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Parts not showing

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After my EVE clouds were buggy, I reinstalled all of the mods and formatted the game, resetting all of the settings too, after that everything was fine but some of my parts weren't showing, like the Mk1 command  pod or the HECS aren't showing. All of the mods are visuals or QoL, they  do NOT add new parts. I verified the files integrity with Steam but it doesn't say anything after the check gets at 100% (does that mean everything is okay?).

Pleas guys help me it's 2 months now that I have problems with mods (first with EVE as mentioned before, now this) and both r/KerbalSpaceProgram and r/KerbalAcademy don't seem to respond very greatly.

Thank you

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12 minutes ago, Giulio S said:

After my EVE clouds were buggy, I reinstalled all of the mods and formatted the game, resetting all of the settings too, after that everything was fine but some of my parts weren't showing, like the Mk1 command  pod or the HECS aren't showing. All of the mods are visuals or QoL, they  do NOT add new parts. I verified the files integrity with Steam but it doesn't say anything after the check gets at 100% (does that mean everything is okay?).

Pleas guys help me it's 2 months now that I have problems with mods (first with EVE as mentioned before, now this) and both r/KerbalSpaceProgram and r/KerbalAcademy don't seem to respond very greatly.

Thank you

Not sure what you meant by “formatted the game” means.  
Are you running a sandbox, science or career game?

log files would help, see my sig for info on how to find them and make them available

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