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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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I really don't mean to offend anyone's builds, but Colonel's station kinda trumps it

Thanks I guess.

and only if you don't care about framerate, sadly. :c I'm still really hoping they release an update to unity 4 so I can take advantage of my other 5 CPU cores that are just sitting idle right now. Otherwise I'm going to have to scale it down to make it usable.

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I am beginning to build a new Space Station to replace the one that was destroyed in the update. But I need a name so how about I hear y'all suggestions. Only rule is it has to be Biblical. I ll pick the one I like the most as soon as its built.

I have one:Nephilim, named after the giants who inhabited Canaan.

Either that, or Seraph; the term is used to describe/name the beings who fly around God's throne.

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May I ask where you can get that rotating ring part that most people have? (I had it in 0.19, but I forgot from where)

That's from Bobcat's MPSS Nautilus pack. No idea if it still works in 0.20 though.


Here's one last pic of my 0.19 station (newly adorned with large solar arrays) before I move to 0.20. Think I might start afresh with something a little less CPU intensive. Anyway, click the pic to go to my imgur gallery. The mods used in my station are listed with hyperlinks in the gallery description.

Edited by Narcosis
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I have one:Nephilim, named after the giants who inhabited Canaan.

Either that, or Seraph; the term is used to describe/name the beings who fly around God's throne.


Almost done now im down to 3 options

Eden Base

Ezekiel Base

Seraph Base.

What do you guys think?

Also what should I add on to it next (a refueling tank will be added to the bottom)

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Almost done now im down to 3 options

Eden Base

Ezekiel Base

Seraph Base.

What do you guys think?

Also what should I add on to it next (a refueling tank will be added to the bottom)

also how do people make the stuff on the screen disappear so it will be just ship not the indicators?

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Although this more counts as a giant ship, I decided to put together a proper, very large replica of the Icarus II from the movie Sunshine. This module is the first of seven trips to the Icarus III building site.


The is the command and payload control module. It has a docking port on the rear for 6 other expansions, and one on the nose for the giant payload/heatshield. You can also see the twin ion hybrid engines that will send the Icarus home after launching the payload. On top, you can see a construction crane to help build the rest, and an RCS tugboat on the underside to help any needed EVA operations; both will be jettisoned when the Icarus leaves Kerbin's orbit.

The 6 following launches will deliver a habitation and science module (which I can't finish until Damned Robotics is updated to put the spinning solar panels in), an engineering and communications module (which will carry a buttload of hybrid ion engines and lots of Xenon gas, as well as fake comms. towers and such), two big fuel tanks, the giant payload/heatshield, and a spaceplane to send up the 8 Kerbals who will fly this behemoth to Kerbol. I might also bring Jeb on an SRB chair, just for fun.

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Has anyone here ever attempted to build the Citadel space station from Mass Effect?

I bet one could make a mini version of it using hinges from Damned Robotics and a bunch of panels. And of course an SRB with Jeb sitting on it for the Citadel tower. :D

Here are my stations from before the forum purge.

All stock.

Both were "cheated" into orbit

Hephaestus Orbital Shipyard

Caerus Space Station

Cheated or not, those are amazing, especially that crane on rails.

Edited by Sapphire
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Why the mini panels on the girder arms? also, whats that blue pod thing at the docking port?

I plan on adding a larger solar array soon. The mini where temerary.

The Blue thing is a small service craft. The Blue comand pod comes from here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24677-%280-20-x%29-Wayland-Corp-Development-and-released-download-Thread?highlight=space+1999

Edited by Rockcoole
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