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Adventures with WildBlueIndustries - Blueshift and Kerbal Flying Saucers

Ooglak Kerman

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With the upgrade finished, Labro and Muncott were instructed to take a couple days of downtime for R&R but to remain in orbit of Kerbin.  Where else to spend the time, but Jebs Orbital Bar and Grill!

Departing from the repair and refit station



and a short transit around Kerbin and dock with Jebs Orbital



"Welcome you two." boomed Callahan "Wenlong said you were inbound.  Valentina and Thomus said they would cover your expenses as a congratulations"
"Thanks Callahan" replied Labro "Tylo Station was nice, but a little short on amenities.  That's so nice of Val and Thomus!"
"Haha!  Yeah.  It may be I owe them a little.  Saucer Burgers and Orbital Ale?"
"Yes please!"

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Back at the Space Center, the Blalo Large Orbital Resource Tanker (AKA Nova Kirbani-A Resource Station) was made ready for launch with a skeleton crew aboard of a pilot, engineer, and two med trained scientists.  Pilot Siggel who had taken resource truck duties from Leah who was now in orbit of Alar had her first major refueling job.



And then back to the staging area to watch
"Blasted komputers" fumed Siggel - banging it and turning it off an on



The launch and circularization at 900KM was nominal and they were met by KWT-2 "Fill'er Up" to be shuttled out to the Kerbin jumpring.



Line up on the jump gate, set the destination and enter



And arrival in orbit of Alar.  Then adjust orbit (more tedious without warp engines) to 700 KM around Alar



KWT-1 "Gimme Some" (Valentina and Thomus) was waiting to rendezvous and transfer over the pilots and engineers who had made the trip out to the Nova Kirbani-A system a week prior.



With a well equipped resource, medical, and R&R station now in the Blalo system, resource mining and refining efforts can begin in earnest at Alar and preparation begun for colonization of Blalo.

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Aboard the science ship KZAM-11 "Don't Blink", Captain Debbo got a call from the science lab.

"Captain, Engineer Elfurt just passed out on us and he's definitely got Orange Speckles.  We've got vaccine aboard, but not the treatment medications" said Beafal - the med trained scientist

Orange Speckles, as the name suggests, leaves the Kerbal covered with small orange spots.  It is somewhat rare and quite contagious but is easily treatable as long as treatment is begun within 12 hours of the symptoms.  It can be carried by a Kerbal for a long time with no symptoms and is not contagious until symptoms manifest.  The vaccine works very well against Orange Speckles, but is not effective for more than a year.

"Ok.  Lets get everyone vaccinated and we'll rendezvous with the resource station that just arrived and move Elfurt over to the med bay there." replied Debbo  "huhhh.. she thought..  all we need"

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Aboard Blalo Large Orbital Resource Tanker in orbit of Alar, Captain Labur finished the comm with Captain Debbo on KZAM-11.

"Med bay, this is the captain.  the science ship in this system has a case of Orange Speckles.  Get the crew vaccinated and get ready to receive a patient."
"<science argle bargle>medical science!! <incomprehensible stuff> interstellar science!!!" came the excited reply from the science team
"He's a patient, not an experiment.  Keep it in mind unless you want to wash the ships windows for a month"

"Valentina, it's been good visiting, but you guys need to scoot.  We need that docking port for a medical case" said Debbo
"Already?  Well, that didn't take long.  We need to get back anyway.  We should be back in about 3 weeks.  Send me your shopping list." replied Val

And so KWT-1 undocked from the station and prepared to head to the jump ring to go back to Kerbin




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Aboard KWT-1 "Gimme Some", Valentina was looking over the latest orders.

"Huh.  We are to proceed back to Kerbin via the jump ring, dock at Jebs Orbital where Wenlong will take care of Sweetie while we head down for a big conference at the Space Center.  Wonder if this has to do with that thing the drives are all talking about remembering that will happen."

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After returning to the Kerbin system and shuttling down to the surface, Valentina and Thomus were ushered to the Space Center conference room where Gus, Angelo, and other science and engineering notables were gathered.



