporium, in conjunction with Kerbin Tour Lines is proud to announce the commissioning of Jeb's Hotel Bop.

Designed with the most discerning Kerbal adventurer in mind, Hotel Bop features luxury accommodations for up to 6 Kerbals wishing to take in the spectacular vistas offered on the planet Bop in the Jool system.



Hotel Bop features the latest gravatic drive technologies, allowing it to rendezvous with Kerbin Tour Liners in orbit of Bop and land Kerbal adventurers on Bop safely and comfortably  at one of the most famous of sites - that of the dead Space Kraken!



While landed on Bop, the intrepid Kerbal adventurers will be treated to a spectacular view of the dead Space Kraken as Jool passes sedately overhead. 
The gravatic drive technology provides the ability to experience the low gravity of Bop at will - while having the comfort of Kerbin gravity available on request.



If the intrepid space adventurer is you, contact Kerbin Tour Lines to book a reservation to Hotel Bop.  Agents are available now!



Q: Is the dead Space Kraken dangerous?
A: Space travel is dangerous.  The intrepid space adventurer faces danger and asks for more.  Contact Kerbin Tour Lines for more

Q: Can I get a refund if I have to cancel my reservation?
A: All sales are final.  However you will be provided the opportunity for an adventure at some later time

Q: While at Bop, will I be able to go and stand on the dead Space Kraken?
A: No.  Though you would be a intrepid space adventurer, you are untrained for the environment outside of Hotel Bop.  Also, the dead Space Kraken emits strange energy that will cause untrained persons to see imaginary things.  Your safety is a consideration and so you must remain inside Hotel Bop or the transfer cruise liner for the duration of your adventure

Q: Kerbal astronauts have to undergo rigorous training to endure high G forces.  Will we have to go through such training?
A: No.  Gravatic and Warp technology in use by Kerbin Tour Lines negate uncomfortable G-forces.  You will experience only the same gravity as you do on Kerbin.  It will be as if you had never left

Q: Can I play Earth Space Program while on this adventure?
A: Absolutely!  Hotel Bop features the finest and latest technology for the comfort and entertainment of intrepid space adventurers

Q: Are other adventures being planned within the Kerbol system?
A: Yes!  Kerbin Tour Lines is committed to providing the greatest space adventure experience possible and other exciting adventures will be announced.  Contact Kerbin Tour Lines to book a reservation now.

Q: Will interstellar adventures be offered?
A: Yes!  Interstellar adventure destinations are being planned and will be announced.  Contact Kerbin Tour Lines to book an interstellar reservation now.  Bookings are limited.  All sales final.


Feed Jool.  Jool must be fed. By speaking to an agent, booking a reservation to Hotel Bop, contemplating booking a reservation to Hotel Bop, viewing this ad, or contemplating viewing this ad, you agree to the terms of service (TOS).  You agree to hold Jeb's Used Parts Emporium, Hotel Bop, and Kerbin Tour Lines (known henceforth as "The Corporation") harmless in perpetuity  if you are fed to Jool or for any other thing that may happen. Warp and gravatic technologies are experimental.  The Corporation is not responsible for the growth of unsightly additional limbs, heads, or personalities due to exposure to experimental technologies.  Space travel is dangerous.  The Corporation is not responsible for the safety and well-being of you or your successors if anything goes wrong. In the event you perish during your adventure or at any time after your adventure, or before your adventure, you agree to assign all of your assets and those of your family to The Corporation.  By booking a reservation to Hotel Bop you acknowledge that you may be provided with an expedition of lesser or equal value and that you may not actually go to the planet Bob or see the actual dead Space Kraken.   By commenting or liking this post, you agree to wash and wax Jeb's car.  This TOS may be changed at any time and with no notice by The Corporation.  You agree to this TOS in its past, present, and/or future form.  By reading this TOS, you agree to a period of indentured servitude not less than 1 year (Neidon).

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Here is the first group of intrepid space adventurers gathered for a group photo before headed off to an exciting tour at Hotel Bop



For the safety and comfort of the intrepid space adventurers, they are transported in groups of three in this special personnel transfer module out to the launch pad.  There, the personnel transfer module will dock with the waiting gravatic shuttle which will take them the Kerbin Tour Liner that will, in turn transport them to Bop.  It is essential that they be isolated from external views to prevent serious disorientation and possible space warp psychosis.




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After a safe and comfortable voyage to high Kerbin orbit, the gravatic shuttle rendezvous with the Kerbin Tour Liner and transferred the intrepid space adventurers to their luxury accomodations for the short trip to Bop in the Jool system.

