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Is anyone using Realism Overhaul + Real Antennas?


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I'm just wondering if it's working for other people.  On the vast majority of parts with antennas, I can't get Real Antenna's options to show up in the part right click menu.  It does on some, but a really random assortment and a minority, in all cases.

If it's working for other people, at least I know I can just try to reinstall and hope for the best - because all of my attempts to fix it have come to nothing now for weeks and I'm just frustrated and tired.

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ugh, i've been searching and waiting for an answer on this for weeks.  I don't think the add on forum gets nearly as many eyeballs as the general one does, even though basically everyone uses mods.

I've never had such an impossible time getting help before - between google failing and no forum responses, it's so insanely frustrating

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I respectfully disagree, the add on forum is very busy, and helpfull.

Have you:

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, and I'm sorry I can't give you an answer, but looking at your previous posts all you do is making new posts saying 'it doesn't work' without much to go on...

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Can you give some examples? I loaded up my RP-1 install in sandbox and as far as I can see all the pods/probe cores and antennae that are included in the express install have Real Antenna configurations (and the relevant PAW options).

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