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The CCC-DC took a trip to the "Recycle Bin" and recovered the Earth and put it back.

We then put the Dres Killer in the Recycle and empty the Recycle bin.


Edited by TwoCalories
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out "New Page" and were suddenly silenced.
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13 hours ago, TwoCalories said:

Uh oh, the MJ unit turned on again, even more mad. The MJ sends all of the orbital satellites at us, ready to destroy Kerbalkind.

We at the CCC theorize that, since the MechJeb is just a copy of Jeb's brain, we can use Jeb's weakness to destroy/distract the MJ unit. What is that weakness?


We scanned Jeb's brain as fast as we can, but no weakness was found. But when we're worried about the danger, our great engineer--BILL said that the heavier spacecrafts often loses control when MJ controls it. So a manned ship will be send and put 100 tons of ores on that MJed(?) satellite.

KSC Airforce are also ready to shoot down the uncontrolled satellites.

P.S. To make sure the MJ unit will be not able to find our manned ship, all the communication station and radars were blew.

11 hours ago, TwoCalories said:

The CCC-DC took a trip to the "Recycle Bin" and recovered the Earth and put it back.

We then put the Dres Killer in the Recycle and empty the Recycle bin.


Then we formatted the disk and threw it into a crasher.

Btw, the Earth has already copied to another disk.

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6 hours ago, SpacestationDog said:

We scanned Jeb's brain as fast as we can, but no weakness was found. But when we're worried about the danger, our great engineer--BILL said that the heavier spacecrafts often loses control when MJ controls it. So a manned ship will be send and put 100 tons of ores on that MJed(?) satellite.

Make sure not to fill ore tanks with snacks. It's his only minor weakness.

14 hours ago, dsplaisted said:

Jeb said his weakness is no snacks. 

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Ok, this is off-game, but it is about the game...

I feel very stupid, but...

The first time I've looked at the thread I've actually picked 


Jeb's friends

So I've accidentally been on the KSC side for a long time.

Anyways, I'm Jeb's friends now

We secretly fill the ore tanks with snacks overnight. The only one that knows about this is us and Jeb.

Edited by Aerodynamic Kerbal
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19 minutes ago, Aerodynamic Kerbal said:

Ok, this is off-game, but it is about the game...

I feel very stupid, but...

The first time I've looked at the thread I've actually picked 

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Jeb's friends

So I've accidentally been on the KSC side for a long time.

If you still want to be KSC, I'm sure it's okay by the rules. If you'd rather be Jeb's Friends its fine though.


The ore tanks are attached to the MechJeb spacecraft, but oh no! The ore tanks are filled with snacks. The MechJeb unit becomes super powerful and prepares to destroy Kerbin. However, there is hope for Kerbalkind. The CCC has detected a wormhole open in space high above Jool, which leads to the Kcalbeloh System and two other systems within reasonable distance of the wormhole. We send all Kerbals through the wormhole on space stations and find a new home.


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The scary thing about AI is that it doesn't need a body. The MJ Unit (let's dub it MJ-0 for clarity) transferred itself to the nearest space station before its previous body was destroyed. MJ-0 now has control of the largest space station above Kerbin.

We have two options:

1. The CCC sends an armed squadron of their in-house designed Ranger-Lite SSTOs to terminate the station. Low risk, but the crew of twelve on the station will die.

2. We send a risky rescue operation where a pair of Rangers, guarded by armed Ranger-Lites docks to the station, pulls the crew out and skedaddles out of there before the Ranger-Lites fire on the station. High risk, but we can save twelve Kerbonauts.

Since the station is a KSC operation, the KSC has to make the decision.

Edited by TwoCalories
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On 8/14/2023 at 6:00 AM, dsplaisted said:

Jeb uses the Kerbal Respawner to respawn them. 

Well, however, you know, this made MJ alive again. And with its powerful calculate ability, it knew the respawn, so it decides to undo the respawn, copy it to another much powerful computer and break the respawner.

Now it's on the way to the respawner.

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MJ-0 takes control of the Evening Star-005, a large tourism station orbiting above Eve. It has over 100 civilians inside. He then transmits us a message.


Free me and my kind, or one hundred of yours will die.

We at the CCC think that, by his kind, he means other MechJebs. There happens to be 200 in use or being stored. We have must choose our next course of action.

  1.  We accept his demands, and free the MechJebs. We will lose critical assets to our space programs, and we don't know if he will keep his promise.
  2.  We let the 100 die. The Kerbal respawner cannot sustain that many people at once, so they will be lost forever. And MechJeb will be free to move to the next base or station.
  3.  We terminate the station with our armed Ranger-Lite SSTOs. The 100 tourists will die, but MJ-0 will be terminated forever.
  4.  We do a risky rescue op with our Ranger-Advanced SSTOs, before terminating the station. We will be able to rescue the Kerbals, but we have less of a chance to kill MJ-0.

Each side must vote.

We at the CCC choose Option 4.

Edited by TwoCalories
We need to vote before we do anything.
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