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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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Da Bai Yetu (Big White Hare, translated badly into Chinese) is a counterpart to my Munar station Xaio Bai Tu named for the famous lunar rabbit. I'm currently in the process of expanding the station to include a fuel depot, and I've recently sent up a complement of RCS tugs. Sometime in the not too distant future I plan to post the entire kit on the forums including all the craft you can see docked. Click on the picture below to visit my imgur gallery:


Edited by Narcosis
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Great stations all! Loving this thread. :D

Well I've put up a couple of basic space stations. As fuel depots they're invaluable. And I hope more can be done with them as the game is developed.

Lately though I've been helping Devogen and test-flying some of his sci-fi mods. In particular the Eagle and the Aliens dropship. Also - I've done some experimentation with modifications and added parts to those craft and using various mods to create some nifty stuff. In particular because of the Space 1999 angle I've been on a bit of a Gerry Anderson kick of late. But I'm getting a little ahead of myself.

I want to show off what we in the Wayland thread have come to refer to as "Gojira". It's an extreme heavy lift vehicle and I used it to loft an entire space station core into orbit!


Up in orbit, I check for any damage. The cargo is intact. The station comes in 3 sections. All of which fit into the cargo bay.


Some assembly is required. I docked sections 2 and 3 together -


And here's the line up with section 1 and the rear assembled section. "Gojira" is floating in the distance.


And here's the fully assembled station. It's a mix of DSM, LLL, B9, Bobcat HOME and MPSS Nautilus mods.


And here's the party trick! The gravity rotation rings and lights!


And this is just the core! There will be more added to this. This is mainly just the habitation and admin areas.

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JOHN CLEESE VOICE-OVER: "And now, for something completely different..."

Anybody remember Gerry Anderson's 1970 sci-fi series? The one BEFORE Space 1999? UFO it was called. And the main good guy organization portrayed was SHADO. And one of the main locations of the show was the SHADO Moonbase.


Well I've tried my hand at putting one together.

Mostly uses a mix of Lackluster Labs parts mixed with some B9 flat panels, Bobcat HOME side engines, and DSM cockpit pods. Also uses a Mustek pod as the core (really can't be seen, it's tucked way back under the flat panels, but there are ladders and such for Kerbals to EVA from.)



Still need to make the "Garage" area and landing pad in the front and the launchpad and the 5th dome at the back. But the main part with the central core and 4 of the 5 domes launches and lands on the Mun as a single unit.

Can house 80+ Kerbals!

Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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Thanks. I'll post pictures of my station when I get home. It's only two docked things for now, but I have an interesting concept - the tug onboard pulls the space station instead of pushing.

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Thanks. I'll post pictures of my station when I get home. It's only two docked things for now, but I have an interesting concept - the tug onboard pulls the space station instead of pushing.

Fair warning about one thing - those station rings? Once you trigger the inflation it's a one-way trip. There's no option to collapse or re-pack them. So be SURE your station is where you want it to be and in the configuration you want it to be in before opening those Nautilus rings!

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My first station.

The ring was modified from AlexVallat's Space Habitat 1.

The dish was inspired by stanonwheels' HMS Barry Scott.

K.I.S.S. _ Kerbal Interstellar Science Station


(click for album)

54 crew

7640 EU of Electricity

10800 Tons of Liquid Fuel

13200 Tons of Oxidizer

3270 Tons of Monopropellant

6 docking ports (2 currently docked w/ RCS/Liquid/Nuclear tugs)

So far to support this station, I've built:

a transporter capable of delivering 15 kerbals to KISS, fuel to share with the KISS, and fuel to catastrophically deorbit itself.

a ground unit for quickly getting 3 kerbals off the landing pad and back to the landing pad.

a ground unit with a slanted 10m ladder assembly to get the kerbals up into the hitchhiker pods on the transporter.

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One of mine from a while back (i posted to another thread but I should be here I think):


It has since been eaten by the Kraken.

Good job with the red lights to simulate reactor cores. Too bad the Kraken ate it.

Also, these all seem to be civvie stations... anyone have anything thats armored or designed from the ground up for combat?

Edited by Lazurkri
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.19 version

Glory Base

A pit stop before Kerbals set out to explore God's creation

Glory base ended up being destroyed in the update due to romfire (how ever its spelled) laser mod not working

a moment of silence for the fallen crew:

Jedediah Kerbin

Bill Kermin

Bob Kermin

Hanhat Kermin

Geofcot Kermin

Kenmud Kermin

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