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Adventures with WildBlueIndustries - Blueshift and Kerbal Flying Saucers

Ooglak Kerman

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"Hey Bobby-Ray" called Burely from Alva City "I've got an offer for you"
"Whatchugot, thar" replied Bobby-Ray
"Alva Sandwurms have been located almost half way around Alva from us and we need a research outpost set up.  You and yours can have this if you want.  I don't have enough staff at Alva City"

All around Bobby-Ray, the rest of the family were vigorously nodding 'yes'

"Kin we take our trailers?"
"There is no way to get them there and they wouldn't make the trip.  That hippy bus that Leaf and SunDream took  is pretty much only good for scrap at this point"

Bobby-Ray started to waffle on this, but stopped at a look from his wife Bobby-Sue that said 'blow this chance for us and you're sleeping outside in your space suit'

"Ok.  We're in.  What's the time schedule on this?"
"We'll need a couple of days to fabricate all the base parts you'll need.  I'll call"
"Okay.  Thanks"

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The Alva Sandwurms are bit on the large size.  Here is Leaf posing between the eyes of his "pet" sandwurm Fluffy.



What science can be gained from these enormous creatures?  What is their story?



Back at Alva City, KWL-1000 "We're Goin' Down" has landed and is being loaded out with the necessary equipment and Flimsy-Tek shelters to establish the Alva Sandwurm Research Center.




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En-route to the Sandwurm area.  It's just through the gap ahead and toward the butte.



The first Flimsy-Tek hutments are set up to begin processing raw materials into the things that will be needed to make this outpost mostly self-sufficient.  As well as to get the SWRC staff off of the shuttle ship.



While the engineers were busy getting the base set up, Rodvis and Julred took the scientists to have a look at the sandwurms and to map out their range.



By the time they returned, the base was mostly set up and ready to start doing science.  Blueprints for a science rover have been provided and fabrication will begin once sufficient parts have been assembled.  It has been decided though, that a higher priority is to fabricate a mini jump gate so that Alva City can provide support as needed for this science effort.




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"Hey Burley" called Bobby-Ray "How yall over at Alva City?"
"Hi Bobby-Ray.  We're good.  How is things out at the SandWurm Research Center?"
"Purdy good.  It's all built up.  We got our mini gate fab'd and the science truck is comin' along.  We're a little short handed though.  Can ya spare a scientist and an engineer?"
"We can do that.  We'll send a truck to refuel the shuttle and they'll be on that"
"Thanks much pardner.  SWRC out!"
"Alva City out"

Fuel truck at Alva City with the extra engineer and scientist for SWRC lining up to jump over



By the time fueling was complete, the science bus was completed.




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Wasting no time, the scientists piled aboard the science bus to head to the sandwurm grounds.



After about 10KM of travel they topped a ridge and....  sandwurms



"Uhhhhhh...." said Bobby-Ray, the pilot on the science bus "they look pretty big"
Amidst the considerable excited science babble, the best that was understood was "pull up close to the nearest one so we can do SCIENCE!"



"Uhhhhh..." thought Bobby-Ray.  "I hope they don't notice us"


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Meanwhile....  warp scout KZAM-11 has been ordered to the Nova Kirbani-A system to scout likely colonization locations.  This dangerous work is the nature of life on a scout ship.

In orbit of Orus.  It - in turn - orbits the ringed giant Nessus.  Orus is reputed to be the home of the legendary Snowmen.  Many scoff at their possible existence, but so did they scoff at the existence of the Alva SandWurms.



Alar will also need to be explored.  After the great mysterious "Sundering", Alar remains in the Nova Kirbani A system apart from the Blalo system now in Nova Kirbani B.  On Kerbin, the science community greatly desires to know what became of that outpost - though it was abandoned before the "Sundering"

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Cayl.  Innermost moon of Nessus.  It is a small, barren, rocky planet but it is fairly well stocked with valuable resources.  The low gravity will make this a good planet for a mining outpost.  It also has an alien jump ring in orbit which makes it doubly valuable.




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At the SandWurm Research Center on Alva



"Hey Bobby-Ray.  We've got orders to move on.  Quick scouting of Elno, checkout an object they think is a jump ring there and then back to Kerbin to pickup colonists for Elno" said Rodvis
"They shore keepin you two busy.  Thassa fact" replied Bobby-Ray
"Anything more yall need?  You look pretty well set up"
"Nope.  thanks fer askin'.  We're all good.  Yall fly safe, ya hear?"