"Thank you for getting here so quickly, Val and Thomus.  All the way from Nova Kirbani.  My how times have changed" said Gus
"Ayup, Val.  Howz yur other 1/3 thar?" asked Angelo, referring to the warp sentient "Methuselah" sharing head space with Val
~~Really, Angelo.  You could just ask me.  I am here, you know~~ retorted Methusaleh

[ Angelo, Gus, Val, and Eng-5 "Scottys", and some few others are able to hear the warp drives and 'talk' with them ]

"Ok folks" interjected Gus "Lets get to the business of being here.  The warp drives are uneasy about something they remember will happen in Nova Kirbani but Scooby, the warp drive on the science ship stationed in the Blalo system right now does not remember it.  Do we move ahead with the resource mining project at Alar that will start that system toward self-sufficiency for colonization?  Or do we wait and see?"

As expected, the Sci-5s in attendance immediately launched into excited sci-babble, the representative from the League Of Smart Technologists was unsure of the way,  and the others had meaningful and comprehensible discussions.  The outcome was that the Nova Kirbani project should continue but that all Kerbals being sent out should be volunteers who have been fully informed.

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Setting up mining and colonization bases in other star systems will present unique issues.  Angelo and hisTechnical Uber Research Development team at WildBlue have delivered the solution.  Inflatable habitat, workshop and storage modules.  Shown here during initial vacuum and low gravity testing at Minmus base.



This base is modular, easily expandable, can be taken down and moved and fits into standard storage containers.  This basic configuration shown here, is nearly completely self-sufficient as long as the required resources are available for mining.

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The Alar miner/rover (The Flamingo) after making the jump ring transfer from Kerbin to Alar orbit.



"Kerbin Space Center, Alar Mining Base.  The Flamingo has landed" - to thunderous cheers from those at the Space Center. 
Blalo, the jewel of Nova Kirbani hangs above in the sky over Alar.  Initial geology surveys exceeded expectations.  All valuable minerals and ores are available in good concentrations.  The ground is level so there will be no need to move to a new site.



The obligatory flag planting and then to work getting the lander provisioned with the necessary resources to jumpstart the mining colony.





Once The Flamingo is provisioned, then work can begin to set up the mining base.

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The Flamingo is provisioned with the necessary resources and now efforts turn to building out the Alar Mining Base.  Once set up, the crew will draw lots to see who gets to name the base.

The base at the half-way point



After hours of work, the base is complete and ready to start processing resources.  Unfortunately, an error in the load out resulted in the shortfall of a storage module



The station scientist hurrying excitedly to the Science Module.




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  • 2 weeks later...

"Flamingo, this is KZAM.  Is your scientist seeing what ours is with the jump rings?"  asked Debbo aboard the science scout in Alar orbit
"Yeeahhh..." replied Gemzon aboard The Flamingo - the mining rover on Alar "I didn't know they could do that on their own.  The scientists sound very excited"
"They are, but I'm not liking this.  How are you set for evac plans?" said Debbo
"Nearly done.  We've been printing container and tank parts non-stop and the mining base is set to fill us up with what all we need if we need to shift somewhere.  Another half day.  The base is sliding down hill though.  It's wierd. " said Gamzon
"Ok.  I'm calling this in to the Space Center.  Back with you in a bit"
"Thanks.  We'll be ready to go soon if we need to"




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"Space Center, this is KZAM-11 at Alar.  I need to speak to Gus and Angelo"
"Hello Captain Debbo.  This is Gus.  Angelo is here.  We've been expecting your call.  Summarize please."
"Alar jump ring went FTL and has departed the Nova Kirbani system.  Blalo ring has moved its orbit closer to Blalo.  Alar mining station is sliding on an essentially level surface.  The rover miner has almost completed evac contingency plans and is nearly fully provisioned.  1 resource transfer station got destroyed in the process.  Our warp drive - Scooby - and Kiwi aboard the warp lander both wish to be away from Alar" reported Debbo
"Hmm..  " replied Gus "It's interesting here too.  Other than the Kirbin jump ring and one other, all of the other jump rings are gone.  The warp drives here think it's interesting but not concerning.  Ok.  Lets get the Alar surface base evacuated as soon as they're ready.  We'll want to move that miner rover - Flamingo?? - and the Orbital Resource Tanker into Blalo orbit.  You and Rodvis on the warp lander get that worked out.  Fly safe"
"Yessir.  We'll report back when everyone is in Blalo orbit"

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Closing down the Alar mining base prior to evacuation.  It has moved nearly 175m in the last 2 day alone - on a 0.5 degree slope.  Something is not right.