Intrepid Space Adventurer Elnard Kerman - at center - had this to say about the adventure so far

"It's so exciting!  I'd love to see outside, but space warp psychosis sounds serious.  We could hear the humming of the drive as we went to orbit and the clank and hiss of the docking ports.  And so smooth!    Just a couple of bumps and jostles, but we were told to expect that.  The captain did show a video feed from the command deck of the ship.  It was just like on television!  I'm so glad I booked this trip.  I can't wait to actually see the dead Space Kraken!"




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Aboard the warp tanker, preparing to shuttle yet more resources around the system in preparation for upcoming operations, Val was humming to herself....
"Lassie...  what be th' tune ya be hummin tae yerself there fer all this time now?"
"I don't know Thomus.  It's been in my head for days now.  Sounds nice to me."

:: She hears.  She does not yet know. ::
:: Aye Sweetie.  Whats tae be done? ::
:: Trust.... we share the feelings you have ::"
:: Ayup ol buddy..  Yall be listenin' ta ol' Sweetie. ::

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KWS-2 "Are We There Yet" joins the growing fleet around Vall.




Aboard Jeb's Orbital Bar & Grill

"Heya me laddie.  Ah'm thinkin' that Val an Thomus'll be arrivin' heer soon tae pick me up.  Be a'mindin' th' shop if ye will"
"Fly safe Wenlong.  Don't be long.  I'll miss you."
"An' ye laddie"

..and throughout the fleet and on Kerbin similar farewells were made as Eng-5 Scotties were transferred to warp ships to take them to Vall

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Howdy thar lil' one.  How ya makin out?
:: Angelo!!  Thank you for coming.  So many are here now.  Will 'she' come?  Will she remember? ::
Ah reckon that gal'll be here soon.  Ah 'spek ah'll jus hang around fer it all too
:: I am glad you will be here but there is little time remaining ::
Jus' yall be patient an' be a mindin' yer energy.  It'll work out




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Aboard WS-8675309 "Hold Mah Beer"

"Ok boys.  Show time!!  Admiralty wants some pictures of "The Lost One" and a good look at the surrounding area.  Bill... you know anything about this?" asked Jeb
"Aye lad. Like th' brass muckles say..  a look.   Ah'll be thinkin tha' weel be gettin tae it, aye??"
"Huhhh..  ok then.  Bob..  how low can we go?  We got this cool gravatic.  Gimme some numbers"
"dV is not an issue with the gravatic and our graviolium and fusion pellet supplies are far more than sufficient.  40km represents a good balance between....."
"Right!  30km it is!  Make it so!"




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"Ok.  Little sloppy.  28.38km.  That gonna give us good FOV *  on the target, Bob?"
"Our inclination is 0.  We will pass 1.4271km to the north of the target.  Illumination will be from the west...."
"I'm just gonna take that as a yes.  Looks like our circularization burn is in a little over an hour.  Bill.. how's our warp engine?  Ready if needed?  Looks like we'll hit warp cutoff in about 25 minutes"
"Umm.. aye.. umm.. " shuffling from foot to foot.. " Binky reports all weel"
"Binky???  Our warp engine is named Binky??  Huh boy.."
"Aye lad.. weel.. it be complex an tae long fer bletherin now, but he fashions tae be a bit o a... umm... pale horse."
"This I gotta hear - later"



* FOV - Field of View

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"Ok boys, we've circularized.  28.42 by 27.99.  Looks like 15 minutes till we're over the target.  It's your show Bob.  We're running out of light.  You get one pass and we're outta here"
"Sensors nominal and deployed"



"Target in sight.  FOV is nominal.  Commencing imaging and sensor scans"



1 minute later.... "Target is out of FOV.  Initial data appears to be of high quality"
"Great job, Bob!  Anyone wanna go for lower?"
"Highest terrain is 7.97km.  Margin of error is unfavorable"
"I'll take that as a no.  Lets get outta here.  We'll make our AP 750km and then warp circularize.  Bill.. is.. uhh.. Binky good to go?"
"Aye lad.  He had a good singin' while we were so close tae th Lost One"

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"Jeb, I have completed processing the imagery.  This is the best I could do of the primary site given our velocity over target and our altitude"



"Huhhh... look at all the debris.  It's a wonder anything stayed intact.  Uhhh..  below what's left of the engines.. is that...??"
"Aye laddie..  tha' be Erison.  She was th' Scotty for tha' warpie an she stayed with her warpie tae th' end"
"How is... uhh.. the warp drive?"
"Nae name, lad.  The warpie be sad fer th' loss o' its Scotty.  An fadin'.  An hoping."
"Whats gonna happen, Bill?  Like Bob says - those things have a whole lotta energy.  If it went.."
"Trust Binkie.  An we may be seein' a wee bit of a thing"

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Pilot-1 Rodvis was ushered into the Admiralty conference room where he found Gus Kerman waiting.

