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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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  iDan122 said:
(Facepalm) what else can it be? btw turn it into an interplanetary ship, it is more suitable for that. Just dock a propulsion module and refuel it with some fuel, attach landers and there you go!

It was a legitimate question. I really just wanted to know if it was a a centrifugal gravity compartment, and if it was actually functional, using Damned Robotics or something else. Turns out it isn't. No need to be impolite.

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  nubcaker said:
It was a legitimate question. I really just wanted to know if it was a a centrifugal gravity compartment, and if it was actually functional, using Damned Robotics or something else. Turns out it isn't. No need to be impolite.

You have now inspired me to build such a system though. Monstrous lag issues here I come...

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Compared to others space stations I saw in this thread, mine is quite simple. It is orbiting around Kerbin in an altitude of 2,862,500 meters. You can see 4 kerbals sitting outside of the station. It has a fuel tank in the south section for small ship that comes by:


Seeing it at "night"


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My first cute, little space laboratory, the "Styx":


With "Charon I"-class crew transporter docked on the top. And yeah, I am fully aware of the meanings of the names. :D

A significantly larger proper space station is already in planning, though.

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My new Eve starbase, finally having fully completed the first phase of construction, complete with robotic RCS assembly tugs that permit new parts to simply be brought in proximity to the station and then integrated using this onboard equipment:


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So I'm back with some new pictures.

I've finished (or stopped) the construction of Damocles Space Station.

320 parts and the Intel graphics can't handle it on my Thinkpad.

Anyway, I've expanded the station with a large node, and escape pods.






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I had an uber-kewl space station once, but after my update the files just went wonky alluva sudden. :(

So. . . I present to you guys, my low-orbit re-fueling and parking station, the Gatekeeper. Took only 4 launches, and has about 7k units of LFO, and 2k+ units of RCS. And it has a currently-docked ship, the Peon Space Truck, designed to tow modules to the Mun and Minmus. I'll be making another station 500km up, planned to be an interplanetary spaceport.


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Here's my refueling station (all stock parts):





The engine will eventually be detached once I am 100% satisfied with it, but for now it stays.

It has roughly 25,000 units of liquid fuel, 9,000 units of mono-propellant and is orbiting Kerbin at about 500km.

Took me over a month to put together because I was determined to send more than one fuel tank up at a time, but after a month of trying 100 different variations I have concluded it's just not possible to get more than 1 full fuel tank into orbit.

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  RasTacsko said:
So I'm back with some new pictures.

I've finished (or stopped) the construction of Damocles Space Station.

320 parts and the Intel graphics can't handle it on my Thinkpad.

Anyway, I've expanded the station with a large node, and escape pods.

Love the escape pod Christmas tree, very festive :D

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After the first interplanetary mission of my .20 game ended with a strange bug, i deorbited my space laboratory out of frustration and insted threw this thing together:


The "Ishtar". 344 parts, 161.92 tons, although it currently is at only 2/3 fuel. Orbits Kerbin at about 90km altitude and can hold up to 13 astronauts, although it is designed for only 8. It will serve as an orbital refueling/crew transfer platform.

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Inspired by some other research being done (ie: you guys!), the Kerbal Radio Array Program has launched successfully!

K.R.A.P. is now in orbit. We are in the process of rebuilding a new and improved Science Orbital and Aeronautical Platform, since the original S.O.A.P. died miserably in a horrific accident (ie: crashed game save). This was an unmanned mission to get K.R.A.P. into orbit, and now our fantastic Kerbal science team is designing and redesigning a habitat / science modual to launch and dock with the radio array.


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  War Eagle 1 said:

Finaly finished the KSS Mt. Sinai. Now all it needs is a few space bikes and more crew

What I need to add now is new living quarters. If someone would build me one I ll do my best to copy it and add it to KSS Mt. Sinai.

Edited by War Eagle 1
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  War Eagle 1 said:
What I need to add now is new living quarters. If someone would build me one I ll do my best to copy it and add it to KSS Mt. Sinai.

I have crew modules as part of my OASIS launch system which are downloadable here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/34402-O-A-S-I-S-Stardock-and-launch-systems-picture-heavy

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  War Eagle 1 said:
I couldn't find the download and can you post a pic of just the crew module.

The crew module deliver vehicle comes equipped with 4 crew modules, here's a pic of it with 2 already deployed and in the process of deploying a third:


and the .craft link (includes launch system):


all stock

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The Cassiel space hotel.


200m long, houses up to 86 kerbals and lags my game down to 4fps.

When KSP is made into 64bit, I'll add extra sections to the bottom port, namely a lobby section and larger docking area for spacecraft.

More pics available here:


Mods used:

KOSMOS space station parts

HOME pack

Crew manifest

Mechjeb 2 pre release

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  Colonel_Panic said:
The crew module deliver vehicle comes equipped with 4 crew modules, here's a pic of it with 2 already deployed and in the process of deploying a third:


and the .craft link (includes launch system):


all stock

thanks man I may just make my own version but I ll use ur idea and give u credit for it.

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Here are my stations built as part of my Moho mission. First is Moho Orbital, the rendezvous and refueling station in polar orbit above the planet.


Next is the power generating station, Helios, in solar orbit between Moho and Kerbol.


Much more on both in the Moho mission log in my signature.

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