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VAB/SPH/KSC texture location?

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I'm texturing some big custom assets and I want them to look similar to the stock space center buildings. Do you know where I can find their interior and exterior textures? Or are they hardcoded?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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21 hours ago, KersatMG said:


I'm texturing some big custom assets and I want them to look similar to the stock space center buildings. Do you know where I can find their interior and exterior textures? Or are they hardcoded?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Those are in files that are not accessable by the average person, but if you go in to the Spacedock website and look for the the mod KSC extended and others that use Kerbal Konstructs, you will find they use models faithful to the style and they are easy to get to their texture pics.

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  • 1 year later...
On 4/23/2022 at 9:13 AM, KersatMG said:


I'm texturing some big custom assets and I want them to look similar to the stock space center buildings. Do you know where I can find their interior and exterior textures? Or are they hardcoded?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

You cant really export them BUT once you build your models and you can apply the same textures used ingame to your models through KK configs, which is how Omegas stockalike structures KK mod did it and everyone else did. Contrary to earlier comment, KSC extended does not have the KSP building textures in it. They cant bc it goes against licensing b.s. yadda yadda.


i spent hours trying to do the same thing, find a way to export the textures, ane everyone who replied with help made me aware of the same thing.


to use them you hve to have KerbalKonstructs and Advanced textures mods installed. Read through their documentation and it explains everything.

as far as a list of KSP's built-in textures, you can find them on the Kerbal Konstructs GitHub Wiki HERE

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