"Pilot Rodvis.  Please sit."
"We have a new hybrid chem rocket and gravatic engine lander.  Thus far, we have found that chem rockets are more reliably accurate for landing while gravatic engines excel at getting to orbit."



Gus continued...  "Frankly, we are very short on pilots and you have come to the attention of the Admiralty from your previous missions.  Do you have your personal affairs in order for a potentially extended absence?"
"Yes sir.  I'm ready to deploy now"
"Good.  You are to take command of that lander and ferry it to orbit on gravatic power and rendezvous at a suitable orbit with Captain Chad and KWS-2 "Are We There Yet" who is currently being recalled from Vall.  You will dock up for transfer of the lander to Vall orbit.   Your reserves of graviolium will be bare minimum.  Questions?"
"No sir"
"Once there, Vall traffic control will assign you an orbital slot and you will await the arrival of KWT-1 "Gimme Some" (it finally has a proper designator).  Once you have rendezvous with KWT-1, Valentina and Thomus will assume command of the lander and you will be the caretaker captain for KWT-1 while they complete their mission.  There will be a Scotty aboard with you to properly tend the warp drive.  Questions?"
"No Sir.  It's clear so far"
"Good.  You have shown yourself to be resourceful and able to make the right decisions on the fly.  This mission is of utmost importance and must succeed.  If that lander fails to make it to Vall, the repercussions will be far reaching .  Take a moment and consider if you feel you are up to this task.  There will be no marks against you if you wish to back out - I promise you that.  I and you are the only ones who know of this meeting."

So many thoughts through Rodvis' head.  This could make my career and the 'OR' seemed to have a bit of finality.  Suitable orbit?  Uhhh..  Gonna need to figure that out.  I would have - at least temporarily - command of a warp ship.  I know very little about the gravatic drives, but few did.  By the moons of Jool... I can do this

Gus carefully watched Rodvis and the play of emotions.  He was pleased to see the obvious self assessment in process.  This one would do well

"Sir..  I would like this mission.  I'm confident I can do my part to make it succeed."
"Good, Pilot.  You will launch in 6 hours.  I suggest you get over to R&D for help refining your mission profiles.  They are expecting you.  You will receive any assistance you need.  If you get any resistance, comm me immediately.  You will have an open channel.  The details of this are most confidential.  Be... circumspect with discussions."
"Yes Sir.  Thank you for this opportunity.  I won't let you down"
"See you don't.  Dismissed."

As Rodvis left the room, Gus sank tiredly back into his chair.  So much resting on the shoulders of such young kids.  Ever it is so.

:: Ayupp Gus..  ya chose well ahm a-thinkin' ::
I hope so, Angelo.  I hope so.

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As the lander lifted off silently from the pad, Rodvis was marveling at the smooth ride.  So different from the rattling and banging of the chem rockets.
"I could get used to this, I think.  Ok..  Let's get to AP.  830km"



"Whuh.." he thought... "so different.  The standard profiles just aren't gonna work.  Straight up through most of the atmosphere before you kick over.  Gravity turn is less a thing."
and a thought...  "I'm writing the book.  Yeah!!"



"Ok..  done..  834.4 x 829.5.  A little sloppy, but only 2.2 graviolium used.  Hope that counts.  Now.. where is KWS-2?  They said it would just pop out of nowhere."




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As advertised, KWS-2 popped out of nowhere and oriented for Rodvis to get docked up.

"Let's get to it, Pilot.  My warp engine and Scottys are not happy about having to leave Vall and come play tow truck for you" groused Capt. Chad



"It'll only be a moment, sir" replied Rodvis as he exulted over how easy docking was with the gravatic engines.  So much fine control!

Docking complete, Capt Chad added "Well done pilot.  Stay with your ship.  We'll be at Vall before you can get unbuckled.  Transfer resource control to this station.  We need to fill you up"
Huh... disappointing, thought Rodvis.  Hoped to have had a look at control on that ship.  But he watched in amazement at the quantity of graviolium being transferred and added that to the tall list of responsibilities he had accepted.


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"Are you kidding me?"  thought Rodvis as they circularized at Vall.  "5:46 from Kerbin to Vall orbit.  I want some of this!"

