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SOL: High Fidelity Graphics for KSRSS - Wen Release?!?


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Technically this isn't a spiffy thing so I don't see any reason not to show it off. Still needs some color tweaks as its a little too yellow, but its returned now and done in a much, much, much, much, MUCH less stupider way than it was in the past. 

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1 minute ago, kerbalboi said:

fair enough

Its getting there. Lately I've been pretty burnt out so its definitely slow going. Most likely some of the spiffy stuff will be skipped for the time being, but I want to finish up what I have started and then get the Moon done. 

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Additional Refinements to Atmosphere and City Lights:






Also, for low orbit shots like the above two, the standard screenshot distance has now been moved to 100km from 250km. So that should illustrate how good it looks even right on the butthole of these visuals. 

And here's an up to date to-do list:

- Finish Meteor Re-Do (we have real meteors to look at now ;) )
- Finish Fire/Oil Fire placements
-Extract and place into game Noctilucents
-Redo Aurora 
- Do Moon Stuff
-Push Dev Release
-Eat Hot Chip

Pushed to later releases:
-Debris/Sediment dynamics
-Atlantic/Pacific Hurricanes
-Lava  Flows/Volcanoes

Obligatory GIF of Dynamics



Edited by G'th
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We are rapidly making progress. I just have the noctilucents to finish up, and then we're off to Luna. 

From there its setting up the Vibrance version, and then its dev release time. I know I'm terrible with timelines, but may be by the weekend?

Once we have a dev release going and I get feedback on that, we'll be doing Mars and Venus, and I plan on coupling Mercury with the Belt and Comets so that'llbe the next thing afterr them, and then we'll be tackling the bigger part of this project in the Gas Giants.

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Something I think ya'll will appreciate is that I'm also going to do an updated Biome map for the Moon (and Mars eventually). I need this for my own purposes, but no reason not to send it along. They won't be even remotely balanced for career, as I'm going to do my best to mark off pretty much every major "biome" we've identified in real life so that will translate in game as just a buttload of places to get science from. 

BUT, you will be able to say definitively that you landed in Shackleton Crater or Acidalia Planitia, so its a neat trade off. 

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