And so, up to orbit of Alva and then off to Elno to scout out possible landing sites



Elno.  Outermost planet of the Nova Kirbani-B system.  A frozen tundra world with low likehood for any life, but one never knows.  Life finds a way.  A mostly CO2 atmosphere, but a radius and surface gravity close to that of Kerbin.  Colonists will be confortable here even though they will be living in domes.

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Julred and Rodvis agree that the reading they are getting in Elno orbit from their limited science instruments are "strange" but pass them on to the K.R.A.P. science staff back at Kerbin and prepare for an exploratory landing to find a suitable location for establishment of a colony.

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Rodvis and Julred are in agreement that the Alva Sandwurms are pretty interesting, but though it is solid CO2 cold on Elno, the rings and other scenery are very nice.




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Alar - previously in orbit of Blalo and now the innermost planet of Setha (background) in the Nova Kirbani A system.  What Kraken awoke to cause such a shift?  A detailed orbital survey shows no evidence of the mining base that was originally established on Alar.  Resource concentrations remain the same, so this planet will continue to be important for the overall colonization of the Nova Kirbani systems.




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Back in the home system, it's the daily grind.  Resources to collect from the outer planets and bring back.



This load of graviolium is slated for Nova Kirbani.  It's not necessarily needed but having plenty is good.




At Alva City, the engineering team is busy building out the parts and pieces necessary for the next major colony to be established at Elno.



From there it will be onward to Orus in the Nova Kirbani A system.  The science community is keen to explore Orus and to determine if the Orus Snowmen are real or just a legend.

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Rodvis and Julred have greatly enjoyed their time on Elno.  The sights are splendid.



But having scouted a good colony spot they return to Alva to pick up the bits and pieces for setting up the colony.  The ship with the first batch of colonists will meet them at Elno.




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After the Jool mission for the graviolium, KWT-2 "Fill 'er Up" picked up the Elno colonists in Kerbin orbit and rendezvous with the Kerbin jump ring for the transfer to the Nova Kirbani B system.



Once there, rendezvous with the Orbital Resource Station at Leyn in the Blalo system to offload the resources



Then on to Elno to give the colonists a view of their new home and to rendezvous with KWL-1000 "We're Goin' Down"






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While preparations were being made to land the colonists and their supplies onto Elno, Ergel and Valke aboard the warp tanker KWT-2 "Fill 'er Up" were also busy shuttling comms relay satellites from Kerbin to Elno orbit via the jump gate system.  Though colony establishment is becoming routine, there are many pieces that need to be put into place.



In addition to providing communications relay services, these satellites fill an important secondary mission.  All are provisioned with sufficient graviolium, fusion pellets, liquid fuel, and oxidizer so they can act as emergency "gas stations" for ships in dire need of resources.

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KWL-1000 "We're Goin' Down" with the Elno colonists aboard coming up on the location where they will set up



Construction of The Emerald City on Elno is well underway.  The priority is to get resource harvesting and processing set up and operational so that fabrication facilities can be set up and begin production.  Rodvis and Julred will remain at The Emerald City to provide extra living space for a little while.




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Several hard days of work later, The Emerald City has progressed to the point where the first on-site fabricated parts can be built



Now work can focus on fabricating living space for all of the colonists.  At this stage, not everyone has their very own space, but fabrication operations are continuing around the clock.  They need to get ahead of the schedule since the next wave of colonists are due soon




Dusk at The Emerald City.  Everyone is busy, but there is always time to take in a pretty sunset




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An A.R.C. fusion reactor has been built and brought online - a fiddly bit of work there.  The Emerald City now has a great abundance of power



And since there is an abundance of power, the obvious thing to do with it is to build a large communications relay station (along with another hab facility) so that everyone can play Earth Space Program




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From the K.R.A.P. (Kerbals Relocated Among Planets) Admiralty - Warp Capable Interplanetary Tanker

Though The Admiralty has a highly capable fleet of warp tankers, they are not capable of operation on planets that have atmosphere.  So the lead ship design for KWT-10 (Jack Benny) "Won't You Please Fill Up" was conceived.
This craft is capable of providing resource tanker operations on any world with an atmospheric density equal to or less than that of Kerbin.  It also has sizeable crew transfer capability.  It is not interstellar capable and so depends on the jump ring network for transfer to distant systems but once there, has sufficient warp capacity to move quickly within the system.