"Pilot!" said Capt Chad across the comm.. "we're here.  Undock and give us 100m maneuvering space to get back to our parking orbit.  Traffic control will contact you with your orbital slot.  Be precise.  It's crowded here"



Rodvis blinked in amazement again as the huge ship simply disappeared.  "Warp drive has sure changed things, but you sure can't make mistakes"

"Gravatic lander.. Vall control.  Hold station in your current orbit."
"Roger.. hold current orbit.."

"Whew... lot of ships" he thought "but there is a lot of space.  They're not taking chances though"

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Back at Kerbin at Jebs Orbital Bar and Grill, Wenlong was packing her kit.

"Hey, me laddie.  Val an Thomus will be docking in a few minutes tae take me tae Vall.  Be a'mindin the store"
"Fly safe Wenlong. I'll miss you."
"Aye.  An me ye, laddie"



With Wenlong aboard, the next stop was to take on a load of fusion pellets that had been sent up from the refiners on Kerbin.



Then to the Jool system where they first took on a full load of graviolium from one of the harvesters that indicated it was full.

"Hey Wenlong.  The sensors are .. somehow .. off calibration - in our favor.   Thomus and I manage to stash back some each trip.  Remind me when we drop you back off to gift you and Callahan a bit."
"Ahh lassie.  Ye'r saintly ye are."
"It's time, me lassie.  Let's be gettin' tae Vall.  There's a lander a'waitin" said Thomus

A quick skip over to Vall and rendezvous with Rodvis on the hybrid lander.  Rodvis transferred - perhaps eagerly - and Val and Thomus prepared to transfer to the lander.



"Sweetie..  Wenlong will take good care of you.  We'll be back soon (I hope - she thought).  You be nice to Rodvis."
:: Don't worry Valentina.  All will be well ::
"Wait... what??  What was that?"
"Lets go me lassie.  I'll explain"


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As they sat in the lander waiting daylight at the landing site before heading down...

"Heya me lassie...  ye heard Sweetie and that song ye'v been hummin...  Listen for Sweetie an then listen some more.."

A moment of uncertainty.. then wonder and she turned to Thomus with tears streaming

"I can hear them.. All of them..  My old ship.. I know them..  They're singing. Ohhhh.. it's so..." she murmered
"Aye lass.  We have about an hour.  Take yer time and get to know them.   But nae too much time"

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A short tip down to the landing site later...



"Oh Thomus.. It's a wonder any of it survived..  Ohhh... look.. it's Erison.  She  wouldn't leave when I had everyone abandon ship."
"Aye.  A true Scotty.  Only a few of us knew then an none other than tae Scotties...  now lassie.. listen again.. behind tae song"

Almost lost in the song of the drives, there were.. others..  Once came close and ... touched her mind.. and there was a gentle rush of knowing.  And in an instant.

::Aye my lass.  Now ye know of this.  We're needin' tae drives for this but they want us with them::
::It's nearly time.  I feel/hear it.  What'll happen?::
::They're... we're a hopin' that ye'll be makin' an arrangement with that one.  All o' us will be a-leavin ye now.  This is betwix ye and that one..::

Valentina exited the lander into the wreckage of the landing site



"Oh Erison... I'm so sorry.."

She struggled to control herself.  Crying into a helmet in low-gee was... unpleasant.
She looked up at the wreckage of her old ship and felt the song and the presence of Thomus leaving her.  There was just one faint song left - it had been in her head for days.  That which she knew to be her old ship reached out.



::You remembered.  You came.  Thank you::
::I'm so sorry.  I never forgot but I didn't know all of this until now::
::I hope to dream.  Night comes::

Val had a sudden understanding..  and...

::You can dream with me::
::You will do this?  It would be difficult for us both::
::Yes..  somehow I've known all along and just didn't realize it::
::We all hoped.. but could not ask.. Thank you::
::What about your... umm.. shell. The power it has... ::
::That has been managed.  It will remain and bring no harm.  If you would still do this, relax and open your mind::

The song faded and there was a sense of darkness and then of light.  Val felt a very strange presence in her mind and there was a time of confusion and disorientation as they both adjusted for the new living arrangement.  As they did, there was a vast sense of silent waitfulness from all around.

The strangeness was... difficult..

~~Don't think about it so much.  Just accept.  We have much to offer one another~~
~~You're so different..  It's odd~~
~~You are as strange to me but we will.. as you say.. sort it out~~
~~We need a name for you~~

Val felt a rummaging in her mind as the other sought context.