The Flamingo (miner rover) is now fully provisioned and will be able to print the necessary parts for a new base if it proves necessary.  All buttoned up and ready to go.  Resource acquisition will continue until the last moment.




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"Space Center this is KZAM-11 in Blalo orbit"
"Hi Captain Debbo.  Gus and Angelo here.  Status?"
"Yessir.  We're all in Blalo orbit at 25,000KM.  The Orbital Tanker is with us and The Flamingo is with warp lander KWL-1000.  Things appear stable.... uhh.. stand by"
"The Blalo jump ring just exited the system at FTL.  Something is happening.  The stars are..... squished looking...  Uhhhhhh..."


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Aboard KZAM-11 in orbit of Blalo



"By the moons of Jool.  What happened?  Get the lights on!  All stations report" ordered Debbo

All stations reported in and power was restored to all systems.  Scooby - the warp drive - reported being a little disoriented but otherwise fine.



"KWL-1000.  You guys with us?"
"Yeah Debbo.  We're all good.  Kiwi is a little disoriented and not sure of location but otherwise okay.  The Flamingo and crew are fine.  What happened?" responded Rodvis
"Not sure.  The Blalo warp ring bugged out fast and you saw what we did... uhh.. hang on.  Science is calling"
"Well...." said Debbo flatly "not sure how to take this.  We're now in the Nova Kirbani B system.  We've cataloged Ito, Rav, and Leyn here in the Blalo system.  Alar is gone.  There are other changes, but Science is still cataloging our new neighborhood"
"Huh..  never a dull day, eh?  What about jump rings?"
"We'll know more once Science has a chance.  I better see if we can get the Space Center"

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Aboard KWT-1 "Gimme Some" Valentina was enjoying her "sharing head space" relationship with a warp drive (Methusaleh) and taking advantage of her new knowledge of where pretty much everything was (useful skill for a warp ship pilot).  The next thing she knew, she was waking up on the deck with Thomus looking anxiously at her.

"There me lassie.  Sweetie (the warp drive) sez tha' there be some changes that hae happened"
"Whooo.  Everything got all swirly... and.... ohhhh...  Nova Kirbani system has been shuffled.  Kiwi and Scooby are fine and their crews.  Let me get to my station.  I need to talk to Gus and Angelo"

A few minutes later...

"Hi Gus.  Hi Angelo.  Something's happened at Nova Kirbani.  The whole system has been rearranged.  The ships and crew there are fine" Val informed them
"Umm... excuse me?" asked Gus
"Ayupp..  thassa fack.  Dunno how.  Never heered of sucha thang tho" drawled Angelo
"Well... okay then.  I expect that Captain Debbo is grappling with these new facts and will be in contact soon.  Thanks for the call, Valentina" replied Gus
"I'll get with the League Of Smart Technologists and let them know what I can find" said Val "but I think we know what they will have to say"
-- We are not sure.  We do not know the way -- they all replied in unison

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Aboard KZAM-11

"Hey Labur (Captain on the Blalo Large Orbital Resource Tanker)..  we've undocked and are clear.  We're gonna have a look around the Blalo system and check out that unknown.  Hopefully our friend the jump ring has come back.  Go ahead and run up your centrifuge.  It may be a day or so before we get back." called Debbo
"Thanks Debbo.  Spinning it up now.  Fly safe.  Lets keep our science labs linked up"

image showing Blalo, Leyn, and Rav.  Alar is conspicuously absent.