KWT-10 "Won't You Please Fill Up"



KWT-10 with a load of 14 Kerbals bound for The Emerald City on Elno in the Nova Kerbani B system.  Lining up on the Kerbin jump ring for the transfer




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The Emerald City on Elno is self supporting and so Rodvis and Julred on KWL-1000 "We're Goin' Down" have finished their responsibility and are headed back to orbit for the next assignment.  Heading outward past the rings of Elno



Meanwhile, KWT-10 "Won't You Please Fill Up" has landed and disembarked the new colonists for the obligatory flag ceremony and group photo before processing in to the colony




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While the new colonists were arriving at and processing in to The Emerald City and receiving their assignments, the other engineers and scientists have been hard at work getting a mini jump-gate constructed from the plans sent out from Kerbin.   This important addition will connect them to the rest of the greater Nova Kirbani community for mutual support and resource sharing.



With KWT-10 landed at The Emerald City, it was a simple matter to fuel the mini gate with the required graviolium to bring it online and into the Nova Kirbani network

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With the new colonists settled in at The Emerald City on Elno, Parie and Calgard and KWT-10 "Won't You Please Fill Up" now have orders to Leyn to pick up a passenger in orbit and then stop in at the Leyn mining outpost to fill up and wait for the passenger to complete business.  Mysterious!




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In orbit of Leyn, KWT-10 rendezvous with KWT-1 with Valentina and Thomus aboard



Val transferred on over, leaving Thomus to mind Sweetie (the warp drive on their ship) and rode down to the mining outpost.  Once landed....
"Hey Gemzon.  Do you mind if I borrow your crew truck and driver for a quick trip to Alva via the mini-gate?" asked Valentina
"Of course, Val.  Any time.  Take your time" responded Gemzon



A thankfully uneventful jump over to the SandWurm Research Center on Alva.  These mini-gates have revolutionized in-system travel



SunDream was interrupted in the making of a new batch of her special brownies by an insistent banging on the side of her bus.  She irritably suited up and cycled out the airlock...
"Mom?? .....!!!!" exclaimed SunDream
"Hi sweetie.  Came to visit.  The bus didn't appear to be... rocking... can I come in?" asked Val
"Uhhh... Of course, mom.  Leaf is on duty over at the fab facility right now.  Come on in!"



They talked long into the Alva night - catching up with one another.  Jeb - the estranged partner of Valentina and father of SunDream - was a topic of discussion and laughter.  At some point, Leaf came off duty, looked in and wisely left to join a kribbage game elsewhere.

"You hear them, don't you?" asked Val - referring to the warp drives who as it happens, are sentinent and to all of whom, Val can speak
"Yeah.  I like them but I don't know if it's for me.  Leaf wants to, but wants me to do what is good for me" responded SunDream
"He's good for you.  I can see that.  You know.. you're just a thought away.  Stay in touch" said Val
"I like my space, mom.  No promises"

And so they parted with great fondness.  Val struggled mightily to hold back the tears which would be problematic in very low gravity.

Back at the Leyn mining outpost, Val thanked her driver and climbed back aboard KWT-10 for a ride back to her ship.




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At Alva City, Burley - the defacto mayor - was called into the city observatory.

"Sir, we've had a ship enter into Alva orbit.  It lists as a private register - not a K.R.A.P. ship - identifying as Galaxy Explorer" reported the duty officer.
"Huh..  would have been nice of them to give us a shout.  Who has the funds to be able to send something like this under the radar?" groused Burley
"They've deorbited a lander to the vicinity of the Sandwurm Research Facility"
"Oh, by the rings of Elno..  I sure hope they don't disturb those wurms and cause issues" replied Burley
"We have initial imagery.  They seem to be having some EVA construction difficulties.  The ship seems to be an odd mix of really old and new tech"



"Have they contacted us at all?" asked Burley
"No sir and we've not tried to initiate communications"
"Good.  Last I heard, we've got a warp tanker over at Leyn orbit and it should be fully fueled.  Get them to head on over in case these... um... explorers need help"
"Yes sir."

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