~~Ahh.. interesting concept~~

Val laughed.  Jeb was sure right about a new normal

~~Jeb has hidden depth.  We have great hope for him~~

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From the Kerbin Admiralty: Next Generation Deep Space Relay Satellites

The extreme distances of the outer planets of the Kerbol system necessitate new, long range relay satellites.  Featuring gravatic drive and the latest long range antennas capable of reaching Kerbin from the most distant planets in the Kerbol system, these satellites represent a quantum leap forward in communications capabilities.  These satellites are designed for compatibility with the KWS-2 "Are We There Yet" class of large warp ships for initial placement.  Although the cost of each next gen satellite is considerably higher than the previous generation, each has considerably greater capability - reducing the number of relay satellites required for reliable communications in the outer systems.

Gravatic propulsion, though much more expensive initially, results in less waste of resources and parts for initial launch and more reliable final orbit adjustment capabilities at destination. 




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Valentina and Thomus had the sad and fairly laborious duty to load Erison aboard the lander and then a quick trip to orbit to rendezvous with the tanker.

~~Don't be sad.  Erison made her choice and some of her remains with us now.~~
~~Yes..  But all on the ship were my responsibility.  It will take time~~
~~Now.. <with some mirth> where is Sweetie - as you call..  her.. yes.. her..~~
~~How can I know......ohhhhhh..  I do know.  And precisely.. That's handy~~
~~And Jeb?~~
~~Hah!  That pirate.. what is he up to?  Ohhhhhh..  that's a lot... I know where everything is~~
~~I'm helping you... filter it.  It could be too much, but you will learn~~

Rodvis managed the rendezvous and Val performed the docking and they all transferred to the tanker and undocked from the lander - leaving it in Vall orbit for later use.

::Valentina. I'm so happy!::
::Sweetie!  I have so much to learn.  We're gonna have fun!::
::We are all happy to have you among us.  Lets go mash some graviolium <giggle>::
~~Mash.. graviolium..??~~

More searching for context and both Val and Sweetie laughed aloud.

A short warp back to Kerbin and a rendezvous with the waiting crew shuttle to send Rodvis and Erison back to the Space Center and then to Jebs Orbital Bar & Grill to drop off Winlong and to take a little R&R



Wenlong cycled through the lock to go rejoin Callahan while Val and Thomus remained behind for a bit

::Yer doin well me lassie.  Its a lot fer tae takin::
::I've got good help:: 
tapping her head and poking Thomus ::I think I like this.  I'd like an Orbital Ale now, but Wenlong will let us know when the B&G is open:: that last with a smirk

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Interplanetary warp capability testing exceeded expectations with the ship able to maintain 3.7C for the trip to Sarnus.  Release of the deep space relay satellites was nominal and they were placed in 120,000 KM polar orbit of Sarnus.



A planetary system relay satellite was placed in a 4,400 KM polar orbit of Tekto.



Initial data indicates that this array plus an additional planetary relay satellite at Eeloo would provide sufficient coverage for the entire system.  The League Of Smart Technologists were understandably elated, but remained uncertain of the way.

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Meanwhile, aboard a crew shuttle with a load of "Intrepid Space Adventurers" Pilot-1 Grabo has completed the docking to the old - and now abandoned - 1st Mun science station.

"Oh.. wheee.." Grabo thought.  "Rattle around in an abandoned science station for a month.  Well.. they can pretend to be pilots and scientists and push all the buttons  and levers they want since it's all been disabled and locked out.  They ARE paying the bills though and there are rumors of several new classes of warp ships about to be announced.  We're short on pilots and this should make me the 3rd most experienced available pilot."




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After returning to Kerbin orbit after several science missions in the outer planets in KRS-42 "Life, The Universe, And Everything" , Capt. Pados was reading their new orders incredulously. 

"What?  They've got to be kidding.." she near screamed...  "Tourists??"

Looking through the orders carefully, she nodded.  "Ok - we meet the letter of the orders.  We have to let them dock up, but nothing says that we have to let them come aboard."  she muttered in anger

"Frolle!" she yelled at her Scotty  "We got a tourist infestation coming.  Make sure all the hatches are sealed so they can't get aboard"
"Ah kin heer ya, lassie.  Nae need ta blether so laoud" he replied  "Ah'll lock up the ship tight"
"mutter mutter... grumble grumble.." she muttered and grumbled, but then her eyes bulged at the funds these so called "Adventurers" were paying for this little trip
"huh.." she thought "So that's how we're affording all this new stuff.  Well, this gives us time to get the ship ready for our time with the repair ship"




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