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"Space Center this is KZAM-11" called Debbo
"Gus and Angelo here.  Please summarize your findings"
"We've only mapped the Blalo system.  It is now in orbit of Nova Kirbani B.  Alar is gone from the Blalo system.  Ito, Leyn, Rav remain.  Orbital parameters remain the same except for Ito which has moved out from Blalo by 308KM.  The Blalo relay satellites are fine and remain in their original orbits.  Nova Kirbani-A relay satellite reports that it remains in its designated orbit.  An object appeared and had similar characteristics to jump rings.  We investigated and it appears the Blalo jump ring has returned.  It offered the option for the ring at Kerbin as a destination" explained Debbo



"Thank you.  That aligns with our observations.  Objects that appear to be jump rings are re-appearing throughout the Kerbin system.  They will need to be investigated but this is good news.  Focus on Leyn.  We feel that it may bear additional scrutiny as a resource base." replied Gus
"Yessir.  We'll report our findings when we finish the orbital survey"

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Meanwhile, back at the Space Center there was a suggestion that perhaps the habitation and production shelters in use at Nova Kirbani could perhaps be tested and better support the colonization effort.  The suggestion was initially ignored on the grounds that it would remove the hallmark trial and error feature of Kerbal technology development - but it was observed that the Space Center would get to do said trial and error.  That sealed the deal.



They can send ships to other star systems, but they can't keep the lawn mowed.

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Angelo and the Technical Uber Research Development team have come through yet again.  As with rocketry where moar boosters is better - bigger buildings to do resource extraction, storage, and processing is the path to great success.  Each of these buildings is nearly as large as a whole cluster of the smaller prototype structures and have many times the capacity.

L-R:  Observatory, Comms Relay, Warehouse, Factory, Multi-purpose center, Resource extraction.





A high level of automation and resource distribution in the whole system means that the large warehouse structure needs no staffing.  In fact, it is a 1 way in - no way out scenario.  Jeb, who has been considering branching his enterprise into correctional facilities was quick to grasp the possibilities of that structure.

The fabrication specifications for these structures has been sent to the Minmus base for testing


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Upgrades to Minmus base are well underway.  Using the newly patented "SplatterTek" resource distribution system, the newly constructed facilities were able to be remotely bootstrapped with the necessary resources to get them into production.



A community center/R&R facility and science observatory are planned next and there is talk of a self governance petition for Minmus.

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From The Kerbin Admiralty: New Pan Planetary Organization

With the knowledge that Kerbals must spread out among the stars and that the desire of new colonies for self-governance would be inevitable, The Admiralty along with representatives from the growing Minmus colony have agreed upon a pan planetary governance framework.

Kerbals Relocated Among Planets (K.R.A.P.)

Any colony that has achieved self-sufficiency can apply for K.R.A.P. status.  Member worlds will enjoy self governance.  K.R.A.P. citizens will be able to travel freely between K.R.A.P. worlds without the need for any K.R.A.P. passport or permit.  K.R.A.P. worlds will enjoy free trade with one another.  There will be no K.R.A.P. tariffs or other trade restrictions.  Other details are being negotiated.

It was pointed out that a K.R.A.P. flag would be needed and submissions are being accepted and considered.

Gus Kerman was quoted saying "It's a fine day for K.R.A.P. "

Angelo was heard to say "Ayupp!  Yehaw!"

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K.R.A.P. Needs You

There is immediate need for K.R.A.P. scientists and engineers to fill roles at Minmus!  Apply now!

Here is the first class of K.R.A.P. recruits headed for the training facility where they will all receive K.R.A.P. engineer training.



A group picture at the K.R.A.P. training facility before they begin



Training has begun and they are taking their first K.R.A.P. engineering test.  The training will be rigorous and when they graduate, they will be ready for K.R.A.P.!



Unfortunately, an appropriate K.R.A.P. flag and emblem has yet to be designed and approved.

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In the Nova Kirbani B system, KZAM-11 is busy performing orbital resource scans of Leyn.  The current orientation of stars Nova Kirbani A and B mean that roughly only 25% of the planet is in darkness at a given time.



Leyn has acceptable concentrations of the most needed resources and is a promising location for a surface base.

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